War Diaries of 1st Royal Tank Regiment



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January 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Date Place Time


8 Jan.

Detachment of 1 RTR gave a demonstration for the Young Officers' Tactical School (Armoured Div) on fording a defile and the use of smoke.

Regtl HQ with medical vehicles and B vehicles proceeded to ?????? at 623806 for a skeleton exercise of the armoured division.

25 Jan.

1 RTR forming part of Heavy Armoured Brigade (skeleton force) moved at first light towards Raml (582814) which was reported to be held by a Frontier Battalion of the enemy, who hoped to hold this as a gate between the impassable ground at Wadi Natrun (5286 to 5684) and the sand dunes (4883-5473). Having pushed back enemy ACs we came into observation of Raml. 1 RTR with HAB then moved to west of Raml to cut it off whilst the support group attacked it. At 1630 when Raml had been carried and no opportunity for action had developed we moved to leaguer at Gereinat (555814)

26 Jan.

0230 HAB moved by moonlight to north end of Ghard el Libeita (529818) where B echelon was left, and we turned north to come round behind the enemy and lie across their line of supply. After crossing the track at 525829 we made a circuit to the west to avoid A/T mines and then took up a position facing west, south of Hadid (525845). Being shelled from Hadid we turned back to the south, after a brush with the enemy, and destroyed 3 columns of MET which were moving east at 524834. HAB later recalled detachments and moved south to 526825 to avoid being cut off, and caught against the rear of the enemy line between Beit Oweyan (538836) and Gebel Quantara (535830). We reached the point 540818 then moved due west to 561818 to leaguer. Soft sand was encountered in the darkness and leaguer was not made until 2000 hrs.

27 Jan.

Overnight the enemy had received further reinforcements and HAB moved north to make a blow at his north flank on Abu Milha (548828). In the Wadi Farigh (554825) the enemy was found to be advancing with Lt Tanks and a rearguard action was fought back to Raml (593914). Exercise ended.

30 Jan.


1 Personnel State.

Officers with unit - 28 Attached elsewhere - 7

Other ranks with unit - 297 Attached elsewhere - 26

Hospital - Officers 2, other ranks 6.

Totals - Officers 37, other ranks 329

Vehicle State

A vehicles. Cruiser tanks - 11 Light tanks - 49

Armd Cars - 10

B vehicles. Lorries 3ton - 21 30cwt. - 7

15cwt - 4 8cwt Ford - 2

Water trucks - 4 Staff cars - 3

2 str - 1 Instr veh - 1

Total A vehicles - 70 B vehicles - 43





February 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Date Place Time


Map Cairo 1/500,000 Mena

1 Feb.

First full scale divisional exercise commenced. Armoured division was allotted role of delaying enemy advance by route west of Wadi Natrun. Forward units of regiment encounter enemy armoured cars near Quaret el Marik (601809). Advance continues when armoured cars withdraw. Division then attacked Birrani. Next objective was Abu Milha (548828) which was defended by artillery fire. Abu Mitha was secured and the unit leaguered in that vicinity for the night. During the night the enemy brought up reinforcements and HAB was moved north to make an attack on Abu Milha (548328). In the Wadi Farigh (554825) the enemy advanced with light tanks. The division then withdrew and a rearguard action was fought back to Raml (538814). Exercise ended.

3 Feb.

GOC conference re armoured division full-scale exercise. Demonstration of RA weapons and types of fire was given.

10 Feb.

Geibel el Urfa 1230

The capabilities of the Bofors anti-tank gun was especially noticed.

16 Feb.

A demonstration of a battalion in attack supported by I tanks was given by the 6th Royal Tank Regiment and the Cameron Highlanders.

16 Feb.


A draft of 26 other ranks joined the regiment from the UK.

19/24 Feb.

The unit carried out firing of Table II on the AFV range.

20 Feb.

A composite squadron was required to give a demonstration for the benefit of the press and news reels, demonstrating co-operation with the Egyptian Army and the use of tanks in the desert.

24 Feb.

Regimental HQ Squadron was formed in accordance with War Establishment.

23 Feb.

Three officers and 26 ORs left the unit on being posted to the UK.

24 Feb.

Three officers and 29 ORs arrived from the UK.

26 Feb.

C sqn commenced collective training. Night Advance and Practice Leaguer. Use of ground method of approach of Light Half Squadron. Practise in reporting ground. Work of special patrol. Advance party formed HAB Gunnery Camp to prepare ranges for field firing following week.

29 Feb.


Personnel State

1. Officers with unit - 28 Not with unit - 7

2. ORs with unit 357

3. Hospital - Officers Nil ORs 9

Total officers - 35 ORs - 357

Vehicle State

A vehicles fit 32 unfit 10 Lt tanks unit W/Shops 10 RAOC 3 Cruisers RAOC armoured car troop

A vehicles fit 6, unfit 4

B vehicles fit 2, unfit Nil.

B vehicles fit 28, unfit 3 (1 30cwt Morris, 1 WT truck, 3ton)





March 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Date Place Time


3/9 March



Field firing carried out by 1 RTR on field firing range. each squadron fired a light and cruiser tank battle practice. Table V 2-pdr shell and night firing from light tanks with the aid of searchlight.

