War Diaries of 65th (Norfolk Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment RA



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January 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Hour, Date.  Place Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
4 Jan 44              THE CLYDE


Dropped anchor in GOUROCK in the morning and informed there would be no disembarkation today. Weather cold and snow on the hills round about.  
5                                " Disembarkation orders received, and deck spaces etc organised and allotted for disembarkation  
6                                " Regt disembarked from SS ORMONDE at Princes Pier GOUROCK at about 1100 hrs. Thence by special train to WYMONDHAM, Norfolk, having adequate supplies of tea and refreshments en route supplied by NAAFI at a halt  
7                          WYMONDHAM Arrived WYMONDHAM about 0530 hrs and were met at station by CO2 who has been arranging things for us with a small advance party in England for about a month  
  We are to take over billets etc and learn the adm technique from a rear party left behind by 92nd (Gordons) A tk Regt RA   
     Locations - RHQ, 257 and 260 Bties - Kimberley Hall, Nr Wymondham  
                       258 Bty                           - Attleborough  
                       259 Bty                           - Wymondham  
8,9 ,19 & 11 Jan 44 These 4 days spent in sorting out the complicated adm proceedings connected with soldiering in this country. Many Army Forms and innumerable regulations to which we are not accustomed are learnt with the invaluable aid of the Gordons rear party, of whom at least one Officer is attached to each billet area. Special trains to various parts of the country are laid on for transporting people on leave, and this,with passes, railway warrants, coupons of various sorts, and so on, entails considerable thought and preparation. The system on which leave is to run is for all personnel
entitled to 3 weeks leave (i.e. having served abroad between 2 and 4 years) and ½ people entitled to 2 weeks leave (abroad less than 2 years) to go within the next 3 days. On the return a fortnight hence of these 2 week men, the other 1/2 will go.
24 Jan 44              Kimberley Hall Adjutant returned from leave  
25   " CO returned from leave. CO2 went to short "Bridging" demonstration at Ilkley.  
25/30 This period was spent in adm work and laying a foundation for future training. This latter includes arranging large numbers of courses for Officers and men, preparation of rooms in billets for lecture rooms, miniature ranges on the sand-table style,
and so on. A few welfare items such as footballs and boxing gloves were obtained
26 Jan 44              Kimberley Hall The Div Comd visited the Regt and looked round the whole area occupied by the Regt. He expressed satisfaction with RHQ area, except for the question of hard standings for vehicles. Arrangements are made with the Garrison Engineer for these  
29 Jan 44                     " A telegram received that the Lt QM is very ill and in hospital, and unable to return from leave on Monday. This is very worrying as the Q side of the adm becomes increasingly important and proportionally busy day by day.   
  The Regt was invited to send between 50 and 60 ORs to a dance run by the WVS at Barnham Broom village hall. This is the first invitation to a social function which the Regt has received, and was enjoyed by all when initial shyness had been dispelled. The local population are as pleased to have their own Regt back in the county, as the Regt is fortunate in its location.  



February 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Hour, Date.  Place Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  During the period covered by February personnel were employed firstly on organisation of the area. Hard standings for vehicles, fatigues of all natures and all the time with the main object in view of trying to start training. Numerous courses of instruction are on hand, and we are starting to re-equip in the latter connection, many personnel are being sent on courses for training on M.10 3" equipments which are to be supplied to 258 and 260 Btys. Special points during the month  
Kimberley             4th. Visit by a Major (QM) from Eastern Command to put us right on English
Administration problems
  "                         6th Visit of Mobile Cinema.  
  "                         11th GOC's address to all officers of the Division on general matters which are to be watched in the U.K.  
  "                         17th Inspection of Regiment by General Montgomery.  
  "                         19th 3 new officers joined  
  "                         20th Major(IG) attached for a week.  
  "                         24th Parade of Div Arty for H.M. The King at HIBOROUGH HALL 283189. H.M. inspected all officers and men and during the day inspected the whole of the Division  
  "                         25th Visit by Assistant Inspector of Armourers  



March 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Hour, Date.  Place Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  Training proceded with less interruption during this month as we are now fairly well used to all the admin problems etc. Equipment continually arrives as also do personnel.  
  Training for such things as driving of L.C.Ts. (practised on a Watersplash built by Div R.Es. ) and cooperation with other arms is starting, though not until 22 March is any proper exercise undertaken. Firing both 17 Pdrs and S.P. 3" is carried out at HOLME and FOULNESS ranges respectively.  
Kimberley             22nd. Exercise with 131 Bde.  
  "                          24th Exercise with 8 Armd Bde.  
  "                          28th Officers practise observation of indirect fire from 25 Pdrs, as training for similar shooting with M.10s when we get H.E. ammunition  
  "                          30th 2 new officers join.  




April  1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Hour, Date.  Place Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  During April the planning of future operations from the Regimental point of view occupied much thought, and similar work to that carried out before the invasion of Italy. Staff tables showing allocation of Btys vehicles to pre-allotted serials were prepared, and there is a certain amount of "MOST SECRET" correspondence with Div H.Q. Towards the end of the month "TOP SECRET" - COMMANDING OFFICER ONLY documents are not at all uncommon.  
  The whole time, Bty training and schemes, as shown in Bty War Diaries continues apace, and as we get more and more equipped, so the training can be more complete.  
     8th..    Kimberley General R. Gordon Finlayson visited the regiment and talked to the men.  
    10th.    (Approx) Leave for all services suspended, except on special compassionate grounds  
    26th.            " A Regimental Audit Board audited the Regiments accounts.  
    28th.            " Trials on loading of vehicles carried out.  
    30th.            " The 2 17 pdr Btys are still lacking a number of their B Echelon vehicles, but we expecting them shortly.  



May 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart

Hour, Date.  Place Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
1 May Location. WYMONDHAM, Norfolk. 259 Bty went on an exercise, code name FABIUS, the details of which are TOP SECRET, but it afterwards turned out to be an exercise on lines similar to the movement which will be carried out for embarkation.
Wireless exercise for Btys at RHQ.
  257 firing on rifle ranges at THETFORD.  
7 May Movement order received for move to concentration areas.  
8 May 257 Bty and the vehicles of CO's recce party moved off to go to concentration area at 0900 hrs Location - Camp T 4, WEST HAM Stadium.  
9 May RHQ and 260 Btys (less Residues) move off to concentration area 0700 hrs, picking 258 Bty up at ATTIEBOROUGH on the way through at 0850 hrs.  
  Arrived at Dis Pt at 1420 hrs and were met by Lt STAMP who had preceded the main party by 2 days. Guided to concentration areas in Camp S 5, BRENTWOOD. The camp is run on the "HOTEL" System by 6 RHA (Not of this division) and a hot meal is ready
on arrival.
10 May  Waterproofing proceeds apace, and all ranks work full time until 2000 hrs at night. Our deficiencies of waterproofing kit and indeed of equipment generally are a tremendous handicap  
  News received from the Residue that Capt (QM) WILKINSON has collapsed and gone to hospital. Maj JJ BARCLAY RA (2IC) returned to the residue to take charge.  
  259 Bty is still located with the Residue.  
  Brig EKINS, Comd 131 Bde, who is in this area has given permission for 50% of every unit to be allowed out of camp in the BRENTWOOD Area, and a further 4 X 3 tonner loads of personnel to go to CHELMSFORD, ROMFORD, INGATESTONE, and BILLERICAY on
allotted days and to LONDON any day
11 - 12 May Waterproofing and efforts to collect stores occupy all daylight hours. 2IC returned from the Residue  
14 May News received that we are to get "New SP Equipments" and we think this must mean M 10s. mounting 17 pr guns instead of 3" guns.  
15 May CO, 2IC, and OC 257 Bty attend a Briefing Conference at Div HQ (still located at DIDLINGTON at 1100 hrs.  
16 May  4 MAYFLYS (M 10s mounting 17 prs) arrived to replace 4 M 10s mounting 3" guns. We are told that one Bty (260) will be completely equipped with the new type. The weldware and waterproofing have all to be done on them and shifts are organised from
0530 hrs to 2200 hrs in order to work throughout daylight
17 May 8 more MAYFLYS arrived. Work is proceeding as fast as possible, and it is hoped that 4 will be completed by tomorrow  
19 May Collecting stores and working on waterproofing occupy most of the time.  
21 May Adjt held a conference for 2 IC's of the Btys at 1130 hrs to discuss documentation and general procedure on marshalling and move to concentration areas.  
  We are still short of 4 3-tonners, a Carrier S & C and a Quad in the Regt. In the afternoon 260 Bty fired 2 of the new MAYFLYS at SHOEBURYNESS Experimental Station. These two equipments are waterproofed except for the turret ring.  
  During our stay in Camp S5 there have been hundreds of bombers flying over to the continent by day and night.  
24 May  There was a conference at Movement Control HQ to give Os C Unit Parties on each ship the Marshalling Plan. The Regt is split into several MT Ships.  
26 May  At 0001 hrs this morning the camp was sealed - meaning that no-one can go out without a very special permit  
  At 1000 hrs the CO held a conference re the sealing of the camp and ordered that all personnel and vehicles who are not operationally part of Serial 41 will return to the Residue at 1600 hrs today.  
27 May MC representatives marked all vehicles in serial 41 with the Veh Park No for marshalling purposes, and the loading index number.  
  Conference for unit party commanders (ie Os C Ships Parties from Serial 41) at MC Office 1830 hrs to discuss further the move to marshalling areas, which takes place for us on 29 May.  
  We are to pre-marshal tomorrow.  
28 May  Unit Party on MT Ship No 23 moved off to pre-marshal at 1615 hrs. MT Ship 24 moved off at 2145 hrs. Pre-marshalling area is immediately outside the camp and a guard is left on the trucks while the majority of the drivers sleep and feed in their present tents, etc. A few vehicles had to be towed soon after starting but that was due mainly to such minor things as petrol tank breather being sealed with waterproofing
material, etc, which was soon rectified.
29 May The remainder of Serial 41 moved off to pre-marshal. At 1130 hrs, the CO, Maj PARKER (OC 260),Maj JACKSON (OC 258) and Capt HUGGONS (Adjt) were briefed at Div HQ by GOC Division. This was Grade I Briefing which included locations and the complete plan. At 1430 hrs all other officers were similarly briefed in Grade II, ie the general idea and the points to think about, without the actual place being named.  
  After this latter briefing most of the junior officers went down to the marshalling area, where their trucks already are.  
30 May Only about 200 men are now left in the Camp, the remaining 150 odd having gone with the vehicles (after loading them, the personnel return to this camp and rejoin the remainder.  
  At 0000 hrs the CRA addressed all officers and ORs on the contents of a talk, given recently by Gen MONTGOMERY, GOC 21 Army Group. The men were greatly encouraged by figures given of Allied Aircraft and the destruction they are causing and also by the general war review  
  Bathing parties were arranged during. the day (which was very hot) in a nearby lake  
31 May  Most of the Regt's vehicles were loaded onto ships today, and a number of drivers returned to camp here by evening.  



