War Diaries of 1st Royal Tank Regiment



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September 1939


Date Place Detail

5 Sept.


Telegram received from HQ Heavy Armoured Group as follows:- "Mobilise. All troops are now on active service from 4 Sept Peace accounting further orders". Prior to the receipt of this order the unit had moved out to the Western Desert from its peace station at Helmieh/Cairo on 25 Aug. 1939. The unit was now distributed as follows:



1. In the field with the unit:



A echelon 56 tanks 17 officers 151 ORs incl 1 OR RO of Sigs.



B echelon



14 3ton lorries 6 30cwt lorries



4 l5cwt Water trucks 1 l5cwt truck OS



1 l5cwt truck Office 1 l5cwt truck W/T



2 8cwt trucks GS 3 cars 4str whld.



3 3ton lorries (Signals)



2 3ton lorries (LAD attached)



1 15cwt truck (LAD attached)



2 motor cycles



4 Rolls Royce armd cars



2 3ton lorries (Armd car section)



6 officers md. Medical Officer attached



146 ORs md. 9 ORs RC Sigs.



12 ORs LAD



1 OR RAOC armourer



Spare personnel - 11 ORs



Hospital in the field - 2 ORs



Total strength with the unit in the field: 23 officers; 310 ORs






2. In the field but detached from the unit:



(a) with HQ Heavy armd group - 5 officers 29 ORs (md. 1 officer RC of Sigs.)



(b) with HQ armd div 3 officers, 36 ORs



(c) with 208 sqn. RAF - 1 officer, 1 OR



(d) with RASC as loaders - 8 ORs



Total in the field detached from unit - 9 officers; 74 ORs (plus 1 OR admitted hospital Mersa Matruh



6 Sept. Major R.C. Keller arrived in the unit. 4 ORs admitted hospital.

7 Sept.


1 OR discharged from hospital Mersah Matruh.

8 Sept.


Point 713333; Letter No. HAG/C/10/5 from HQ Heavy Armoured Group as follows:- The period of notice to move is now increased from three hours to six hours.

9 Sept.


Battalion Order by HQ Heavy Armoured Group to move camp from presenr position to Pt 713340. Battalion moved on RTR Mobilisation Instructions No. 1 and Annexure No. 1. Zero hour was 0800 hrs. Battalion moved out of camp at 11 05 hrs.

10 Sept.


Battalion was moved into new camp by 1500 hrs.



1 OR admitted to hospital and 1 OR discharged from hospital, Mersa Matruh. 10 ORs arrived from Details Helmieh.

11 Sept.


OR admitted to hospital and 1 OR discharged from hospital Mersa Matruh.

12 Sept.


2 ORs admitted to hospital Mersa Matruh.

13 Sept.


Battalion paraded as strong as possible, as part of the Armoured Division, for an inspection by HM King Farouk of Egypt.

Letter No. HAG/CCC/10/8 from Heavy Armoured Group as follows:- Troops will be retained at eight hours notice to carry out their war roles. AA and AG precautions relaxed.

2 ORs admitted to hospital Mersa Matruh.

14 Sept.


2 ORs admitted to hospital Mersa Matruh.

15 Sept.


1 OR discharged from hospital Mersa Matruh.

16 Sept.


1 OR returned to base from unit in the field. 10 ORs joined the unit in the field from leave UK. 2 ORs joined the unit in the field from base details.

17 Sept.


2 ORs discharged from hospital Mersa Matruh. 3 ORs joined the unit in the field from base details.

18 Sept.


A demonstration of a section attacking armoured cars and anti-tank guns was given by Battn. HQ Section to all officers and tank commanders, who afterwards continued on to a TEWT directed by the CO, Major W E Molesworth MC.

19 Sept.


Normal training. A coy did a navigation exercise.

20 Sept.


The battalion moved out for a battalion exercise, consisting of attacking a convoy. Formations were practised whilst on the march.

21 Sept.


Normal training and maintenance was carried out.

22 Sept.


Training in navigation and battle drill was carried out by A and C companies.

23 Sept.


A demonstration in recognition of aircraft was given by the RAF. During the demonstration a Gloster Gladiator machine crashed about 21 mile from the camp. The pilot of the machine was killed.

During the evenings of this week one hour’s individual training was carried out, with battalion courses in cruiser tanks, St. John Ambulance, and Driver Operators.