13 March



1 RTR placed under 4 days notice to move.

31 March



1. Officers with unit 26




Officers attached elsewhere 7




2. Other ranks with unit 357




Other ranks attached elsewhere 15




3. Hospital - officers 2, other ranks 15




Total Officers 35 Total other ranks 387




Vehicle State




A vehicles




Cruiser tanks 12 Light tanks 39 Armoured cars 10




B vehicles




Morris 3ton 16 Morris 30cwt 6 Armoured cars 10




Ford 8cwt 2 Cars 4str 3




Royal Corps of Signals attached - Morris 3ton 3




Light Aid Detachment - Lorries 3 ton 2 15cwt 1 Austin 2str 1




Total A vehicles - 31 B vehicles - 40








April 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Date Place Time


15/30 Apr.


2 officers and 2 WOs NZEF attached for technical duties. Half squadron individual training carried out during the month.

8 Apr.

Commencement of summer routine.

10 Apr.

1 RTR became part of light Armoured Brigade (Egypt) with 8th KRI Hussars.

17 Apr.

Brigade Commander, Light Armoured Brigade, paid an official visit to the unit.

30 Apr.

Personnel State.

1. Officers with unit 32

2. Officers not with unit 4

3. Other ranks with unit 414

4. Other ranks not with unit 49; ORs Hospital 9

Total Officers 36 Total other ranks 472

Vehicle State

A Vehicles Cruiser tanks 23 Light tanks 27

B Vehicles Morris 3 ton)

Morris 30cwt)

Morris l5cwt)

Morris l5cwt office 1 Morris l5cwt wireless 1

Morris l5cwt water 3 Morris 8cwt PU 2

Cars 4 str 2 Cars Utility 1

Total; A vehicles 40 B vehicles 34





May 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 May

Verbal order 'Prepare' given to 1 RTR. On this order Move Instruction No. 1 was put in operation.

4 May

1 RTR paraded fully mobilised, ready to move off. The Brigade Commander 7th Armd. Bde inspected this parade.

12 May

7th Armd. Div (less 7th Armd Bde) moved to the Western Desert. 7th Armd Bde took over internal security duties.

14 May

1 RTR carried out a leaguering exercise in the neighbourhood of Signal Hill 645816.

16/31 May

Half squadron training carried out with the unit remaining in a state of preparedness.

17 May

1 RTR placed at 4 hours notice to move, with 1 squadron standing by to move at half-an-hour's notice. This emergency squadron to have two 'stand-to' periods, when it should be at 5 minutes notice to move.

19 May

Emergency squadron 'stand~to' periods cancelled.

20 May

B squadron 1 RTR ordered practice turnout. This was accomplished in 25 minutes.

22 May

A squadron ordered practice turnout. This was accomplished in 22 minutes.

24 May

This unit was placed at 6 hours notice to move.

29 May

1 RTR was visited by members of the amalgamated press. C sqn. ordered practice turnout, at 2315hrs. This was accomplished in 13 minutes.

30 May

A composite squadron or 15 light tanks of 1 RTR took part in demonstration of I tanks and infantry in the attack at 615801.

27 May

1 RTR carried out firing of Tables III and IV on AFV ranges.

31 May

Personnel State

1. Officers with unit - 21

2. Officers not with unit - 15

3. ORs with unit - 364

4. ORs not with unit 106

Vehicles State

Cruiser tanks - 23 Light tanks - 26 A vehicles total 49

Lorries 3ton - 15 Lorries 30cwt - 8 Trucks l5cwt GS - 1

Truck office - 1 Truck wireless - 1 Trucks water - 3

Trucks 8cwt - 6 Cars utility - 3

B vehicles total 38

Motor cycles - 10

LAD attached, lorries 3 ton - 3 15-cwt truck - 1

RC of Sigs attached, Lorries 3 ton - 2 l5cwt truck - 1

Motor cycle - 1

Grand total B vehicles 56





June 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices


1st- 30th


Individual Training was carried out by the while Regiment under Half Squadron Commanders



June 1940







3 Reconnaissances were carried by 1/R.T.R. of routes DAMANETUR – KAFA-EL-DADGAR (Alex. 1/250,000)(625810) to CAIRO-ALEXANDRIA desert road.



22nd June


Air Raid Warning in CAIRO. All Clear 0505 hours



   “       "


  “      “        “        “      “          “   “      2150   “



22nd     “


  “      “        “        “      “          “   “      0318 “ Warning again four mins, later and final all clear at 0350 hours.



23-26th June


Reconnaissance by 1/R.T.R. for locating dumps in area EL GERBEIMAI (555615) and GEBEL KHASHEM (563870), their approaches and area to NORTH of 2nd dump.



26th June


Air Raid Warning in Cairo. All clear given at 0425 hours.



27-29th June


Reconnaissance by 1/R.T.R. of area WADI MATRUG (580680)



26th June


PERSONNEL STATE     1. With Unit      Officers 22   Other Ranks 384

                                         2. Not with unit     “       15       “       “        10

                                          TOTAL               “        37      “       “       494


In Hospital 3 Other Ranks.




VEHICLE STATE      ‘A’ Echelon         Cruiser Tanks 23 Light Tanks 26





                                    ‘B’ Echelon           Lorries 3 ton 15            Lorries 30cwt 8          Lorries 15cwt G.S. 1





                                                                Lorry 15 cwt Office 1    Lorry 15cwt W/T 1    Trucks 15cwt Water. 1





                                                                Motor Cycles 10           Cars Utility 3





                                     Signals attched    Lorries 3 ton 2               Trucks 15cw 1            Motor Cycle 1





                                     L.A.D. attched    Lorries 3 ton 3               Trucks 15cwt 1





‘A’ vehicles 49





Grand total ‘B’ vehicles 57










July 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices




Individual Training was carried out by the while Regiment under Squadron Commanders

“ do “


?????? ??????? evacuated to Palestine

“ do “



“A” Squadron had “Practice Alarm”

“ do “



Air Raid Warning. All Clear given 2215 hours

“ do “


Regt Practiced in ??????? Area ’A.2” also “B” Ech Exercise

“C” Sqn had a practice road move from Alexandria to GIZA and took part in 4th Indian Div Exercise at MENA

“ do “


“C” Sqn returned by rail from GIZA.