June 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Camp S.5. Brentwood 1   Weather turned dull, with rain for about 1 1/2 hrs. C.O. lectured to all officers of RHQ, 258 & 260 Btys on MAPLAY code (used for encoding MAP refs),at 1200 hrs for about 3/4 hrs. Orders issued for changing money to-morrow  
  2   CO, OC 258 & OC 260 and A/Adjt left Camp S.5. to go to the T areas where they are marshalling. The C.Os. recce party which comprises the above named officers is moving with 257 Bty, in order to arrive overseas about 24 hrs in advance of their Bties etc. Changed Sterling; withdrawn from the troops, and drew £1 equivalent per head in the new currency for payment to troops. The money is not to be paid over to the men until tomorrow in order to keep the country which is to be invaded as secure as possible until the last moment. Orders issued for marshalling personnel which is to be carried out tomorrow.  
  3   Exchange money paid out together with £1 per head pay at 0800 hrs. Rate of exchange 200 Francs to £1 Sterling Francs are issued in denominations of 500, 100, 50 & 5.  
      Personnel marshall as follows:-  
             MT 23 (RHQ) in present area.  
             MT 14)  
             MT 26) 258 in S.7.  
             MT 24 RHQ & 260 in S.7.  
             MT 25 260 in S.7.  
      Parties moved off starting at 1000 hrs and marched to Camp S.7. (Warley Barracks) about 2 miles away. At this stage, Battery identity ceases, until we concentrate in France, and unit parties are directly under command the senior officer from the unit on that ship.  
Camp S.5. Brentwood     MT 23 personnel remaining in camp S.5. are u/c Adjt; warning order received that we move to embarkation point to-morrow at 1330 hrs.  
Camp S.7. Brentwood 4   MT 23 personnel (consisting of Adjt, MO & Lt(QM) and 25 O.Rs. paraded at 1245 hrs with kit and at 1300 hrs were loaded into 
troop carrying vehicles. At 1330 hrs we moved off to the docks at TILBURY arriving at about 1430. A bag ration of a packet of biscuits and 2 bars of chocolate had been provided before leaving S.5. and this was consumed on arrival at the docks where a mug of tea was ready for each man. 
      After the usual hanging about, we boarded a ferry boat at about 1630 hrs and went out to MT 23, now standing in mid-stream. MT 23 is a
"Liberty Ship" called "SS IGNATIUS DONELLY" crewed by Americans Liberty Ships are built for cargo only, but in this case, two holds tween decks have been left clear of vehicles in order to accommodate troops.
      The overcrowding is of course immense and everyone is most uncomfortable but in very good spirit. Cooking facilities are virtually nil, but by pooling cooks and cooking equipment from units on board, a cookhouse is set up on deck.   
      OC Troops held a conference of Unit party Commanders, which the Adjt attended and certain points for inclusion in Ships standing orders were discussed and a decision reached.  
      The men had a hot meal and a brew of tea during the evening. Rations on board are the "Compo" type, and it has been decided to make and individual issue of the tins of self-heating soup and cocoa, cigarettes and chocolate, while the remainder of the rations go to the cooks for preparation.  
Tilbury 5   Ships orders were explained to the men and other points of drill such as lifebelts, etc. were practised. At 11000 hrs a parade was held at emergency stations and the Adjt explained the method of launching rafts and the procedure for "Abandon Ship". The various alarm signals were learned. At 1630 hrs we moved down river in company with a number of similar ships and dropped anchor again just inside the boom..  
Standing off Tilbury. 6   Remained anchored all day. At 0800 hrs news was said to have come from the BBC that the Germans report a paratroop landing at the Seine Estuary. Later, the ships officers kindly loaned their Radio's loud speaker to be put on the deck so that the men could hear it. Shortly afterwards, official news of our landing between Le Havre and CHERBOURG was announced in a communique from HQ Allied Expeditionary Force. A  
      t 1400 hrs the Adjt obtained permission to brief the men and with the aid of maps and Air Photographs of the beach (the latter borrowed for the occassion) explained the plan, and gave the men so far as possible an idea of the immediate job on landing.   
      Exhortations from Generals Eisenhower and Montgomery were read. Weather cold with a high wind, a slight rain for a short while in the evening.  
  7   Weighed anchor at 0600 hrs and sailed about half an hour later, from 0800 approx to 1015 approx, the convoy (about 27 ships) moved only at a crawling pace, during which time we passed through the Straights of Dover.   
      The French Coast was clearly visible until many Corvettes and Minesweepers and other small escort craft, together with 2 Albacore aircraft laid a smoke screen covering the convoy. 2 shells presumably from enemy coastal Bties landed in the sea in the convoy.   
      Convoy proceeded all day at the same very slow pace. Plans were made at an OC Troops conference at 1800 hrs for unloading the ship.  
      At present it is not known what craft will be used to take vehicles and personnel to the shore.   
      The order was given that during the evening the ship should remain as quiet as possible. It is presumed to be because of the listening apparatus on the escort ships.  
On board ship. 8   Breakfast this morning is at 0600 hrs and the ship is made ready to unload by 0700 hrs i.e. personnel bring all their kit on deck, and hatches etc. are cleared. At 0815 we dropped anchor off the landing beach amid a mass of shipping of all kinds - Battleships, Naval craft of every sort and size. Our
landing beach is area ASNELLES-SUR-MER 7786: 
      Apparently unloading operations were delayed yesterday by bad weather and in consequence therefore we are held up today. Many landing craft can be seen stranded high and dry on the sands and it is thought (from a ships wireless intercept) that they were ordered not to discharge vehicles until they were dry.   
      During the day we moved about occassionally on directions from a navy launch to form up in the order required. While the tide was low we were resting on the sea-bed for some 2 hours. No unloading took place from MT23 all day.  
Asnelles-Sur-Mer 9   At about 0900 hrs an LCT came alongside to commence the unloading and was followed by others. Unloading proceeded very slowly and not until about 1130 was the first LCT able to move off to the shore with 6 vehicles on board.  
      The sea is fairly calm though the small craft are about a little. Weather dull and windy. About 1200 hrs the LCT (and others) moved away to the shore to unload. In several cases vehicles were unloaded in water too deep for them and were soon drowned and completely submerged by the rising tide.  
      When this happened the vehicles in question were of ten smashed by landing craft steering over them. Once ashore, drivers followed the Div Axis to concentration areas, the RA concentration area being the area RYES,  
      8483; SOMMERVIEU, 8381; MAGNY, 8182. See Regt O.C. No1 attached  
Sommervieu 10   By about 1500 hrs nearly all RHQ vehs from MT ships 23 and 24 had assembled and a skeleton TAC HQ had moved to TAC 131 Bde.  
      At 1930 hrs orders were received that 131 Bde would start to move forward to the Battle at first light the following morning, and RHC Main + B Ech moved at 2100 hrs to the respective Echelons of 131 Bde HQ located in the POULIGNY AREA - 807827  
      As the battle moves forward numbers of enemy snipers remain undetected behind our lines, and brings the need for very careful stand to both at last and first light to importance.   
      As it does not get dark until 2315 and starts to get light at 0430 the night is very short, and sleep thus limited. In
addition enemy aircraft are active at these times, as our own fighter cover have to return to ENGLAND or come from there in daylight.
Pouligny 11   At 0700 RHQ Main moved with 131 Bde Main to area BLARY 805760.  
      Tac are already there. Respective Bty War Diaries show the localities of Bties and their progress in the battle.  
      News received today that 260 Bty (17 Pdrs mounted on M.IO S.P. equipments) had destroyed a German Mk.lV tank.   
      Still a number of guns have not arrived, but gradually Bties are building up to their full strength. Heavy fighting is proceeding North of TILLY SUR SEULLES 840683.  
Blary 12   The Battle in the TILLY area is becoming static, and we are uable to advance owing to the very bad country and cross fire from easily concealed enemy positions 259 Bty (Due to land on D Plus 3) started to link up with us.   
739671 13   Moved at 0400 hrs to proceed down a new Centre Line, as the plan for the advance to VILLERS BOCAGE 8157 has been changed. The new Centre Line is Track junction 751759ST PAUL DU VERNAY 7470, X Roads 727634, BRIQUESSARD742594, - VILLERS BOCAGE.
It was reported later in the day, that the Brigade group had entered VILLERS but had moved out to the NORTH of the town as the fighting inside was too stiff.
      Between the present Centre Line through TILLY, numerous enemy are located in woods etc. and in fact the BRIQUESSARD - VILLERS road is cut, and the Centre Line threatened in other places. RHQ is located at 739671 and it is reported that some 500 enemy are in the woods
NE, E and SE of this location, (Who are armed with small arms weapons and possibly an odd tank or so) during the night the Adjt is placed in command of area defence for 131 Bde MAIN HQ and attached HQs. 
      There are however, only about 35 ORs who can be taken for defence from the whole HQ: while still keeping W/T sets etc manned. These men, with 4 Bren Guns, and the remainder carrying rifles and Stens are put out as perimeter defence, around the camp area. Nothing however, is seen of the reported enemy and the bulk of the guard is withdrawn at stand down in the morning.  
739671 14   Replacement arrived for the 15 cwt W/T Rear Link truck which was drowned on landing. Warning order that the Brigade is moving over to a new Centre Line FOULOGNES 7065 - X Roads 727634 - LA PAUMERIE 731617 - VILLERS BOCAGE, and the move to the new Centre Line will take place at 1st Light tomorrow.  
      Troops in the VILLERS area are being withdrawn and 131 Bde are to form a firm base with the Armour behind them. The Adjt did a recce for Bde HQ of the area to which Bde HQ is to move.  
717644 15   RHQ, MAIN moved at 0600 hrs to area 710653. TAC Bde moved to area 717644. Later MAIN moved to the area of TAC and the two sub-sections of RHQ joined up.   
      The Brigade has formed a firm base from the area TORTEVAL 7563 to BRIQUESSARD 7459, with the Armd Bde behind it. C.O. spent the day Co-ordinating A/TK layout. The infantry are very thin on the ground and there are considerable gaps in the defence.   
      Mobile reserves of Tanks, the Armd Bde Motor Bn and 260 Bty are available. In the evening enemy counter attacks developed on a comparatively small scale, presumably to probe the defence line for weak spots. In certain places odd numbers of 20 or less enemy infantry infiltrated behind
our lines.
      In this very wooded country, with hedges everywhere, it is not difficult for them. All attacks were repulsed with considerable losses to the enemy.  
  16   Counter attacks all day along the Southern and Centre sectors of the Bde front. 257 Bty killed a Mk Vl (TIGER) tank at 150x range Bties are under Comd Bns. as follows:- 257 1/6 Queens          258 1/5 Queens.         259 1/7 Queens.  
      260 22 Armd Bde, mobile reserve in support of firm base.  
      257 & 258 Bties did a good deal of damage to enemy infantry by small alms fire, killing numbers of them.  
  17   Enemy are still probing the line, and are being beaten satisfactorily all the time. 257 Bty again killed a tank, believed to be a TIGER  At 1400 hrs it was reported that Major L.G. Ditchfield, OC 257 Bty had been killed, a short time before the report. Maj J.J. Barclay (2 i/c) attended a conference at 131 Bde HQ and afterwards went out on a recce of new positions.   
      The Bde Comd's intention is to reform the firm base on a new line some 800-1000 yards behind the present line and has been given 1 RB to be included. This will thicken the infantry considerably.  
      About 1830 hrs 257 Bty reported on the air that they and 1/6 Queens were being overrun by infantry. CO ordered 8 M.10's (with 17 pdrs) from 260 Bty to proceed to the area to assist in restoring the line. RHQ TAC & MAIN moved together at 2030 hrs to STE HONORINE DE DUCY726655 to more appropriate billets. A line was run out to Bde HQ who remained in their same location 257 have difficulty with the enemy all night in the
process of withdrawing their guns. 1 Off & 19 O.RS. joined the Regt from 1st reinforcements. 
      The officer, Lt. ORFORD was not formerly in the Regt but the 19 O.Rs. are personnel sent as 1st reinforcements in the U.K.  
STE. HONORINE DE DUCY. 18   Padre held a Communion Service for RHQ at 0600 hrs. 257 Bty are now known to have lost 4 guns during last night and about 17 O.R.S. MAJ H CRANFIELD RA is posted to the Regt to command 257 Bty and Capt LOG SWAIN who rejoined this Regt on 15 June is posted to 257. Adjt visited Corps reinforecement unit in the evening and drew 20 O.R. reinforcements.  
  19   Wet weather all day to-day and cold. The front is very static and most of the Division is making up a little sleep. The Adjt gave RHQ their (usually) daily talk on the battle situation at 2000 hrs and at 2100 hrs all the men listened to the news frothe BBC which concluded with a despatch from a War Correspondent
describing the 7th Armoured Division's experiences in NORMANDY/
  20   Weather still wet. Adjt visited 257 Bty to take a Summary of Evidence in two cases for which Court-Martials are required  
  21   Adjt again visited 257 Bty to take an addition to a Summary of Evidence taken yesterday. Weather dull and wind cold. A few shells in RHQ vicinity during the night.  
  22   Weather dull in morning again, but brightened up considerably later on. At about 1700 hrs a number of shells fell in the RHQ and MAIN HQ 131 BDE area. No casualties but a few tyres punctured, petrol cans broken and minor things of that sort.  
  23   No change in the situation. B.Cs. conference at 1500 hrs to discuss promotion of NCO's to fill existing vacancies. The conference was held at RHQ and lasted 2 hours. Weather quite sunny and warm.  
  24   No change to report in the situation. Weather hot with no wind. Capt Fitxgerald and Lt. KE Flatt left the Regt  
Ste Honorine Du Ducy. 25   Lt. P.H. Stewart inter-posted from RHQ to 257 Bty. F.G.C.M. held at RHQ for trial of Gnr Callaghan (257 Bty) Prosecution conducted by Adjt, while Lt. HA Arnold defended the accused. Very fine weather again. At about 2200 hrs shells arrived in the RHQ billet area. It is thought probable that an enemy SP 88 mm is firing at the Steeple of the Church about 100x from our house.   
      One shell hit the roof of the Church, while most of the remainder crashed into the ground about 20x from our house. One OR recently posted to RHQ was wounded in the thigh and buttock.  
718659 26   Moved (as the present position seems destined to be shelled accurately) at 0645 hre and leagured temporarily at 720647, while CO2 recced a more suitable area, Moved again on the result of this recce to a house at 718659. CO visited all guns of 2 batteries during morning.   
      Wet all day to-day, Rum issue ordered in the evening by the usual Div signal for i - "Splice the Mainbrace"   
  27   Adjt visited 257 Bty to take further evidence in a Court Martial case. In the afternoon, he visited B Echelon for the same reason and them went to the re-inforcement camp at 823750 to obtain reinforcements.  
      CO is informed of an operation due to start shortly and lays on the A/Tk part but the operation is subsequently cancelled, and new orders issued that the CO is to co-ordinate the A/Tk defence of a firm base consisting of the present firm
base, extended to the left as far as LES ORAILLES 7666. News of 8 Corps advance West of CAEN is good.
  28   CO & CO2 recceing the new A/Tk defence during morning. Staff Capt RA visited RHQ during morning. Bties locations as from tomorrow are as follows, 258 and 260 having moved.  
      RHQ 719659           257 HQ 745624               258 RHQ 727613  
      259 Hq 748632       260 HQ 740655  
  29   Orders received that we are to send a Major and 2 layers to test our new equipment in the UK. The equipment is a VALENTINE tank mounting a 17 pdr. Major Jackson and a layer from each of 258 & 260 Bties will be sent.  
      Lt. V.R. MINNEY joined RHQ as A/Adjt in place of Lt PH STEWART who went to 257 Bty on June 25.  
      A 17 pdr from 259 is ordered to report to Div HQ to-morrow morning for a water test under the CRE. The details of the test are not yet known, but the gun is to be semi-waterproofed with Grease G.S.  
  30   Weather still very dull and wet. 259 supplied a 17 pdr to carry out a trial for crossing a river. The gun was supported in the water by infantry boats tied to it, and towed across by a DUKW.   
      Unfortunately, towards the end, due to an accident the propellor shaft of the DUKW broke, but the trial was sufficiently carried out by then. The gun has to be waterproofed to cross a river in this way. At about 2000 hrs between 300 & 400 RAF Lancasters and Hallifax's bombed VILLER S, THURY HARCOURT, and CONDE SUR NOIREAU with the object of interfering with communications of 9 & 10 Pz Divs which have just appeared on the front. The planes flew over the front and provided a magnificient sight for the army.   
      Very few were shot down (about 3) due to the fact that AGRA and our Div Arty were shooting hard on all known enemy AA-positions. FLAK was very meagre.  
      At about 2030 hrs. A Party of American Officers from 2 US Armd Div arrived at RHQ with the information that they were releiving us.
News to this effect was received from Div shortly afterwards and the Div is going to move to a concentration area North and North West
of TILLY-SUR-SEULLES in the area of JERUSALEM x roads 8272.