The difference of the battalion in the field strength since last Saturday is:-



Number evacuated to Cairo since Sept. 17 - 5



Number admitted to Mersa Matruh hospital since Sept. 17 - 2



Number discharged from Mersa Matruh hospital since Sept. 17 - 5



Number now in hospital in Mersa Matruh - 3



8 ORs were brought to the field from base details and were posted to the armoured car section.

25 Sept.


The battalion went out for a training exercise. The following were practised:-

(a) Advancing to gain contact; 

(b) Unit change of direction; 

(c) WT control1 jamming frequency, flicks and changing from WT to RT.

26 Sept.


The battalion moved out for a night training exercise. The following were practised:- 

(a) Forming Bde. Leaguer at night. 

(b) Changing leaguer at night in laager formation. 

(c) Use of searchlights and action on alarms being sounded.

27 Sept.


Normal training was carried out. A and C coys did special training in navigation.

28 Sept.


Owing to khamseen conditions prevailing the battalion was able to do very little training.

29 Sept.


The Heavy Armoured Bde less 6 RTR moved out for a training exercise at 1000 hrs. 1 RTR practised changing direction on HQ Heavy Armoured Bde.

30 Sept./4 Oct.


Normal collective training carried out

29 Sept.


The Heavy Armoured Bde less 6 RTR moved out for a training exercise at 1000 hrs. 1 RTR practised changing direction on HQ Heavy Armoured Bde.





October 1939


Date Place Detail



(i) Strength of officers with the unit in the field -23 including 1 on leave in Cairo.



(ii) Strength of ORs with the unit in the field 356 including 11 on leave in Cairo.



(iii) Number of men in hospital - 5



(iv) Number of A vehicles with the unit in the field



Lt tanks 50; RR Armd cars 5



Number of B vehicles with the unit in the field



Morris 3 ton - 14 Morris 30cwt - 7



Morris 1 5cwt - 7 Morris 8cwt - 2



Cars 4 seater - 3 3 ton RCS - 3



3 ton LAD - 2 l5cwt LAD - 1



3 ton AC Sec - 2 Instr Ford PU - 4



Total A vehicles - 55 B vehicles - 45


Pt. 713338

The Heavy Armoured Brigade moved out to do a short night march; after moving about 5 miles, the Brigade went into leaguer. The Brigade broke leaguer at 0600 hrs 5th October and engaged a fast-moving column of cars representing medium tanks. Three separate attacks were launched but on each occasion the superior speed of the enemy enabled them to get away.

6/10 Oct.


Normal training and maintenance carried out.

11 Oct.


Heavy Armoured Brigade moved out to engage three columns of medium tanks moving north at 710310. HAB did an approach march and then moved to the left flank under cover of the small escarpment 710320 then made a left flank attack. This was largely hampered by poor information from 1 RTR.

12/15 Oct.


Normal training and maintenance carried out.

16 Oct.


1 RTR formed part of H A Brigade who moved south from camp at 0800 hrs to practise an approach march. This was done with numerous changes of direction. The Brigade leaguered at 1600 hrs at 785318.

17 Oct.


The Brigade moved at 0600 hrs., having broken up into four forces, three consisting of one coy 1 RTR and 1 coy 6 RTR and the fourth being all HQ's forces with protective sections. The scheme was that the remainder of the armoured div was attempting to reach their fortress at Mingar Sidi Hamza 710322. The three main forces of H A Bde went westwards, one south, one north, and one on the escarpment to locate the enemy. The south force located the enemy, who travelled south to Bir Gellaz 675299, then east, and followed them doing many successful attacks in the rear. Unfortunately their rear link set broke down and commander of HAB did not know the position of the main body. The exercise finished at 1320 hrs with the enemy streaming east, and some 10 miles south of their fortress, while the three forces of HAB were to their north and northwest.

18/19 Oct.


Normal training and maintenance was carried out.

20 Oct.


1st battalion RTR on skeleton formed part of HAB which moved out for a divisional exercise at 0800 hrs to area southwest of Charing Cross (7133). At 0930 hrs information was received of enemy forces moving on to Mersa Matruh from the south. HAB was ordered to delay and harass an enemy column which was moving on the western flank. When the exercise terminated at 1230 hrs HAB patrols had gained contact with the enemy and 1 RTR was in open formation between the enemy and Mersa Matruh.