Reconnaissance carried by 1 RTR party to MATRUH – SIDI BARANI, BUQ-BUQ, (Adv HQ 7th Armd Div) & BIR EMBA all to reconnoitre routers for 2nd & 3rd line movement from MATRUH to forward areas and vice versa. Party 2 Offs, 6 ORs



“B” Sqn were official warned of the move to Western Desert with 8th K.R.I Hussars.

Op. O 2



“B” Sqns “B” Ech moved with 8th K.R.I. Hussars road party.


“B” Sqns “A” Ech loaded on flats ay Abbassia Siding and moved out at 1645 hours.

“C” Sqn, 8th K.R.I. Hussars joined this unit on attachment.



Egypt adopted “summer time”.

“ do “



Air Raid Warning by phone to P.A.D. Sector Commander only (not issued to units and no orders sounded). All Clear 2330 hours.

During the warning period 10 enemy planes had raided ?????? (Alexandria) and dropped 4 bombs.

“ do “


Mails from United Kingdom arrived in Egypt after a delay of 2 months.

“ do “


HQ 7th Armd Bde. received warning orders for their move.

“ do “


Exercise carried by 8th K.R.I. Hussars attached to this unit.



Headquarters 7th Armd Bde moved out as a Road Party.


“C” Sqn. 8th K.R.I. Hussars carried out an Exercise in Training Areas A2 & 3.

Advance Party 4th Armd Bde returned,


Main Party, Headquarters 4th Armd Bde returned.


Two vehicle with crews left to join “B” Sqn in the Field.



Reported that “B” Sqn were in action with 8th K.R.I. Hussars on Capuzzo Bardia road.


Regt night scheme & Navigation Tests. B Suez Road Area,




(1) With Unit              19 Officers 306 Other Ranks In Hosp 2 Offrs 3 ORs

(2) With “B” Sqn Det    3 Offrs       95     “        “       “    “     1   “    2   “

(3) Attached unit           3 Offrs       63     “        “              Total Strength 38 Offs 406 ORs.



“A” Echelon With Unit        16 Cruiser Tanks      18 Light Tanks

With “B” Sqn      7     “          “             8   “       “

“B” Echelon With Unit. Lorries 3 ton-10,      Lorries 30cwt 4wh-4

Lorries 30cwt 6wh-6        Trucks 15cwt G.S. 6,

Trucks 15cwt Office-1,     Truck 15cwt – 1 Water - 1

Cars Utility- 3                   Trucks 8cwet P.U.-2       Motor Cycles - 8

Trucks 5cwt Ford P.U. – 1 & 1 attached HQ 7th Armd Bde

With “B” Sqn Lorries 3 Ton - 4, Lorries 30cwt 4wh-2

Trucks 5cwt Ford G.S. – 5 Trucks 15 cwt Water 2 Ford PU - 1.

L.A.D. Att - Lorries 3 ton- 3 Trucks 15cwt -2     Sigs Det – Lorries 3 ton -2

                                                                Trucks 15cwt -1 M/C -1





August 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices



Orders were received that the Regiment less ‘C’ Squadron would proceed to the field on the 8th Aug 1940

RHQ Squadron to move complete with Tanks and ‘A’ Squadron to move without Tanks but with Squadron Transport.

‘A’ Squadron to take over the Tanks of ‘C’ Sqn. 6 R.Tanks on arrival in the theatre of operations.

‘C’ Squadron 8th K.R.I. Hussars to accompany the Regiment and move by rail with Tanks complete.



Preparations of move of Regiment from Abbassia.



RHQ Tanks loaded on flats at 1100 hours which were shunted on to the Army Pack Train in Abbassia Siding.

Army Pack Train left Abbassia at 2230 hours and proceeded to Alexandria, arrived Alexandria 0700 hours 8/8/40 Cabbary Sidings, left Alexandria 1545 hours, arrived Matruh 0500 hours 9/8/40.

Operation Instructions 1 & 2 Aug.40.

Party proceeds to KILO 40 on Sidi Barrani road by road and thence to leaguer position.




Train Party composed of Tank personnel of ‘A’ Squadron under command of Major L.S. Harland, M.C. left Cairo Main Station and arrived Mersa Matruh at 1710 hours. An enemy plane appeared as party were detraining – several bombs were dropped, but no damage was done and after the ‘All Clear’ the party proceeded in R.A.S.C. vehicles to KILO 40 in the Sidi Barrani road and thence to leaguer position 1 mile NORTH of KILO 40.

In the field



Road Party composed of RHQ & ‘A’ Squadron ‘B’ Echelon with L.A.D. and Signal Troop left Abbassia for Matruh and leaguered night 8/9-8-40 on the Alexandria road 40 mils from Matruh after being delayed by vehicle breakdowns.

   -   do   -



‘B’ Echelon arrived at leaguer position. Several air alarms during the day. All false

   -   do   -


Operation order issued for move of RHQ & ‘A’ Sqn.

Operation Order No. 3


Reference Maps Salum 1/100,000 and CYRENECIA, 1/100,000.