July 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 1   Orders received that the Div is to withdraw on relief by 2 US Armd Div, and rest and clean up. Conc area is to be JERUSALEM X rds 8272. 
Main RHQ moved at 1600 hrs to S house at 819753, leaving Tac HQ at the old location until 0600 hrs tomorrow. Weather again wet.
Orders later issued to say that 259 and 260 Btys were to remain in present posns in the line. It is hoped they will be withdrawn later.
  2   257 and 258 are now in new locations at 833707 and 826701 respectively.TAC HQ moved to join MAIN RHQ at 0600 hrs.
CO 2 went out to area BUCEELS830703 to recce A tk posns between the 82 and 84 EASTINGS. The Div, while resting, is to be prepared to occupy a defence line as depth to fwd tps.
  3   For the first morning since landing in FRANCE, reveille was timed for 0700 hrs. Hitherto, there has been a Stand To every morning at 0430 hrs.
At 0900 hrs TAC and MAIN RHQ paraded in clean kit. Battle Dress was all cleaned with petrol and webbing equipment scrubbed white.
      At 0930 hrs approx the BMRA visited RHQ to see if any difficulties or troubles required looking into.
At 1500 hrs, the CO attended a talk at Div HQ 810753 by the C-in-C, General Montgomery, who reviewed the war, propounded the future plan.
      The latter is not to be known below Lt Col level.  
      At 1900 hrs, the CO talked to RHQ (TAC and MAIN) on the C-in-C's review of the war in NORMANDY. The facts given were most interesting and extremely encouraging. News received today of an American attack, with 3 Corps' SOUTHWARDS from the Cherbourg Peninsula.  
Field 4   CO visited Btys to reproduce the C-in-C's talk  
      At 0900 hrs onwards 2 Courts Martial were held at RHQ (Gnrs MARCHANT and SCRAGG, of 257) for desertion. The Adjt-prosecuted, while Lt HA ARNOLD RA (257) defended.  
      2 IC visited the rft Camp in the afternoon, but at present, no rfts are held.
Today baths and cinema seats have been allotted to the Regt for the
Public Baths and CINEMA MODERNE at BAYEUX. 100 men to each.
  5   CRA game to RHQ at 0900 hrs and visited all Btsy except 259 Bty  
      No parades were laid on but the CRA saw the men doing their normal jobs on
their equipments
      Adjt went to Div HQ and B Echelon during the morning.
At 1500 hrs the CO visited B Echelon to re-produce Gen MONTGOMERY's talk (see Jul 31.
      The Technical Maintenance Officer from Div Sigs visited the Regt and the Regt Sigs Offr (Lt JP HAYLEY RA) accompanied him on visits to Btys. He
inspected maintenance on WT sets and charging engines.
  6   CO visited 259 Bty and made a tour of inspection.
In the afternoon the CO and 2 IC visited 101 Ret Camp in connection with Officer rfts but at present none are available suitable for us.
      The Prime Minster, Mr CHURCHILL, made a statement in the House of Commons on the "Flying Bomb" which has been used by the Germans to bomb Southern ENGLAND since soon after "D" Day. The bomb has caused some 2750 cas equal to the number of bombs which have crossed the Channel.   
      Weather fine all day - close and thundery in the evening.  
  7   CO again visited 259 Bty as his inspection yesterday was not complete.  
      Mail from the UK is now to be flown to NORMANDY daily, and vice versa.  
      259 Bty HQ moved during the afternoon to 765683. This Bty is to take part in an operation known as "Ocean Swell".  
      30 Corps Rest Camp, designed to accomodate 100 offrs and 1000 ORs opened at LE MESNIL 7987 on 4 Jul. The period allotted for each party going to the Camp is 3 nights, and we are allotted 2 offr and 20 OR vacancies from 1600 hrs 7 Jul to 1200 hrs 10 Jul. An off from each of 258 and 260 Btys and 8 ORs 258 5 ORs 259 and 7 ORs 260 went today. Amenities include almost any outdoor sport bathing, ridnig, sailing, fishing, etc and NAAFI supplies, beer and wine are available.  
  8   CO and a small party from each Bty attended a demonstration of River Crossing by 17 prs. We have supplied 2 X 17-prs for this. The demonstration was at 1030 hrs at VAUGELLES.  
      259 Bty under comd 56 Bde are taking part in an operation which started early this morning. For details, see 259 Bty War Diary.
OC 2 Sqn Div Sigs and TMO visited the Adjt at 1500 hrs to discuss points arising out of their inspection recently.
      At 2100 hrs Capt BALFOUR and Capt HAMPTON who were both left with the Residue arrived at RHQ to report that the residue has arrived complete and is concentrated in the RYES area. They will arrive in their respective Bty areas tomorrow, orders having been given that they are to move to B Ech areas tonight.  
  9   259 Bty lost 3 offrs during the morning - Capt A HOTTON killed, Lt L BADGER wounded and Lt AG COGGAN missing. All these offrs were doing recces, when the cas occurred. Capt WOLLEY is posted to 259 Bty to comd a Troop temporarily.  
      At 1330 hrs, the Residue arrived in RHQ Main Location. The Regt office is included in the party.  
      In the evening the CO gave RHQ Residue a "GRIFF" talk on the NORMANDY war so far.258 Bty had their Sgt Fitter and a senior No 1 killed in the evening by shellfire.  
Field 10   257 Bty supplied a 17-pr and det to fire trials with SABOT amn in the area of BALLEROY 6869. The trial was carried out against a brand-new captured PANTHER tank at a range of 750 yds. The penetration of front armour was successful.  
      During the night 257 Bty is to relieve 259 Bty under comd 56 Inf Bde. 258 Bty have been stonked in their present area twice during the last 24 hours and are moving to a new HQ in area NONANT 8375. Move completed by 2000 hrs.Orders received that from 0700 hrs tomorrow, the Div is at 2 hrs notice to move. Probably no move until 12th and then to EAST of R SEULLES (to a similar leaguer area to the present one) on vacation by 11 Armd Div.   
      2 hrs notice was later increased to 4 hrs notice.  
  11   259 Bty are ordered to relieve a Bty of 73 A tk Regt on the Corps stop line in the area CRISTOT 8770 in order that this Bty of 73 A tk can relieve 257  
      Intimation received that the General will inspect the Regt 13 Jul  
  12   257 Bty relieved and moved to area Ste DUOY MARGUERITE 8573.  
      RHQ played football versus a Fd Pk Sqn RE of 50 Div who are encamped in the next field. Result - RHQ lost 3 - 1  
  13   General's inspection postponed until 15 Jul.  
      257 and 259 Btys ordered to move from EAST of R SEULLES to this side of the river. 257 move back to their old posn at 840707 and 259 move to area 811748   
      Regt is busy at present cleaning all vehs and equipt, incl personal web equipt  
  14   Weather yesterday and today has been very sunny and warm. Cleaning up is consequently so much easier  
      At 1400 hrs CO held a promotion conference at RHQ lasting until 1600 hrs.  
      The first Bulk Issue of NAAFI has been drawn today, and is limited to a ration of roughly 4/9d per man.  
      At 1630 hrs the CO attended a conference at Div HQRA.
COG's inspection which was to have been tomorrow, has been cancelled.
  15   CO inspected RHQ vehs and personnel at 0845 hrs. At 0930 hrs CO 15 LAA REGT visited RHQ to discuss adm problems in connection with a Tp from his Regt which is to be attached to us.   
      The Troop in question is equipped with Crusader Tanks mounting OERLIKONS and has the double use of being able to tow 17 prs in awkward situations. Half the Tp is to be attached to 257 and the other half to 259.Rubber tracks with chevrons are drawn for 9 of our M 10s today.   
      At present some of the M 10s have steel tracks and others have block rubber. The former cause undue wear on the bogies, while the latter skid in mud! Hence the change.  
      Capt J PAGE joined the Regt at 2230 hrs, having been posted.  
  16   Orders issued as warning for move, but not before 1200 hrs tomorrow. Later this is changed until not before 0700 hrs tomorrow.  
      CO attended a conference at 131 Bde HQ at 1700 hrs. At 2100 hrs he held a conference for BCs and gave orders for tomorrow's move. The Regt less 260 Bty is to cross the Start Point 828732 at 0930 hrs and proceed by Route C which is a bulldozed track, to the assembly area for the next operation.  
  17   We leaguer at 893787 arriving there at about 1200 hrs. At 1250 hrs, The CO gave BCs a brief talk on their part during the first stage of the operation
(ie moving up to the Start Line) which necessitates crossing the R ORNE. There are 3 brs across the River, and 3 Armd Divs are to get across. Tpt thus has to be cut to the barest minimum. RHQ has been cut down to 10 vehs - 4 TAC and 6 MAIN.
      At 1500 hrs CO and BCs attended a conference at 131 Bde HQ, and the GOC briefed them.  
      CO gave RHQ personnel a "GRIFF" talk on the forthcoming operation at 1900 hrs.  
      RHQ TAC will move a s usual with 231 Bde TAC and RHQ MAIN with 131 Bde MAIN.
     Btys are under comd fmns etc as follows:-