21/22 Oct.


Normal maintenance was carried out.

23 Oct.


1 RTR formed part of the HAB who formed part of the armoured division who were ordered to harass and delay one corps of enemy troops reported approaching from Libya. HAB at full strength spent the day at 713338 receiving reports on the approach of the enemy force. At 2330 hrs HAB moved to area Bir El Kenayis (6831) in order to attack an enemy southern column moving east along the escarpment.

24 Oct.


The enemy southern column was reported to have turned northeast so the 1 RTR was ordered to move northwest to prevent the enemy southern column ]oining the enemy northern column. On arrival at 675334 it was found that the enemy move had only been a feint. 1 RTR remained watching the enemy until 0800 hrs on Oct. 25th when the southern column moved east. When the exercise terminated at 0930 hrs HAB had gained contact with this column in area 6832.

26 Oct


Normal maintenance was carried out.

27 Oct.


1 RTR representing the forward elements of the enemy 1st Div. attacking Mersa Matruh. 1 RTR leaguered for the night at 717306 making reconnaissances of the defences.

28 Oct.


1 RTR split up into coys, each forming separate forces with infantry and artillery. Each force made an attack on the Matruh defences. Attacks were rushed home by infantry. 1 RTR returning to camp.

29 Oct


Normal maintenance.

30/31 Oct.


1 RTR formed part of the enemy force who were ordered to hold up reinforcements in the form of the 11 Inf Bde from arriving at Matruh and deny them area 729343 as long as possible. 1 RTR was in position by 1600 hrs in the area. 1 RTR moved out of leaguer and made counter-attacks on the flanks of machine gun battalions. It eventually retired on to the defences and the exercise terminated at 1400 hrs with the enemy having reach Hill 70 at 72903433.





November 1939


Date Place Detail

1 Nov.


Normal maintenance was carried out including training.

1/3 Nov.


(1) Strength of officers with unit in the field 19 including one on leave in Cairo.



(2) Strength of other ranks with unit in the field 332 uncluding 24 on leave in Cairo.



(3) Number of men in hospital 4, officers 1



(4) Number of A vehicles with the unit in the field:



Light tanks Mk VI - 50 RR armd cars - 11



(5) Number of B vehicles with the unit in the field:



Morris 3 ton - 14 Morris 30cwt - 7 Morris 15cwt - 7



Morris 8cwt - 2 Cars 4str - 3 3 ton RCS - 3



3 ton LAD - 2 l5cwt LAD - 1 3 ton AC sec - 2



Instr.Ford PU - 4



Total A vehicles - 61 Total B vehicles - 45

5/30 Nov.


Normal training, maintenance and gun cleaning was carried out.

30 Nov.


(1) Strength of officers with unit in the field - 22



(2) Strength of ORs with unit in the field - 200



(3) Numbers in hospital - Men 6, Officers 2



(4) Number of A vehicles with the unit in the field:



Light tanks Mk VI - 42 RR Armd. Cars - 11



(5) Numbers of. B vehicles with the unit in the field:



Morris 3 ton - 13 Morris 30cwt - 6 Morris l5cwt - 7



Morris 8cwt 1 Cars 4str. - 3 RCS 3 ton - 0



3 ton AC sec - 2 l5cwt LAD - 0



Total A vehicles - 53 Total B vehicles 32





December 1939


Date Place Detail

1/2 Dec.


Unit employed striking camp and packing up in preparation for move to Cairo.

3 Dec.


Road party left for Cairo.



Vehicles HR Armoured Cars - 11 Cars 4str - 3



Morris 3 ton - 13 Morris 8cwt - 1



Morris l5cwt - 7 3ton Armd Car Sec - 2



Morris 30cwt - 6



Total A vehicles - 11 B vehicles - 32

3 Dec.


Main body left by rail for Cairo.

4 Dec.


Main body arrived No. 3 siding Abbassia.



(1) Strength of officers with unit - 23



(2) Other ranks with unit - 422



(3) In hospital - 1 officer and S other ranks

5 Dec.


5 other ranks admitted to hospital

7 Dec.


1 other rank admitted to hospital

8 Dec.


Battalion inspected by GOC Armoured Division.

9/19 Dec.


Individual training.

24/26 Dec.


Xmas Holiday Period

27/31 Dec.


Individual training and firing on AFV range.



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