In the field

12 Aug


Advance Party left leaguer area KILO 40 and proceed to 6 R. Tanks H.Q. at BIR SEMIN 523364.

   -   do   -


Main Party left leaguer area KILO 40 and proceeded to KILO 120 – BARRANI Road where petrol replenishment took place at 2000 hours. Party then proceeded to BARRANI – BIR EHBA track and leaguered for night at 688375; a single enemy aircraft appeared over the leaguer at 2310 hours and dropped 2 incendiary and three H.E. Bombs – all fell wide and no damage was done.

    -   do   -

13 Aug


Main Party left leaguer and proceed by way of BIR ENBA, BIR ZIGDEN and BIR KREIGAT to BIR SEMIN which was reached at 1800 hours. ‘A’ Sqn. then moved forward to area 521374. RHAQ after taking over from 6 R Tanks remained at BIR SEMIN 522364. Operational Order No.4 Issued

O.O. No.4

In the field

14 Aug


1 R. Tanks less 1 Squadron came under command of H.Q. Support Group.

‘B’ Sqn. 1 R. Tanks moved to area 524362. ‘A’ Sqn. 1 R. Tanks on patrol in area N and S of MUSAID.

    -   do   -

15 Aug


2 Lt. Tanks and party of 1 Officer & 5 O.R’s from RHA Tank Troop joined ‘C’ Sqn. 8th K.R.I Hussars & patrolled area 523374 & SOUTH of FORT CAPUZZO, protecting Arty. O.P’s.

   -   do   -

16 Aug

Enemy Aircraft appeared over RHQ leaguer – no bombs dropped. Operational Order No. 5 Issued

O.O. No. 5

   -   do   -

17 Aug


RHQ Lt. Tanks returned from patrol S. of CAPUZZO area. Operational Order No.6 Issued

O.O. No. 6

   -   do   -


RHQ moved to area Ring Contour 199 (520016357). ‘A’ Sqn moved to 523301.

18 Aug

‘A’ Sqn. patrols active in MUSAID & CAPUZZO areas.

   -   do   -

20 Aug

1 R. Tanks less ‘A’ & ‘C’ Squadrons ordered to proceed to area BIR DIGRAISH.

   -   do   -

‘C’ Squadron ordered to proceed to BIR DIGHAISH area & rejoin 1 R. Tanks on arrival.

‘A’ Squadron 1 R. Tanks ordered to area 512 364 and remain operational under direct orders of H.Q. Support Group after move of H.Q. 1 R. Tanks.

   -   do   -

21 Aug


H.Q. 1 R Tanks & ‘B’ Sqn. arrived in BIR DIGHAISH area and leaguered at 544315.

   -   do   -

23 Aug

‘C’ Sqn. 1 R. Tanks complete with Tanks & ‘B’ Echelon arrived at BIR DIGHAISH and leaguered at 544315.

   -   do   -

24 Aug


‘A’ Sqn. ordered to stand by in readiness to proceed on special mission consequent on reported enemy movement in GABR SALR area.


H.Q. 1 R. Tanks & ‘B’ Squadron less ‘B’ Echelon ordered to proceed to BIR KREIGAT 516353 area, and to remain there in reserve to give support to ‘A’ Squadron is necessary. Maj. L.S. Harland, MC left Regt. & assumed command of 6 R. Tanks.

   -   do   -

25 Aug

Reported that GABR SALR force moved West, in consequences ‘A’ Sqn. ordered to remain at BIR SE?????? and to resume normal patrolling activities. RHQ & ‘B’ Squadrons ordered to remain in BIR KREIGAT and await orders there.


Enemy aircraft appeared over RHQ & ‘B’ Squadron leaguer, no bombs were dropped.

   -   do   -

26 Aug

‘A’ Sqn. patrols active.

   -   do   -

27 Aug

‘A’ Squadron active in Capuzzo area in cooperation with ‘M’ Bty. 3/RHA and Sec. 4/RHA

In the Field

30 Aug

‘A’ Squadron were visited by Major General R.N. O’Connor, C.B., D.S.O., M.C., Commander Western Desert Force

   -   do   -

31 Aug

RHQ Squadron moved leaguer position in BIR KREIGAT area. . S oa mile due South.

RHA & ‘B’ Squadron ‘B’ Echelon with L.A.D. and remainder of Signal Troop moved up to BIR KREIGAT area and joined respective Squadrons. ‘C’ Squadron remained at BIR DIGHAISH. ‘A’ Squadron Tanks, less 1 Cruiser Troop, active in CAPUZZO – AMBIA Road area in cooperation with Batters of 3/R.H.A. & also the 1/K.R.R.C & 1 Coy. 3/Coldstreams.



PERSONNEL STATE   With Unit in the Field           18 Officers     333 Other Ranks           In Hospital from Field 18 Other Ranks

                                       Detached from Unit             19    “            109    “         “                 “   “ 1 “ 2            “  Detached 1 Offr 5 O.Rs

                                       Total Strength                      38 Offrs         465   “          “                Attached Strength    3 Officer     14 ORs.



“A” Echelon with unit in the Field             Cruiser Tanks 20                           Light Tanks 25

“B” Echelon with unit in the Field.