257.............1/7 Queens
258.................. -do-
259.............1/6 Queens
260. ...........22 Armd Bde.

  18   The weather (on which the op depends) is ideal.  
      At 0630 hrs all available aircraft from ENGLAND carried out a tremendous bombing programme lasting until 0830 hrs.
TAC RHQ moved at 0840. MAIN moved 5 minutes later to join 131 Bde MAIN at 885780.
      At about 1000 hrs MAIN RHQ moved off, along a cross-country route. The ensuing journey was most monotonous, as the col was constantly halted for varying lengths of time and moved in fits and starts. It was never possible to move for more than 3/4 of a mile at a time. The length of each halt was an unknown quantity, as it depended entirely on the condition of traffic in front.  
      It was thus impossible to decide whether to "Brew-up" or not, and on several occasions when a cup of tea was nearly made the col moved off.
It became clear towards dusk, that the move would continue during the night.
      Throughout today, the Regt WT net broadcast news of the battle from TAC HQ. This morning's bombing seems to have destroyed one Regt of 21 Pz Div complete. This Regt was equipped with Pz KW IVs.   
      At about hrs 2300 enemy aircraft bombed in the area of the brs. 257 Bty lost 1 Sgt Killed and 3 ORs wounded.  
  19   Not until 0515 hrs was this stage of the move completed. At this time MAIN HQ leagured at 105743 after crossing the R ORNE by "LONDON BR"  
      At about 1200 hrs MAIN RHQ moved to area 101727 while TAC moved to 093696. Weather very fine and warm  
  20   News received that the 2 IC, Maj JJ BARCLAY and Lt A AYLING of 260 Bty had both been awarded the MC and Sgt HAMILTON of 260 Bty had won the DCM.  
      At 1345 hrs RHQ moved to area 091687. Later, TAC HQ moved into the village of GIBERVILLE 0968.
Weather very sunny and warm until about 1630 hrs and then a deluge of very heavy rain started and lasted most of the night
  21   Raining still this morning and more very heavy rain during the day.The cornfield in which we are leaguered is a quagmire and the Div Axis track which crosses cornfields for several miles. NORTH of here is a line of thick mud and water.  
      The Div is being relieved by a CANADIAN Inf Div, and is going under comd 2 CANADIAN CORPS. A move is expected when the ground dries up a bit to the CAEN-FALAISE rd, which is to be the new Div Centre Line.  
  22   Weather slightly better. Rds everywhere are very muddy, and in the case of some brs over the river the track is so bad that the br's have had to be closed.  
      During the afternoon RHQ M IN moved back some 600 yds, as hitherto we have been with Bde HQ sitting on skyline in full view of the enemy a few
miles away. Occasional shells have been dropped in the area. Location now is 093694.
  23   Today we brought up the balance of RHQ MAIN tpt which was sent back to B Ech for the operation.  
                   131 Bde HQ are re-organising as follows:-  
                                         TAC is being eliminated.  
                                         MAIN is a small HQ now incl the tpt which used to be in TAC and a little of the old MAIN (CO,2 IC, A/Adjt).  
                                         REAR - which is the balance. (Adjt, T/Adjt, Sigs Offr, MO, Padre).  
      To conform, RHQ ds re-naming "TAC" - "MAIN" and re-naming "MAIN" "REAR". Then 2 HQs will travel with MAIN and REAR 131 Bde.  
  24   CO attended conference at HQ RA at 1500 hrs. The next op, known as Op SPRING is timed to start at Dawn tomorrow morning.
Copies of air photographs covering areas of future adv have been given to the Regt.
  25   MAIN HQ moved off at about 0615 hrs. REAR HQ remained in present location and REAR 131 Bde moved in at 0700 hrs. News of the battle is not very exciting.   
      By the end of the day, the Div had hardly been committed at all and the Inf Divs in front of us had only advanced about 1200 yds. Identi fication of all 4 Pz Divs has been made.  
      1 SS, 9 SS, 10 SS and 12 SS all appear to be facing this front.
The Div CL on this front is the main rd CAEN - FALAISE.
  26   Every day in the present posn RHQ has received a few close shells from high velocity guns. No damage fortunately has been done.
131 Bde have now formed a firm base in the area SOUTH Of IFS 0463.
      RHQ MAIN are at 037647. During the night RHQ REAR was bombed with small anti-personnel bombs, 1 OR slightly wounded and evacuated, several trucks with small pieces of splinter in tyres, etc. No real damage.  
  27   At about 1000 hrs REAR Bde HQ moved to 090710 in order to keep rather more clear of shell fire. RHQ REAR conformed. Unfortunately the location in which RHQ finds itself is about 200 yds from a busy rd junc and in full (though distant) view of the enemy. 2 very close shells fell in our leaguer, and others nearby, so at 2200 hrs we moved to 098723. Bde HQ's actual location is 095718.  
Field 28   At 0830hrs, the RSM (RSM WOOLGAR) left to recce a new area to which we are to move this morning. At 0945 we moved to 008752.  
      The Americans on the right flank of the br hd have adv a good deal in the last 48 hrs, and the plan now is to straighten the line on the 30 Corps front.
This Div is reverting to comd 30 Corps on relief by 4 CDN Armd Div in the present sector. 
      The Div is to withdraw from present posns on night 29/30 Jul and cross the river to an assembly area on 30 Corps Front.  
  29   At 0600 hrs the Adjt was instructed by REAR HQ 131 Bde, to send a recce party for the new RHQ posn in the SUBLES area. The RSM went, and found an area 765745.  
      At about 1500 hrs RHQ moved to this area, arriving after a very slow move on packed rds, at about 2115 hrs.
TAC HQ moved during the night arriving in the same area as the remainder of RHQ at about 0400 hrs 30 Jul.
  30   It is decided to revert to the old nomination of TAC and MAIN RHQ instead of MAIN and REAR  
      At 1500 hrs, CO, 2 IC and Adjt attended a conference at HQ RA where the CRA gave the plan for the next adv. At 1700 hrs CO attended a conference at 131 Bde HQ and at 1900 hrs held a conference with Os C, 257, 258 and 259,   
      For the forthcoming ops the Regt less 260 are under comd 131 Bde and 260 Bty under comd 22 Armd Bde.  
  31   Our deficiencies at present of personnel are in the region of 90 and 15 LAA Regt are being instructed to lend us some 50 bodies. 27 have arrived today.  
      Our total cas in FRANCE to date are:- Killed                  2 Offrs   15 ORs
                                                              Died of wounds   2   "         2    "
                                                              Wounded             4   "       89    "
                                                              Missing                1   "         1    "
                                                              Total                     9   "    107     "
      In addition, the normal wastage due to sickness, etc keeps the strength down.   
      131 Bde Gp are on 1/2 hr notice to move as from 1430 hrs. This is later increased to 1 hrs notice and at 2015 hrs, TAC HQ are ordered to move at 2215 hrs. MAIN HQ expect to move at about 0900 hrs tomorrow. At 2030 hrs A/Adjt  (Lt VR MINNEY) went to area LA PAUMERIE X rds 7361 to recce an area for the Regt for the night.  