Lorries 3 ton - 14,              Lorries 30cwt G.S – 5,          30cwt 4wh-6,                Trucks 15cwt P.U. - 2

Trucks 15cwt G.S. – 11,     Office - 1,          W/T – 1       Water – 3           Cars Utility- 3,        Trucks 8cwt P.U. – 1as

Trucks 15cwt Office-1,        Truck 15cwt – 1          Water - 1

L.A.D. Attached      Lorries 3 ton- 3          Trucks 15cwt -2

Signal          “           Lorries 3 ton -3               “        “        1





September 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

Reference maps Egypt Salum 1/100,000

Sidi Barrani 1/100,000 Matruh 1/100,000

1 Sept.

Operation Order No. 7 issued for change-over between A and C squadrons.

3 Sept.

A and C squadrons carried out change-over and B squadron moved up to Nagfet el Nas whilst change-over was taking place, and later returned to area 518351.

5 Sept.

Operation Instruction No. 6 issued, also Operation Order No. 8. C sqn light patrols active in Musaid area during the day and night.

6 Sept.

2000 hrs;

RHQ and B sqn less B echelons moved up to area 513362 and C sqn at the same time left Nagfet el Nas and moved to an area south of BP41 in readiness for an artillery shoot on 7 Sept. by units of the 3 and 4 RHA. C sqn role was to protect guns and OPs whilst RHQ and B sqn were to be in reserve in case the enemy forces attacked.

7 Sept.


C sqn advance patrols reported enemy forces including medium tanks were moving northwest towards positions occupied by our guns. C sqn cruisers moved up to attack and B and RHQ sqns moved to the 'wire’ for action.

8 Sept.


RHQ and B sqn. moved back to Bir Khireigat area and C sqn. to Nagfet el Nas. Remainder of day spent in vehicle maintenance. Unit visited by Brig. H.E. Russell, Commander 7 Armd Bde. Several air alarms during the day, no bombs dropped however.

9 Sept.

C sqn patrols active in area Nexuet Ghuri following reports of enemy movement from Gabr Salem and along Aleiz road towards Capuzzo. Regiment less A sqn. (which was still located at Bir Digneish) placed on ten minutes notice to move.

10 Sept.


Further enemy movement reported and C sqn were again ordered to patrol area up to grid line 490 and keep enemy columns in observation. RHQ tank troop moved to Nagfet el Nas. Major L.C. Hynes left regiment to take over appointment of Chief Gunnery Instructor RAC Base Depot.

11 Sept.


Large movements of MET and tanks reported by 11 Hussars patrol as being near the 'wire'.


B sqn did protection and acted as forward OPs to a force of the 4 RHA under Col. Campbell. They had a very successful shoot against enemy concentrations of vehicles, details of which are given in Report 2 attached.

12 Sept.


The enemy crossed into Egyptian territory at two points and were engaged by B and C sqns. RHQ was at 529353. A sqn. were in leaguer with B echelon at Dar el Brug.


B sqn. was attacked by dive-bomber aircraft which later machine-gunned RHQ. There were no casualties.


B sqn again came under command of Col. Campbell.

13-18 Sept.

The action in which the regiment was involved during this period is given as an Appendix (No. 3 attached).

14 Sept.

A sqn report of action on this day attached as Appendix (No. 4 attached).

13 Sept.

Major F. Brown arrived from the Base to take over command of B sqn vacated by Major LG. Hynes

15 Sept.

Description of main enemy column as observed on this day attached as Appendix No. 6.

16 Sept.

Lt.Col. W.E. Molesworth was evacuated sick, and Major F Brown took over command of the regiment. B echelon, for the first time in four days, was not heavily bombed.

19 Sept.

After the action of the past 6 days the regiment made a small move to bring it into position with the rest of the 7 Armd Bde. Major G.J.M. Culverwell from 6 RTR arrived and took over command of the regiment.

20 Sept.

Lt. A. Williamson and 3 ORs proceeded to the Base prior to embarkation for UK on compassionate grounds.

21-26 Sept.

The regiment made no move, being positioned during this period on the Div left flank.

27 Sept.

No enemy activity was reported. Sqn commanders made recce of area to north and south of regiment. Major F Brown proceeded on leave, Major L.G. Hynes taking his place as 2 i/c. An enemy reconnaissance aircraft circled over the area occupied by the regiment. No bomber aircraft appeared, however. Major Lockheart and 2/Lt. Petherwick of the 3 Kings Own Hussars arrived to spend two days with the regiment. Having just arrived from UK they wished to gain insight in desert fighting.

29 Sept.

Major Lockheart and 2/Lt. Petherwick 3rd KOH departed for their own unit. Capt. H.A. Lascelles proceeded on leave, Lt. W.D. Yeo taking over the position of Adjutant.

30 Sept.

The Commanding Officer reconnoitred the ground southwest of Kenayis and west of Sellaz. Recommendations for awards were submitted in respect of Capt. P.C. Page and Sgt. G. Alexander for the gallant part they played in the action of 14th and 15th 1940.

Personnel State

With unit in the field - 19 officers and 285 ORs

In hospital from field - 61 ORs

Detached from unit - 18 officers and 116 ORs which included 7 officers and 51 ORs with depot.

Total unit strength - 37 officers and 462 CR5 including personnel of Corps X (ii) and (iv) ???????

Attached strength - RAMC 1 officer. RC of S - 10 ORs RAOC 1 armourer and 9 of LAD arr.13 Sept.

Vehicle State

A echelon total - 17 cruiser tanks, 19 light tanks.

 B echelon total - Lorries 3-ton 15 30-cwt 8wh - 5

30cwt 4wh 7 Trucks 15cwt CS - 13

Office - 1 W/T truck - 1

Water carts - 4 Morris 8cwt PUs - 4

Cars utility - 2

LAD 3 ton - 3 l5cwts - 2

Sigs attached Lorries 3 ton - 2 Trucks 15-cwt CS - 1




  Appendix I to War Diary Vol. 13/1940  
To:   Officer Commanding 1 RTR    

Report on  movements of B sqn. on Sept. 7 1940 


see attached sketch. 


               At about 1345 hrs. B sqn. in reserve at PT 204 received information that C sqn was withdrawing before 6 enemy medium tanks which were moving southwest in the Bir Ghirba area.  At 1410 hrs orders were received from you to move immediately to PT 206.   This point was reached in about 25 mins.   As soon as this point was reached we were ordered to go through the wire to the asistance of C sqn, taking care to go southwest of the shells which were bursting on the wire about BP4O.


                The sqn moved through a small gap close to BP42 at 1423 hrs and moved northwest parallel to the Nezuet Ghirba-Bir Ghirba track in wide air formation with three light troops as ‘protection front'.   As the sqn passed through the wire, C sqn was moving up the wire north in line ahead from 42 towards 40;  they were about 400 yds from the wire and were firing 2-pdrs towards the north-north-west.   They then turned right through the wire at about 41 but came back again and moved on our right rear.


                I had no information as to the direction the enemy had taken so I continued north-west 15-18mph expecting to find the enemy moving southwest from Bir Ghirba as previously reported. While C sqn cruisers were still firing I was unable to see any enemy so continued on to find them, keeping the tanks closed down except the cupolas.   I halted several times and used field glasses as did the light troop leaders but could see no enemy at all.


                After travelling about 6 miles I saw in front of me a group of 11 vehicles.  2 troop was ordered to report on these and I followed him at 600 yds.   He reported enemy light tanks and lorries so I ordered him to move left of them while I went to their right with the cruisers in trident.   These vehicles were covered with 5 two-pdrs, all the Vickers guns of the cruisers and by the guns of 2 troop.   On closing to 400 yds, it was seen that the vehicles were all derelict.   The sqn moved on another mile and a half but finding no enemy I asked for permission to withdraw which was given.   No enemy was seen through the day and no shots fired.


                The Navigator was commanding a troop and so was unable to plot the course.   The course was set by me and is of course approximate.   I returned on my tracks.   The light tanks covered a frontage of about 2 - 2½ miles.




In the Field           Sgd.        Major Hynes
8.8.40             OC B sqn 1 RTR




Appendix 2

      Report No. 1 to War Diary Vol. 13/1940  
      Report by C sqn. 1 RTR on Operations 6/7 Sept.


Light tank patrols as follows:


No. 1 Area 206


No. 2 Bir Hafid


No. 3 Gabr el Gerrari


SHQ and cruisers Nexuet Ghirba



No 2 patrol reported 40 enemy vehicles including tanks in 2 parties of 20 moving northwesterly direction in area 503378 at a speed of 25mph.



6 enemy vehicles including 2 medium tanks detached from main column advanced southwest on a general line Gabrsel Meduar-Gabr el Gerrari. No 3 patrol fired on by enemy mgs. C sqn, HQ and 4 cruisers moved on a general line Nezuet Ghirba-Bir Ghirba in battle line.



Information of the enemy movements passed back to RHQ.



No 2 patrol reported that the enemy had changed direction south-east and had halted in area 504372, the main column meanwhile continued to advance north-west.



6 medium tanks reported to have moved to 505372 and halted hull-down on the ridge. No 2 patrol this time withdrew to 508372.



Our cruisers opened fire on the enemy tanks with 2-pdr and machine guns. The enemy were situated on a ridge east of Pt. 201. Range approx 1600 to 2000 yds.



No 2 patrol withdrew through the wire at BP 39 on account of heavy shellfire and fire from enemy tanks.



Cruisers turned west into Line Ahead and engaged enemy tanks broadside on at a range of 2000 yds.



C sqn began withdrawal to BP42, meanwhile engaging enemy with 2-pdr.



Cruisers again advanced on a general line BP42-Gabr Gdeifi with B sqn on left flank. At this period the enemy could not be seen.



Enemy sighted approx. 1 mile north-west of Bir Ghirba; three cruisers turned north-east and engaged enemy as they withdrew - range 2000 yds, 2-pdr shell used.



No 3 patrol withdrew south of wire.



Final withdrawal of C sqn to position south of wire.



Light tank patrols moved to Bir Ghirba and to Pt 206 and were relieved by the patrols of the 2nd RB 2030 hrs.



C sqn returned to Nagfet el Nas.

      Remarks.   From information received from No 2 patrol, the enemy column appears to have been proceeding north-west with medium tanks protecting its southern flank.   These tanks detached themselves from the main column and took positions as stated above.   The fact that large shell were bursting in considerable numbers in area north of the wire between BP 41 and 42 leads one to believe that the column probably had guns with it, which on information from patrols opened fire from a position north of Bir Hafid.It seems unlikely that the shell which fell south-west of Mezuet Chirba came from batteries in the Capuzzo area.
In the field.    

Sgd. D J Coulson Capt.





Appendix Report No. 2 to 1 RTR War Diary Vol. 13 Sept. 1940

Report of actions by B squadron during period 11/18 Sept.1940


11 Sept.

Squadron was under command of 'Campbellforce' Patrols Z. 5 and 6 were with OPs and confirmed reports of successful battery shoot of 4 RHA on Gap 48 area. Direct hits were registered by second salvo from when all other salvos were on the target. During the day 5 troop towed carrier of RB's away from Sidi Omar whilst under A/Tk fire.