August 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.B. Stewart DSO, MC, RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 1   Expect to move at any time, and are ready to do so. Do not move however until 1630 hrs. Leagured at 725612 for night and were bombed at about 0130 hrs 2 Aug. Fortunately, by great luck, no damage was done although a very large crater appeared in the middle of the leaguer.  
  2   Adjt called to Rear Bde HQ at 0600 hrs. Ordered to move at 0830. Bde HQ had a number of cas from anti-personnel bombs during the night. Move to 711591. TAC HQ is located at CAHAGNES 7356. Btys are in action on the CAHAGNES - AUNAY SUR ODON rd 8251. Adjt visited TAC HQ as usual during the day  
  3   Fighting on the AUNAY SUR ODON rd is very bitter and the situation appears somewhat fluid. In the afternoon 257 Bty had an unpleasant time and lost some guns and about 15 men missing. Fwd tps were forced to withdraw about 2000 yds. A total of 34 cas were sustained today  
  4   Starting at 0500 hrs the Adjt visited all Bty HQs in order to ascertain their exact state with a view to rfts of personnel, and also of equipt. At present, somewaht naturally, it would not be possible to man complete equipments. 258 Bty lost 2 M 10s yesterday, but the Tech Adjt spent all last night and  managed to draw 2 new ones by the morning.   
      During the morning the Adjt visited HQRA and the Corps Rft Camp, and at about 1700 hrs, 60 rfts arrived at RHQ.   
      News received that the GOC of the div has left, though, at present his new appointment is not known. The Corps is commanded by Gen HORROCKS who commanded 30 Corps until being wounded in an air raid just before the ITALIAN Invasion.  
  5   The Germans have withdrawn from our front and, except for small pockets of resistance, seem to have gone to the EAST side of the R ORNE. One of 257's lost guns was recovered in a fit state. The remainder have been damaged in during the battle too badly to be of much further use.
The Army starts to move fwd during the day.
      Lt FE LATTER RA joined the Regt.TAC HQ are expecting to move all day, but, in the evening, are under the impression that they will not move until midnight. News received late in the evening that Lt Col WB STEWART DSO MC RA had been  killed when his Jeep ran over a TELLER mine sewn in the rd.   
      The Regt is most sorrowful at this misfortune, and especially so at the circumstances about which the CO could do nothing in the way of counter-measures.  
  6   The Padre and Adjt visited the site of the CO's decease and buried his body at 77254975. He was killed instantaneously.  
      RHQ moved to 825545; TAC HQ moved to 865525. In the evening, Btys are reshuffled to Bns etc and the Div is divided into 3 colns - PEPPER, MUSTARD and SALT for an operation SOUTH down the AUNAY GRIMOULT rd.  
  7   Adjt visited Div HQ to discuss the usual question of rfts. TAC HQ moved to 827495. Lt LATTER joined the Regt as a rft offr from 92 A tk Regt RA (9 Armd Div) which is being broken up.   
      News received that Lt Col J GORING RA from 21 A tk Regt RA (GUARDS Armd Div) is to take comd of the Regt, arriving shortly.  
  8   RHQ moved to 827519 at 0930 hrs.  
      The day for RHQ was spent in maintenance, etc and from our point of view there is nothing to report.  
  9   31 Rfts arrived. Our NCO situation due to battle cas is very weak, and there are few people who qualify for promotion. This draft of rfts incl 9 Sgts 3 L/Sgts 10 Bdrs 5 Dvr Mechs and 4 other tradesmen who, being over establishment 2/11 are Being returned.  
      At 1830 hrs RHQ moved to 828502 in order to be SOUTH of AUNAY which is normally very congested with traffic and difficult to get through. There is not one single house standing in the town and bulldozers are busy clearing debris to make decent rd,  
      News received that the Div is to be withdrawn tonight for a few days rest. At 2100 hrs the Adjt recced areas for 257 and 259 Btys at 833504 and made arrangements for a guide to meet them as from 0500 hrs tomorrow and lead them in.  
  10   At 0700 hrs 257 and 259 start to occupy their leaguer areas, The Adjt recced areas for 258 and 260 in the area 837500. They will move there later today. RHQ at present is not allowed to move, as no traffic is allowed to use the AUNAY-GRIMAULT rd from this division.  
      RHQ move at about 1030 hrs to 833504 and TAC join them at about the same time in the new area.
Remainder of today spent in personal maintenance, ie cleaning of webbing equipment, etc.
  11   At 1030 hrs all offrs and NCOs assembled with similar parties from other units to hear an address from Lt Gen HORROCKS (Comd 30 Corps) on the war in FRANCE. All were greatly inspired by his talk. The Regt was congratulated on its turnout by the General.  
      Maj JJ BARCLAY MC RA (2 IC) is informed that he is to comd the Regt and is, subject to confirmation, temporarily to hold the rank of Lt Col.  
      News received that THE CRA, Brig R MEWS, DSO is leaving the Division.  
  12   Day spent in maintenance. Concert parties, baths, cinema and sea bathing are started, and in the latter instance about half the Regt are spending the day down at the sea. At 1400 hrs a promotion conference for NCOs is held.  
Field 13   At 1130 hrs the new CRA, Brig LYON-SMITH, visited the Regt and talked with offrs and NCOs of all Btys.  
      Further parties went to the sea to bathe, and baths, etc continue  
  14   A party of 5 offrs and 50 ORs who had been sent for a few days restat the 30 Corps REST CAMP on 10 Aug returned this afternoon and a further party of 1 offr and 30 ORs went.   
      Maintenance, leave, etc, baths, cinema, etc continue. Weather during the last few days has been perfect and the battle news is extremely good.  
  15   News received of a landing in Southern FRANCE  
      The Adjt prosecuted at a Court Martial in the afternoon.  
      The CO held a conference on trg at 1800 hrs. Trg for 5 hrs a day is to start in earnest tomorrow.  
  19   At 0100 hrs last night orders were received that the Div is to come under comd 2 CDN CORPS and is to move at first light to the CAEN area. As we expected to be in the present area for the next four days at least, a certain amount of equipment in the Regt is stripped down for overhaul, there is a party away at the REST CAMP and certain other minor worries. The remainder of the night is spent in laying everything on.  
      At 0430 hrs the route, time to start etc is received. SP - AUNAY, 0845 hrs;route - VILLERS - NOVERS 8862 - VERSON 9665 - ETERVILLE 9864 - Area IFS 0463.At 0600 hrs the Adjt went to Br at 006644 and with an offr from 257, 258 and 259 met an offr from 2 CDN CORPS.   
      An Assembly Area near IFS was recced, in readiness for the arrival of the Regt (260, as usual, are under comd 22 Armd Bde).
At about 1000 hrs, the head of the Bde Coln arrived, but news was received that we would not leaguer in the areas recced, as we are now to come under comd 1 BR CORPS.
      The Recce Part accordingly went to the area CONTEVILLE 1257 and recced a further area. At about 1600 hrs the Regt arrived in this area.  
      RHQ leaguer at 117567. The dust on cross country routes is as bad as any desert track, and convoy travelling is consequently rather unpleasant. 
At 2030 hrs the CO was called to HQRA for a conference and, immediately on his re turn by 131 Bde to a further conference. Orders were given to "bed down" and be ready to move at first light.
  17   CO gave orders at 0600 hrs. 257 are under comd 22 Armd Bde, and the remainder of the Regt under 131 Bde. The div is to pass through 51 (Highland) Div, directed on LISIEUX, 131 Bde leading. At present the enemy line in this sector, runs just to the EAST of ST PIERRE SUR DIVES 2469.  
      TAC HQ move about 1200 hrs to 207527.  
      Lt Col GORING (vide entry in this diary for 7 Aug) joined about 1900 hrs.  
      At 2100 hrs MAIN HQ moved to 201530, arriving about 2220 hrs.  
  18   Main HQ moved at about 0830 hrs to 236514.
The CO visited MAIN HQ (having until now been to TAC where he is living and the Btys) at 1430 hrs and talked to the men individually.
During the night bombs were dropped in the vicinity of RHQ. No damage and no cas.
  19   At 0830 hrs MAIN moved to 277497 and leaguered in a very nice orchard. The country here is very pleasant and the weather all day is warm and sunny, as it has been for some weeks. In the evening, however, light rain started and continued most of the night.  
      Again, bombs were dropped close to us at night but no damage or cas were caused. Now that we are located close to the "Gap from which the Germans withdraw tps from the almost encircled "pocket", cases are occurring of our own aircraft straffing and rocket-firing at our own tps. 258 today lost 1 man killed and 3 M 10s damaged and put temporarily out of action.  
  20   Weather good again. Nothing of interest to report today.
At 1900 hrs MAIN HQ moved to 408744. TAC HQ now at 422752. A few bombs were dropped a few fields away during night 20/21
  21   During last night, and most of today there has been some medium-heavy rain.  
      At 2000 hrs MAIN moved to 419749, owing to the discovery of 3 large UXBs in the last area.  
  22   MAIN HQ moved at about 1200 hrs to 462742 and halted there temporarily while the Centre Line (Main rd LIVAROT - LISIEUX) clears. At 1900 hrs, moved again to 502786. TAC are now at 497808.  
  23   Weather last night and today wet. Maj RS BURTON RA - OC 259 Bty is promoted to Lt Col and posted to 61 A tk Regt RA in 51 (Highland Div). He is to leave the Regt tomorrow  
  24   Weather still wet. TAC moved at about 1900 hrs to area L'HOTELLERIE 6686. Orders received from Rear Bde for HQ to move at first light 25th  
  25   The enemy has withdrawn a long way, and the div is making considerable advs. MAIN HQ moved at first light (0630) to L'HOTELLERIE 6686, arriving there at about 1000 hrs. At 1945 hrs again moved to 785903. TAC are in this location at present.  
  26   At 0900 hrs approx TAC moved to 903957. MAIN moved at about 1600 hrs to 835945 (St BENOIT DES OMBRES). The Bde Gp is withdrawing to this side of the R RISLE with a view to an adv on a new CL. The new CL is NORTH and slightly EAST from HONTFORT 8601  
  27   News received that the Div is to be withdrawn from the present sector of the front and go under comd 12 Corps further SOUTH. RHQ remained in same location.  
  28   MAIN HQ moved at 1300 hrs to 850993 which is in the area allotted to 131 Bde for conc on withdrawal from the present sector of the line. The withdrawal took place during the late afternoon, and TAC HQ are temporarily ordered to go with 22 Armd Bde to area ST GEORGE DU VIEVRE 8096. 260 are also concentrating with 22 Armd Bde. Orders are issued "No move before 291600B"  
  29   At 1000 hrs the CO held a conference with BC's - the first opportunity available since the CO assumed comd. An Agenda of general points was covered. (TAC HQ had previously moved at 0900 hrs and come into MAIN HQ Leaguer.) The remainder of the morning was spent in general adm and the clearing up of outstanding matters.   
      At 1615 hrs RHQ moved to a new conc area. Btys moved; 257 and 259 with Bns of 131 Bde, 258 and 260 with 22 Armd Bde. Route - PONT AUTHOU 8895 - BRIONNE 8990 - HARCOURT 9486 - NEUBOURG 0283 to leaguer at MARBOEUF 0783. 257 and 259 Btys are in the same area as 258 and 260 are in the area GRAVERON - SEMERVILLE - 0777. RHQ arrive in their new location at 1900 hrs.  
  30   Day spent in maintenance. In the morning orders are issued "No move before 2300 hrs" In fact at 2030 hrs RHQ MOVED a short distance to link up with Bde HQ - TAC with MAIN and MAIN with Rear - which is normal battle grouping.   
      An operation to cross the SOMME is to start at Dawn tomorrow, and Comd 131 Bde addressed all offrs of the Bde Gp at 1800 hrs. At 2000 hrs the CO briefed RHQ and various orders from the Div Comd regarding traffic discipline were read out.  
  31   TAC HQ move off at First Light, Main HQ at 0730. Supplies having been delivered by B echelon during the night, we are now self sufficient for four days, and probably more.   
      Attached as an Appx is the Regt Op Order for the Operation. In fact, Main HQ had only just passed the SP at 2230 hrs this evening and leagured at 635529 for the night. Appx D



September 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col J GORING RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
ield 1   Tactical Battle Order:-  

Tac HQ with 131 Bde Main HQ
Main HQ with 131 Bde Rear HQ
257 and 259 Btys under comd 131 Bde
258 and 260 Btys under comd 22 Armd Bde.