12 Sept

Squadron again under 'Campbellforce' Only one 1 OP was put out. 2 troop covered this. The remainder of the squadron did local protection to the battery. No observation of the result of the shoot was possible owing to mist. The squadron returned to leaguer at 0800 hrs. 13 Sept.

13 Sept.


Enemy reported 'through the wire'; squadron moved off to cover west flank of regiment.


The squadron moved north from leaguer area 518351 to Sidi Suleiman. Patrol RBs met squadron at this point and reported enemy force advancing northeast from Sidi Oman area. Sqn changed direction to Pt 205, 512360, with patrols west to gain touch with the enemy.


6 troop made contact with the enemy and came under severe A/Tk fire from Breda guns. The troop returned the fire and retired to an observation post at Pt. 203, 511302


This force was reported by sqn to RHQ.

1150 approx. Squadron ordered not to move any further west, but to keep the enemy under observation.


Z troop, who were Protection N. watching Cap 30 was fired on from north-east column.


Squadron ordered to move north-east and assist C sqn against enemy in their area. Sqn moved north-east and made contact with a troop of C sqn in area 52103630 who gave the location of the enemy forces which squadron was ordered to attack. Sqn changed direction towards Pt. 207, 518384. Z and 5 patrols observed enemy in great numbers, concentrated facing south-east with forward line south of grid 361.


Squadron decided to attack the southwest corner of this column. It appeared to be the only flank open and not supported by any other force. Attack, due west, from Pt. 207, and draw off southwest.


Cruisers (5) changed direction north-north-west in line ahead and opened fire on enemy flank, range 1800 yds. At 1500 yds squadron came into battle line and advanced due north towards south-west flank of column. At 800 yds squadron turned west into line ahead. By this time the enemy were well in view and observed fire was easy. Targets were A/Tk guns unlimbering, CVSs (light tanks) and enemy heavy tanks on the west of the column moving east to gain cover from the A/Tk guns. At this time enemy heavy guns came into action, their fire was very accurate and apparently a box barrage was put down round the squadron. The sqn then quickly turned south-south-east and firing over our trails withdrew to 1800 yds where we changed again, and still under severe and accurate heavy gunfire withdrew to the 'tombs' in area 51536A


Sqn in position in the 'tombs' area observing W. gap 38 and W. enemy column. The squadron checked up on completed action here, the results of which were as follows:

First 2-pdr round scored a direct hit on a large lorry which went up in flames.

A cloud of smoke was seen pouring out of an enemy medium tank, reports confirm one heavy tank towed away later in the day.

Ammunition expended:- 72 round 2-pdr.; 100 round .5 approx; 4000 rounds .303 approx.


The enemy force was distributed as follows:

In front, A/tk and Field guns, in 2nd line behind CWSs, 3rd line heavy tanks, and in rear closely-packed B vehicles about 20 yards between vehicles.

Casualties from .303 should have been severe. The enemy were definitely not prepared for a tank attack.

When the squadron attack was launched guns and tanks of the enemy were still moving into position. Unfortunately the heavy guns in the rear of the enemy were in position and as soon as we attempted to close in on the A/Tk guns hell on earth was let loose on our cruisers. The enemy method of laying a box barrage on attacking vehicles is very effective; also, unless the attackers are prepared to run this barrage they are under well directed A/Tk gun fire in the box.

It was confirmed by tank commanders that the squadron attacking in any action should have the 'air' during the attack. It is the only possible means whereby the commander has complete control over his cruisers. The success of this action was a result of this.

The squadron remained in this position until relieved by A sqn. at 0130 hrs 14 Sept. The sqn then withdrew to Dar el Brug area to leaguer up.


14 Sept.

The squadron remained in Dar el Brug area in reserve, but suffered five bombing attacks. Casualties - one skinned knee and C sqn. officers' mess.

15 Sept.


Sqn moved up to take over from A and C sqns.


Sqn HQ arrived Bir Kherigat.


Commanders A and C arrived.


5 troop in position on escarpment watching enemy column on Salum-Sidi Barrani road.


6 troop observed enemy columns moving from Sidi Omar track to Halfaya Pass area.


8 troop took over from C sqn on west flank.


On command of RHQ started to withdraw sqn patrols to Kherigat area preparatory to complete unit withdrawal.


Sqn in area Kherigat.


Sqn withdrew to regiment area at point 199 on Hamra track.

16 Sept.


Sqn arrived area 584336. Maintenance and regt local west and north protection throughout the day.


Sqn had severe bombing attack. Several vehicles hit but no damage and no casualties.


Sqn with RHQ moved east towards Bir el Tereil and arrived 0715 hrs on 17 Sept.

17 Sept.

Sqns maintenance and rest.

18 Sept.


Sqn withdrew to area 583321 doing advance guard to regiment.


Sqn arrived and leaguered in above area. Sqn maintenance and rest.