      Continued movement of the operation started yesterday, culminating in the crossing of the SOMME during night 1/2 Sep. RHQ Main leagured for the night BETTEMBOS - 788500. TAC stay at MONTAGNE FAYEL 876615 until midnight, and then cross the SOMME during the night. Hundreds of prisoners are being taken and the French Resistance Movement in considerable numbers armed with British and captured weapons are doing magnificent work in clearing areas behind our adv. They are capturing large numbers of Germans and shooting quite a few others. Everywhere the FRENCH are overwhelmed with joy at their liberation and the troops are plied with flowers, apples and so on. FRENCH, BRITISH and AMERICAN flags decorate every village, which unlike those of NORMANDY have not been destroyed by the onslaught of war.  
  2   At 0600 hrs a flying bomb roared over the area of RHQ Main. It is the first to be seen by many of us, and this op is designed to put an end to them. Since many of the Div come from the LONDON area, there can be no greater incentive to a speedy adv than to obliterate this menace which has destroyed or threatened to destroy their homes.  
      Today, news is received that 5 Flying Bomb Launching sites have been over-run. They have all been in action against ENGLAND.
RHQ Main moved to FIENVILLERS 0784, arriving there at about 1630 hrs, and at about 1900 hrs moved to 132878 (near DOULLENS). TAC stay the night at 125000 just SOUTH of PREVENT, and fwd tps are past St POL.
  3   Fifth anniversary of the outbreak of the present war.
RHQ remained at last location until 1930 hrs.
      We have now covered 175 miles since 31 Aug and the day was spent in maintenance, etc. To date, no breakdowns or mechanical trouble have developed.   
      At 1930 hrs moved to 332061 on the direct route, through AVESNES, Dispersed by the side of the rd at 332061 about 2230 hrs.  
  4   RHQ Main moved at 1430 hrs to SAINS IN GOHELLE 411171. TAC HQ are at MAZINGARBE 445187. At this stage, 22 Armd Bde are to move on to GHENT in BELGIUM, while 191 Bde remains behind to hold a br hd over the LA BASSLE Canal.   
      Tomorrow, after relief by 53 (Welsh) Div, 131 Bde will follow up on 22 Armd Bde route.   
      News received that Maj RN BARCLAY RA (OC 260 Bty)
is missing.
  5   RHQ moved at 1730 hrs in the Bde Gp Coln and travelled through the night arriving at 933464, at 0400 hrs. Leaguer here (where TAC is also in leaguer) until 0700 hrs, and then move on route AUDENARDEOOMBERGEN 2562 GHENT.   
  6   Moved at 0700 hrs and reached HUNDELGEM 200619 at 1200 hrs. Leaguer there while TAC are at 259629. TAC move in the late evening to area OOSTERZEELE 239680.  
      The role of 7 Armd Div for the next few days is to sit on the escape routes that the Germans will take in order to get out of the large pocket in which
they are now enclosed. It is expected that we shall be here for three or four days.e.
      There is unfortunately no news of Maj RN BARCLAY (260 Bty) who was missing during a journey to one of his Troops with supplies. Examination of the route he took disclosed the vehs of his party smashed up and signs that they had fought a battle with small arms. There was no sign of killed or wounded, and it is hoped that they are PW and will escap  
  7   Remained present area. Much rain and a very high wind. The Main HQ leaguer was strew with fallen apples and pears and even a few branches were blown off the trees.  
      CO visited Main HQ and B Ech and LAD in the afternoon  
      15 (Scotish) Div started to move up in our Div area.  
  8   Expect to move today to area GHENT, but late, receive orders "No move today"
TAC HQ move in late evening to GHENT and leaguer in the square at 190790.
      The POST HOTEL provides a billet and an extraordinary war is fought from the lounge thereof, while machine guns are firing at the other end of the city. In that part of the city occupied by us, life is fairly normal, and the POST HOTEL is doing business as usual - incl meals.  
  9   RHQ Main moved at 1015 hrs to the HORTICULTURAL College at 223770.   
      Maj JJ BARCLAY MC RA (2 IC) received a note from his brother Maj RN BARCLAY who was reported Missing on 4 Sep. The note was addressed to Maj BARCLAY with the name of the Regt and a drawing in red pencil of a "Desert Rat".  
       It had been left with a local farmer who had handed it in when the area was overrun by our forces. Maj BARCLAY states that he and some of his men with him are PW and that as yet, it is impossible to get away.  
  10   Nothing of interest to report today.  
      Veh and personal maint are the order of the day for RHQ. Locns remain unchanged  
  11   Adjt visited Div HQ and also the Fd Cashier, in order to draw Belgian money.  
      Rate of exchange 176 5/8 Belg Fcs to £1 Stg.
In the evening, 131 Bde was relieved by POLISH Tps and withdrew to temporary Leaguer Areas in the area at present occupied by Main HQ.
Field 12   2 IC went to area MECHELIN (or MALINES) to recce a conc area for the Regt. 
At 1415 hrs RHQ complete, 257 and part 259 moved to this area via TERMONDE WELLEBROECK, MALINES to 811724. RHQ billet in the BOIS FLEURI Hotel.
      258 and 260 do not move until am tomorrow.  
  13   Baths, cinema, visits to BRUSSELS, etc are arranged at a CO's Conference at HQRA at 0900 hrs. BC's Conference at 1400 hrs. Maintenance of personnel and vehs goes apace. It is thought we may be here for 7 - 1.0 days.  
  14   Same form as yesterday. At 1730 hrs, the Div Comd talked to COs and Adjts on the battle past and future, and a likely forecast of conditions we are
likely to meet in GERMANY, where everyone is probably going to be hostile.
  15   At 1400 hrs 2 IC talked to RHQ personnel on the conditions likely to be met in GERMANY.  
      At 1800 hrs there was a drink party for offrs of the Regt at RHQ. A few civilian friends who have offered hospitality to the Regt also came along after
dinner; a dance was held in 259 Bty billet.
  16   Regt put on 2 hrs notice to move, in the evening. CRA's Inspection expected to take place on Monday, if we are still in the area.  
  17   A day of FGCsM was held at 258 Bty HQ. Legal Staff Offrs conducted the cases a DJA was present. A number of offrs (incl 2 IC, OsC 257 & 260 and the Adjt) attended as members under instruction. Two cases have been disposed of and the court continues tomorrow.  
  18   Nothing to report today. Regt has reverted to 6 hrs ntice to move and leave parties to BRUSSELS and MALINES continue.  
Field 19   CRA inspected the Regt during the afternoon and was generally pleased with what he saw.  
  20   Warning Order received that the Regt probably required to move tomorrow.  
      Later, orders were received that the Regt would move to area WESTERLOO 0280 at 1000 hrs in the morning.  
  21   2 IC and rep from each Bty RV at WESTERLOO 0900 hrs and recce new conc area. At 1000 hrs Regt moves on route KEERBERGEN - PUTTE - WESTERLOO arriving at about 1200 hrs. RHQ leaguer at 044811.  
  22   Regt ordered to move at 1400 hrs to conform to the remainder of the Div which is in the MEERHOUT area. RHQ leaguer in new area at 107852.
One Tp of 260 Bty carried out a shoot at 076922 at first visibility this morning, with the object of removing the upper part of a granary which gives the only observation over a certain sector of the front. The object was duly achieved with 9 AP and 99 HE rounds 17 pr.
  23   A TEWT was carried out by offrs and Sgts of RHQ to pool ideas on local defence against German civilians when we move into Germany.
CO and Adjt visited BRUSSELS in the afternoon.
      Orders for an early move tomorrow, received by 2200 hrs.  
  24   Regt moved at 0700 hrs in a Div move to area RIETHOVEN 3603. Order of March, 260, RHQ, 257, 259, 258. Route MEERHOUT 1484 - MOLL 1690 - LOMMEL 3095 - LUYKSGESTEL 3101 - WESTERHOVEN 3706. RHQ leaguer in a farm at 388098, arriving there at 1030 hrs.  
      The CRA visited RHQ in the afternoon with a probable forecast of ops which he stated would very likely mean a re-grouping very early tomorrow morning.  
      Weather today wet, and continual heavy rain fell all night. It is difficult (particularly in HOLLAND) to find standings fo the tpt hard enough to prevent it bogging down in wet weather.   
      CO attended an Order Group at 131 Bde HQ at 2100 hrs. On his return BCs of 258 and 260 Btys ordered to report to 1/7 and 1/5 Queens respectively to tie up routes and timings for a first light move. Later in the night, 258 were placed under comd 131 Bde HQ and 260 under comd 8 H. The task of the Div (which is really only 131 Bde and 8 H, as two of the Armd Regts are under comd other Divs at present) is to clear and keep clear the Centre Line used for maint of the Airborne Tps who have been dropped further NORTH and of 30 Corps who are now with them. The op starts at first light in the morning. Regt less 258 and 260 Btys remains present area.  
  25   Weather again wet and there is a great deal of mud. It is also turning pretty cold. Regt less 258 and 260 still remain present area. Orders received that we may move tomorrow.  
  26   No move today. Weather again wet. News received that the CL has been cleared and 2000 vehs allowed to proceed.  
  27   RHQ, 257 and 259 Btys move at 0930 hrs via EINDHOVEN to area SOUTH OF ST OEDENARD. RHQ lauguer at 428315.  
      Contrary to normal procedure, and due mainly to congestion of space, the Regt less 258 and 260 is under comd CRA and NOT 131 Bde. 258 and 260 Btys are under comd 131 Bde. RHQ, TAC and MAIN are therefore leagured together in their own area.  
      257 and 259 are in leaguer areas and are NOT committed. Weather again very wet and cold. Maj JH BOAG MC RA (formerly 2 IC in NORTH AFRICA is reposted to the Regt and assumes comd 260 Bty  
  28   IOOs from Corps HQ visited the Regt this morning to discuss the subject of de-coppering amn for the 3" guns. We have for some time been asking for such rounds but are told that they are not available  
  29   RHQ, 257 and 259 moved at 1315 hrs to area 5039. RHQ leaguer at 502398. CO called to CRA' orders at 2130 hrs. This resulted in 258 Bty being relieved by a Bty of 53 Div.  
  30   Remained in present area. Weather still wet on and off, and cold.  



October 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col J GORING RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 1   Locations:- RHQ 502398; 257, 259, 260 conc near RHQ; 260 444339.  
      All Btys less 258 are under comd RHQ. 257 and 259 move into posn today.  
      Weather again wet at times and cold.  
  2-3   Nothing of interest to report. Continued wet and cold weather.  
  4   CRA visited 257 Bty and inspected guns which are in posn. He was well pleased.  
      3 X 3-tonners were sent yesterday to collect rfts from an RHU, the other side of BRUSSELS. 2 of these trucks returned today with some 20 rfts. Lt
VGP STAMP rejoined and is posted to 258 Bty. Lt FW BROWN rejoined and is posted to 260 Bty.
  5   260 Bty conducted a shoot by one Troop designed to remove the spire from DOORNHOEK Church in square 3845. Gun posns were taken up at 0530 hrs and the Adjt attended as a spectator. Bad visibility with a ground mist prevented the guns firing until 0945 hrs. During the whole shoot visibility continued poor. The range was 3800 yds and 40% hits were obtained. The tower, though considerably damaged did not collapse. 116 rds were fired.  
  6-7   No change in locations and nothing of interest to report.  
  8   Adjt visited Main HQ SECOND ARMY in order to ascertain details of certain compassionate leave cases in the Regt. RHQ played 260 Bty at hockey in the afternoon. 2 x 3-tonners were despatched to collect wine and beer from
  9   CO held a conference of BC's at RHQ at 1700 hrs to discuss future trg, welfare, etc.  
  10   Weather wet and cold. Locns unchanged. 1 x 3 tonner returned from BRUSSELS WITH BEER FOR THE Regt.  
  11-16   Remained in same locn. Nothing much to report for this period, which has been very static from the point of view of the front. Harrassing fire has been
tried and several times by night, laying with lights for line and Fd Clinometer for elevation. Baths, cinema shows, football and hockey have been very useful and provided some recreation. Weather has been cold and wet on the whole, with an occasional break with good sunshine.
      On 13 Oct, Capt JA HILL of 260 Bty was accidentally killed and was buried in the churchyard at DINTHER. Capt HILL had been with the Regt since early 1942 and his loss is a blow to the Regt.  
  17-20   Lt AE ORFORD RA (A/Adjt) attended a 3-day course for Regt IOs at ST NICHOLAS near ANTWERP. 7 ORs were sent to BRUSSELS for 48 hrs leave.  
  20   CO held an 'O' Group at 260 Bty HQ for BCs. A small adv to a line some 2000 yds short of 's HERTOGENBOSCH is to be made by the Div, commencing before first light on 22 Oct. 258 Bty is under comd 1/6 Queens for the op and 257 is in 131 Bde Reserve. 259 and 260 Btys are under Regt comd under comd CRA; and are to do a certain amount of harrassing fire during the op.  
  21   TAC HQ moved from present area at 1400 hrs to VOSTENBOSCH 487418. Main 131 Bde are also in this village. Capt DG PAGE RA evacuated with jaundice.  
  22   At 0200 hrs CB fire commenced and at 0430 hrs the ground adv started.  
      During the day some 3000 - 4000 yds was completed and a number of PWs taken. RHQ MAIN remained in present locn. During the last few days a great deal of rain has made the traFurther advs today brought the Div to their final ojective. Adjt visited all Bty HQs during the day. Hitherto, the LAD att this Regt has been organised with a main body centralised at RHQ B Echelon and a sec with each SP Bty.  
  23   This is now being changed in order to make the LAD more of a Wksp, by drawing the SP secs into the main body.  
  24   The Div is now concentrating preparatory to crossing over to 51 (H) Div Front. 257 are still in the LOOSBROECK area NORTH of DOORNHOEK, 259 NISTELRODE and 260 still at 491401. TAC HQ moved back to join Main during the morning. 260 Bty placed under comd 22 Armd Bde today, and move in the afternoon to the area WYBOSH 4337.   
      Maj JJ BARCLAY MC RA, 2 IC is to comd 260 during the absence of Maj JH BOAG MC RA who is to go to BAYEUX Area to give evidence in a FGCM. Lt R KNOWLE'S RA joined the Regt as a rft and is posted
to 260 Bty.
  25   In the evening the Regt less 260 Bty and 1 Tp 257 Bty concentrated in the area LOOSBROECK. The whole Div is moving to the area BOXTEL 3235 and northwards where part of 22 Armd Bde is in contact.  
  26   Regt less 260 and 1 Tp 257 moved at 1230 hrs to a new conc area in Sq 3237 which was recced by a rep from each sub unit. This area is very crowded as nearly all 131 Bde is conc in this one square. We do not expect to remain very long.  
  27   260 remained under comd 22 Armd Bde. All other Btys remained in area 3237 all day. Two days ago a DUTCH Army Officer was sent to the Regt as an interpreter. He is attached to RHQ and has already proved of great value in the way of billeting and general liaison with civilians, even to producing eggs for breakfast and chicken for dinner in the offrs mess.  
  28   Remained same location. Weather last night wet and cold, but today has been beautifully sunny and exhilarating. During the afternoon a Regt Hockey  
      Team played the local DUTCH Team. A good game with a drawn result; 3 - 3.  
  29   Orders for move received early in morning. Adjt with a recce party from 257, 258 and 259 recced area-and Regt moved at 1330 hrs. Route BOXTEL 3335 - BEST 3626 - MOERGESTEL 2230 - OISTERWIJK 2234 - X rds 2236 to areas as follows: RHQ 197346, 257 193341, 258 203339, 259 203355. B Ech who always move with 131 Bde B Echelon, are now at 234335  
  30   Orders issued for 260 Bty to join the remainder of the Regt and conc in area occupied by remainder. Whole Regt will then remain conc in that area
for an unknown length of time.
  31   RHQ moved slightly to better billets at 1400 hrs. New location 202352 260 Bty concentrated at 168954. Remaining subunits still in same location.
Telephone lines laid to Btys during the afternoon and generally are completed for a stay of a few days in the area.



November 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col J GORING RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices




Regt is in conc in locations as follows:-





RHQ 202352





257 198343

258 203339





259 203355
260 168354





The area is a few miles NE of TILBURG. Maint, cleaning up and trg are laid on.





Maint, cleaning and painting of vehs etc are the order of the day.Weather fine but cold. 





CO inspected A and B Echs of 259, 257, 258, RHQ and LAD in that order between 1030 and 1500 hrs. The Burgomaster of TILBURG gave a reception to some of the population of the city and invited 60 offrs of the Div. Maj J BARCLAY, MC, RA (2 IC) and JE JACKSON RA (OC 258) attended.





CO inspected A and B Echs of 260 Bty from 1030 hrs.





CO held a conference for BCs at 1145 hrs at which a questionnaire on the improvement of A tk Eqpts was discussed. The Questionnaire (received from Higher Authority) is the first of its kind to come our way and great interest is thus centred on it. Answers from each BC were amalgamated and consolidated.





The Education Offr from Div HQ is devoting a great deal of time to the Regt during the week commencing today by giving lectures to the troops on subjects selected by us. Trg classes have been started on various subjects connected with A tk work and cinemas and shows with a dance now and again provide off-duty recreation. We have managed to acquire band instruments and now have a Regimental Dance Band.





Weather very windy, accompanied shortly after breakfast by a violent hail storm.
The CRA visited the Regt, arriving just before Lunch, and spending some time afterwards walking round to see the men and look at the normal work in progress.





Regimental Hockey Team played Div Sigs this afternoon and won 3 - 0.





Topsecret orders received for a move probably on 11 and recce parties from 4 CDN Armd Div, arrived in our present area to recce for their occupation of it.





260 Bty ordered to move in the afternoon to the area at present occupied by the remainder of the Regt. The move was completed by dark. At 2130 hrs mov order received from HQRA for the moves of 15 LAA Regt and ourselves who are moving as Regt Gps. Regt Mov Order is attached to this Diary.





Regt moved at 1300 hrs in accordance with Regt Mov Order. WT silence made control very difficult, and the last stages of the move were carried out in darkness on minor rds with many bends and turns. Most of the Regt was in the new area at 2200 hrs and missing vehs continued to arrive during the night.





Locations :- Ref Map BELGIUM and NE FRANCE Series Sheet 4 - MAESEYCK)





BREE Area.  RHQ 513856


                           257 560846
                     258 520873
                     259 550846
                     260 533846
      RHQ billet in a margarine factory, and a flour mill. All personnel are under cover and the electric light is working.  
      Capt DG PAGE RA, Tech Adjt returned from hospital.  
Field 11   WT Silence continues. Lines were laid to all Btys. 259 Bty is to come under comd 131 Bde, and moved during the afternoon to 649867. One Tp of this Bty is to relieve the A tk guns belonging to 53 (w) Div A tk Regt RA. The other two Tps are also occupying posns  
  12   An OO was received today and gives the Army plan in great detail and covers the future ops of several Corps. BCs were each shown the order, but infm is not to be passed at present.  
  13   OO covering the part to be played by this Div received. So far as we are concerned, 3 Tps of 257 Bty and 1 Tp (3" SP) from 258 Bty will be engaged
from H + 30 to H + 90 indirect fire in sp 131 Bde. The object of this op is to capture the lock gates at PANHEEL 699875 intact, so as to prevent the
enemy blowing thom and so draining the canal. Floating brs further NORTH are an integral part of the big plan, and these would be rendered useless if the canal were dried out.
  14   CO held an orders gp at 259 HQ at 0930 hrs. All BCs and the Adjt were in attendance. H Hour is timed for 1615 hrs today, WT silence having broken at 1400 hrs. The 3 Tps of 257 and 1 Tp of 258 occupied their posns for their shoot during the morning. The op started according to plan and at 1650 hrs, the code word WADI, meaning the lock gates have been captured intact was passed. RHQ remains present locn, and CO is establishing a TAC HQ consisting of himself only in a Jeep, at 259 Bty HQ.  
  15   During the shoot yesterday, 257 experienced the alarming number of 48 misfires out of a total of 332 rds 17 pr fired. This morning the Amn Examiner from Div HQ visited the Regt to inspect the dud amn, and the EME inspected the guns. It is thought that the cause is the amn since firing mechanisms were changed as many as three times during the shoot and also because the primers had in most cases been struck fairly, setting the cap off, but failing to ignite the gun powder.  
      At 1800 hrs CO visited the CRA to discuss an SP A tk questionnire recently forwarded to the Regt. Each BC has submitted his answer which the CO has consolidated.  
  16   The IOO from Corps visited the Regt to examine the misfired amn. As yet, no conclusions are fully reached, but the cause may possibly be weak firing
  17   Weather wet and cold. Nothing of interest to report today.  
  18   Regt played Div Sigs at football today and won 3 - 0.  
      Two men of the Regt were this afternoon apprehended in BREE in a dirty condition and not properly dressed. Unfortunately, it was the Div Comd who
picked them up, and he sent them to HQRA for personal inspection by the CRA. 
      It turned out that both these men had been reported in their Bty as absent without leave from mid-day today. However, the CRA addressed all Offrs, WOs and NCOs of the Regt at 1830 hrs and made an extremely cutting and very severe talk. He has placed a one week restriction on the Regt to prevent anyone leaving his billet except on duty.  
  19   2 IC addressed RHQ personnel on the CRA's visit last night and the RSM then took them on redrilling with particular attention to saluting.  
  20   At 1430 hrs the Div Education talked to RHQ Min HQ on "Pre-vocational Education in the Army, after the cessation of active operations." The talk
was of considerable interest as was evidenced by the vdume of questions asked. At 1800 hrs, a debate in RHQ was held - "Strikes are permissable in Wartime" A number of speakers contributed to a very instructive and entertaining 1 ¼ hrs but the motion was defeated by a large majority.
Field 21   Weather wet and very cold as it has been for some days. Nothing of interest for record today.  
  22   A WO II from the AEC gave RHQ a lecture during the afternoon on "The new Educational Bill." At 1800 hrs RHQ had a discussion on "Should co-education be introduced in a new Education Bill." (It was decided that it should).  
  23   Still raining. Nothing to report.  
  24   RHQ had a lecture by the Div Education Offr on "How Britain is governed." Weather still most unpleasant.  
  25   Improvement in weather conditions, greeted by large numbers of our aircraft flying over. and bright.  
  26   Weather again crisp and bright. The ban imposed on the Regt by the CRA on 18 is lifted as from Reveille today.  
  27   New GOC Div addressed offrs at 1000 hrs. 50% of the Regt attended. 257 and 259 Btys today tested all their 17-prs in view of the large number
of misfires experienced on 15 Nov. Each gun fired 3 rds HE and 3 rds AP.
      A few misfires were still experienced.  
  28   258 and 260 Btys today fired their 17-prs for testing purposes as did 257 and 159 yesterday.
At 1530 hrs the CO held a conference on impending move of the Div. 
      At 1100 hrs, the C-in-C 21 Army Gp - Fd Marshal MONTGOMERY presented ribbons to offrs and ORs of the Regt who had received awards in this theatre of operations. Maj JJ BARCLAY, MC, RA and LT A AYLING MC RA both received the ribbon of the MC. The Regt supplied a squad of 3 Offrs and 20 ORs to parade for the occasion.  
Field 29   Tactical recce parties from each Bty went to recce the new area to which the Regt will move to relieve the Gds Armd Div in GERMANY.
At 1000 hrs the GOC Div (Gen LYNE) addressed the remaining 50% of the offrs from the Regt (vide entry in the Diary for 27 Nov).
  30   Capt DA HUGGONS (Adjt) Maj RA WOLLEY (OC 259) and Lt J CRICK left for 48 hrs leave in BRUSSELS. CRA visited the Regt, spending the day touring Btys. Orders were received from HQRA that 259 Bty would move tomorrow to a posn about 5 miles SW of their present one to a leaguer area.   
      Lt SMITH (LO 259 Bty) was wounded in the Ieg while on a visit to 131 Bde Main. The HQ was shelled slightly, in consequence of which the Bde moved back a mile or so.  
      Cfn WHITE, DR of LAD was buried at 24 CCS. He died as the result of a rd accident the day previous.  
      Capt PD BALFOUR RA returned from a 2-day trip from REIMS with 115 bottles of champagne.  



December 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col J GORING RA

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Field 1   Regt is concentrated in locations as follows:-  

RHQ 513856


257 560846
258 520873


259 591796
260 533846

      The impending move is now off for ten days, according to an Op order received early this morning.  
      WO II BIGNELL, AEC gave a talk on "The Beveridge Plan" this afternoon, which was received with welcome by the men. In the evening a "Quizz" -
Offrs v ORs was held at the beginning Offrs were losing,but pulled up considerably to win by ½ point - 24  ½ - 24. 
      CO held a BCs conference at 1630, to discuss policy and training during out continued stay in this area.  
  2   CO visited 259 Bty in their new leaguer area. Adjt and others returned from leave looking as though the break had benifited them all enormously.  
  3   New instructions regarding future intentions received, and it now appears likely that a move from the present area will take place in a few days.
257 and 259 Btys will come under comd 22 Armd and 131 Bde respectively Remainder under comd CRA.
  4   Reglt Football team played Div Sigs and won 4 - 1. Violent hail storm in morning and weather very cold.  
  5   The Div is now back under comd 30 Corps and the Corps Comd today visited RHQ where he spoke to the CO, 2 i/c, BCs and the Adjt. He inspected the guard on arrival and talked to each man individually. He complimented them on turn-out and expressed his pleasure at their smart appearance to the CO. The last time General HORROCKS saw the Regt, he also congratulated us on turn-out (vide entry in this diary for 11 Aug 44)  
  6   Orders regarding future moves and intentions are rather uncertain, but we recce a leaguer area at NEEROETEREN 5878 for RHQ, 258 and 260.
259 move to area SITTARD 6868, and have some guns in action in GERMANY.
      The Regt is now disposed partly in BELGIUM, partly in HOLLAND, and also in GERMANY.  
  7   Order received that will form 2 TAC HQ's, one to be with our own HQRA, and to be with HQRA 52 (L) Div, under whose comd 258 and 260 are
to be placed. 260 Bty fired about 25 rpg practice on the A tk range at BOURG LEOPOLD.
  8   The two TAC HQ's - one consisting of the CO and IO and the other of the CO2 and Sigs Offr each with attendant W/T vehs etc., moved at 0930
hrs to area LIMBRICHT 6669. MAIN RHQ moved to HEIKANT574800 at 1000 hrs. CO2's TAC later moved to area 6056.
258 fired on A tk range as did 260 yesterday. 
      In order to visit troops EAST of R,MAAS, one crosses over br at BERG 6169 from WEST to EAST, but to return, one must cross the br at MAASTRICHT 5652. The result is a very long journey and great inconvenience. At present space is limited EAST of the river and Main HQ are not allowed to cross.  
Field 9   258 move at 0600 hrs and proceed to area 670560. 260 remain present location, but are ordered to move tomorrow. Those orders la ter cancelled
and 260 will now move on the 11th.
  10   Orders obtained for MAIN RHQ to move across the R,MAAS and link up with the CO's TAC HQ. Adjt visited TAC, and recced area SITTARD in an endeavour to find a suitable area. The ground is, however, very full and vehs must park on roads as no other hard standing exists. The IO is
therefore going to recce area BORN 6472 in the morning to find suitable accommodation. 
      260 Bty again had their orders changed, and are now to remain in their present area until D - 1 of the forthcoming battle.  
  11   MAIN RHQ moved at 1300 hrs to BORN and occupied houses and a cafe at 643725. Route : EELEN 6176 - BERG 6169 - X rds 658678 - LIMBRICHT 6770 - BORN 6472.  

257 BHQ now located 653716.
258 670560.
259 692679.
260 still unchanged.
CO 2's TAC HQ at 600560.

  12   Court of Inquiry held at RHQ at 1400 hrs on the loss of codes which occurred in the Regt on the 8th Dec.  
      Learnt that the Op for which the re-grouping (i.e.258 and 269 under comd 52 (L) Div) was carried out, is now cancelled. CO 2s TAC HQ will
therefore revert to Regtl comd and join the remainder of RHQ tomorrow.
  13   Nothing to reporrt.  
  14   CO 2's TAC HQ rejoined RHQ during the morning. Capt DG PAGE (Technical Adjt) rejoined RHQ for duty having been attached to 259 Bty as
instructor on a maintenance course for half tracked vehicles. 
      Orders received with route and timings for 258 Bty, at present located at 650564 to move to a recced position in SITTARD in the morning tomorrow.  
  15   258 Bty moved in 3 blocks to SITTARD and are billetted in a school. First frost this morning and ice abounds on puddles and floods. Day sunny and dry.  
  16   Adjt went off to inspect newly established Div Battle School near Brussels, and the NY Leave Centre.
Reshuffle on front. 
      Since cancellation of "Shears" Div is to remain in holding role on a Bde front. 22 Armd Bde with one Bty (257) under
comd to remain in until 26/27 Dec. 131 Bde with 259, to come out and conc at BEEK, relieving 22 Armd Bde on above date.5 Gds Armd Bde are coming in on the right, taking over 131's old line. 
  17   A quiet day, dull and raining, with NTR until about six in the evening, when we were visited with the attentions of the Luftwaffe. About six
planes dropped several bombs close by, and many windows were blown in. Fortunately, there were no casualties military or civilian at RHQ.
      257 Bty reported two slight casualties, Capt Balfour, who returned to duty after removal of small pieces from his back, and Gnr Simpson, who was
removed to 2 LFA. No other casualties reported in the Btys. Owing to reported parachute landings, we maintained an inlying picquet. There was also slight aerial activity all through the night.
Field 18   Slight activity this morning at 10 o'clock when half-dozen enemy planes flew overhead. Ack-ack was sent up, but they did not make any
hostile attacks. Received orders for one Tp of 258 to go into action. Adjt returned from his trip to Div Battle School this afternoon.
      Report at 2300 hrs that 100 black object had been intercepted by RADAR, flying EAST to WEST in this area. It is supposed they must be
gliders, and the guard and picquet are duly instructed, Nothing further to report during the night.
  19   CO attended a Conference at HQRA at 0930 hrs, and at 1415 hrs held a conference with BCs at 258 Bty HQ. In view of the successful (so far)
counter offensive put in by the Germans on the American Army south of AACHEN, it is expected that the enemy may very likely put in a pincer thrust
from the area opposite us. 
      It is estimated that one Pz Div is available, and A tk defence is accordingly reviewed. The General has given instrs for
260 Bty to move across the river to join up with the remainder of the Div. The Div Concert Party started their production of the Pantomine
ALLADDIN this evening. Performances will be given each afternoon and evening this week, in SITTARD.
      A quiet night, though our own Arty - rather more active that usual.  
  20   Various changes in out layout ordered, but as often, the orders are changed. The German offensive is still going strong, though up to date
reports are hard to come by. The probability of a pincer thrust from our sector still faces us. 260 Bty are given orders to move tomorrow morning, crossing the BERG Bridge at 0800 hrs.
  21   260 Bty move to area 660654. However a great deal of confusion is caused because no definite area has been allotted to them and numerous
units are trying to billet in the same place. In addition, RHQ are endeavouring to find a place near Div HQ, who have moved today from LIMBRICHT
to the coal mine at 652670. In view of the probable battle which may flare up with an attack at any moment, it is essential for RHQ to be near Div HQ
tonight, so we move at 1600 hrs to an un-recced position at 654661. 
      Troop and vehicles are settled in by about and 1/2 an hour after dark, and after a
certain amount of arguing with other units who are also trying to get in.Tomorrow we must have a re-shuffle The German advance in the south is continuing, but news of minor America counter-efforts is reported. The flanks are, apparently being held, but, far, no real attempt to seal the gap in between, is taking place. 
      The Germans have captured much petrol, ammunition and other booty. It is not known quite how far their forward elements are from LEIGE, but not far.On our front, co-ordination of the defensive Iayout continues and second lines of defence in depth are being prepared against the likely full scale enemy offensive.  
  22   2 i/c spent the day with 131 Bde, so that, if a battle does start, he is in a position to take cond of the A tk layout on that Bde's front.  
      2 Lt Cols from the War Office visited the Regt for the second time, to discuss equipment and alterations to design.  
  23   Nothing of great importance took place today. In the evening RHQ made the draw of names out of a hat for the order in which eligible personnel
proceed on leave to UK. Eligibility is based on six months unbroken service in this theatre on 1 Jan 1945. The list is headed by L/Bdr GAMBLE 
the Regtl Post Orderly.
Field 24   Christmas Service at RHQ at 1000 hrs.   
      A A white frost this morning, and the puddles and mud which abounded yesterday are frozen solid. The day is cold throughout, but bright and sunny.EA flow daylight reaces over forward positions.  
  25    Holy Communion service at 0800 hrs for RHQ.  
      CO visited all men in the Btys during the day, and 2 i/c visited 'B' Ech for the men's dinner. At MAIN RHQ the officers served the men's dinner and spent most of the afternoon washing up the mass of crockery borrowed for the occasion!   
      Everyone had a happy time though the circumstances put a limit on the amount of drink allowed to be consumed. Local inhabitants came in during the evening for dancing.  
  26   At 0530 hrs the enemy attacked in about company strength, the standing patrol of the 11th Hussars at GEBROK 6575. 260 Bty have a section of guns
with this patrol. The patrol withdrew inflicting casualties on the enery.
      Our casualties were one man slightly wounded and an M.10 radiator damaged. The patrol went out again during the day. Adjt visited all Btys during the
      At 1600 hrs RHQ held a party for the local children, and the men held their Christmas sweet and chocolate ration for distribution.
In the evening the Regtl Dance band played for the men's dance.
  27   A quiet day with nothing to report from our front.  
      News from the ARDENNES battle front is of air attacks on the enemy causing great damage to his equipment. The spear head of his advance are
considerably blunted. The weathor has been very favourable for the Alliod Air Forces for 3 days in contrast to the first few days of the enemy counter
Field 28   Snow fell during last night and this morning. The roads are extremely dangerous, and visibility precludes any air operations which have been so useful in the south for the last few days.  
      A FGCM took most of the day at RHQ. The accused was one of our own men, and the prosecution and defence were conducted by legally qualified
officers. JAG was in attendance. A number of officers attended as members under instruction.
      The CO went to BRUSSELS this morning for 48 hrs leave.  
  29   CO 2 attended a Conference at 131 Bde HQ at 1700 hrs, and a revised plan was propounded for a 131 Bde attack if and when certain moved are made by the enemy.   
      The operation is very much in the planning stage and its execution depends on various indefinite circumstances. The present role
of holding the front in this sector continues. Roads still extremely dangerous with their covering of ice. All Drs work in the Regt is being carried out in 4 wheeled vehicles.
  30   Moderately heavy snow fell for about 4 hours today, following a thaw which had just started to make the roads reasonably safe. Again, everything is now frozen.  
  31   CO returned from leave last night having had a well earned, and very refreshing change.  
      The canals are now frozen to such an extent that ice skating is in full swing with the civilians. No doubt enomy patrols will endeavour to be enterprising enough to try knocking at the back door!!  
      And so, the Old Year ends - a year marked for the Regt by arriving in the UK on 6 Jan, embarking for NORMANDY in the early days of June, and
finally, spread over the 3 borders of BELGIUM, HOLLAND and GERMANY. 
      The last seven months may well be remembered with pride at the achievements which have crowned every soldier's efforts, even though that pride is tinctured with the sad thoughts for lost comrades, which has led to a very changed but none the less proud Regiment.   
      With the dawn of 1945 no more sincere wish or determination exists, than to finish the war as finally and as quickly ,as possible.  



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