Troop commanders and tanks during above action:

In the field 19th Sept. 1940


Z - Sgt. Horry

1 light tank

5 - 2/Lt R.C. Richards

2 light tanks

6 - 2/Lt. S.E. Beckinsale

2 light tanks

7 - Sgt. Burgess

2 cruisers

8 - Sgt. Hall

2 cruisers

OC sqn. - Capt. A.G. Cruickshank

1 cruiser






1         Appendix No. 4 to 1 RTR War Diary Vol. 13 - Sept. 1940


Report on action in which A sqn was involved 13/15 Sept. Area Abu Nuh


Composition of squadron


1 cruiser tank A9

Capt. J.C.S. Compton

1 troop

3 light tanks Mk VI

2/Lt. J.M. Sassoon

Sgt. Atkin

Sgt. Parsons

2 troop

2 light tanks Mk VI

Capt. P.C. Page

Sgt. Shields

3 troop

3 cruiser tanks A9

2/Li. W.U.B. Reid

Sgt. Alexander

Cpl. Craik

4 troop

2 cruiser tanks A9

Sgt. Pugh

Sgt. McGinley


2.          Narrative.

On 18th Sept. 1940 A sqn left Deir el Brug area 5232 at 1500 hrs and by nightfall had taken over from B and C sqns and were located as follows:

No. 1 troop - cross tracks 516361

No. 2 troop - track fork 522358

SHQ and Nos. 3 and 4 troops - 519353

At about 0800 hrs I received orders by wireless to harass and delay the enemy's advance southwest between the escarpment and exclusive the track Halfaya Pass 527368-Bir el Khireigat 520348.


At 0700 hrs No 2 troop on the right contacted the enemy and by 0900 hrs had located the enemy as follows:

18 vehicles moving south-east slowly, head at 531362

3 trucks at 536360 (later identified as Rifle Brigade)

18 vehicles stationary at Bir Siweiyat 530362

A large column, halted head at 528365

Main column with tank screen to south, stretching north and south from Halfaya Pass to 524562


At 0930 hrs A sqn moved forward past Abu Shalif 520353 with light tank protection on both flanks. At 0945 I ordered Nos 3 and 4 troops to form battle line advancing with centre line just east of Bir Nuh 527360. No 2 troop having confirmed that this would take me to the centre of the main south-east column. I ordered No 2 troop to create a diversion to my right front whilst No 1 troop kept the main column Halfaya Pass 524362 under close observation. At 0950 hrs No 2 troop enemy engaged. At the same time 18 small lorries moving south-east were sighted approach Bir Nuh. I ordered Nos 3 and 4 troops to wheel left and engage them; they went slightly too far forward to effect this and in fact the extreme left of the line only was directed on Bir Nuh. I therefore took my own tank and one slow cruiser, in from the south, as by this time the other 4 cruisers were being engaged by what I estimated to be 2 Batteries Field Guns from the north of the Bir. I then ordered a withdrawal south-east.


One cruiser tank (Sgt Pugh commander) received a direct hit from a field gun on the sprocket, which removed it, and carried away the track. Sgt. Alexander succeeded in rescuing three of the crew from this tank although it was under very heavy fire at the time, and in fact Sgt. Pugh reports that it was hit eight times whilst the crew were being picked up. One shell hit the centre of the turret which blew the sub-turret gunner, who was half out of his turret, 6 feet through the air and presumably knocked out the gunner (2-pdr) and DO as they were unconscious and could not be got out. This action ceased at 1130 hours when I first learned that I had lost a cruiser.

At 1145 hrs. I ordered No 2 troop to endeavour to rescue the remainder of the crew whilst the remaining cruisers, now reduced to 4 (i.e. one knocked out and one with 3 men on the outside) engaged the guns again.


No 2 troop succeeded in working up under cover to within 1000 ydsx but guns had now been moved up to the disabled cruiser and the 4 cruisers were very heavily engaged and had to withdraw as the ground was completely open and we had had to advance about 3000 yds under fire before getting into effective range.


During the cruisers' advance No 2 troop held its fire and from under cover at 1000 yds range, waited until about 300 men had dismounted near the cruiser and fired 1250 rounds .303 and .5 into this crowd who ran, and it is estimated that about 50 were killed or wounded. No 2 troop were there engaged by shellfire and withdrew without loss. The whole action ceased at 1235hrs.

The only enemy activity to the south-east after this action was a reconnaissance along the escarpment to Pt 193 533360; this party consisted of 10 lorry loads of infantry, 7 CV IIIs and about 17 small type lorries. It was unfortunate that this party could not be engaged, but only 2 cruisers were now in action, as one had developed engine trouble and had to be towed away by another, and my own tank had broken its track. Although still in range we were not engaged, and the recce party of seeing No 2 troop decided to withdraw.


3.         Notes on enemy tactics and armament.

The system of dealing with a tank attack appears to be to enclose the tanks in a box barrage of field gun fire and to engage the tanks within this box with a smaller type of gun which is carried in the back of a comparatively small lorry. Details could not be seen, but it appeared that they were run down the tailboard of the lorry onto the ground and the lorry did not move away; it appeared that they were 'winched' back again on to the lorry. It appears that a proportion of the ammunition is carried in the same lorry as the gun, as a lorry immediately behind a gun exploded when hit by a 2-pdr shell. Until within effective mg range I engaged these guns with 2-pdr. As soon as effective mg fire could be brought to bear they ceased to fire, but again opened up when I fired 2-pdr in an attempt to smash the guns. These smaller types of guns, estimated to be between 6 - 10-pdrs. appear to move about in groups of 18 vehicles.


The cruiser tank which was disabled was removed by the enemy with a huge lorry and it is thought that it was taken away in the lorry.

Heavy tanks were reported to be in this enemy column but took no part in the action, apparently sheltering behind the field guns.

When the cruiser was removed the order of march was Heavy lorries (field guns), super heavy lorry with cruiser, light lorries, tanks, motor-cycles.

Lorries carrying infantry are distinctive as they have riot covers at the back; about 20 men are carried in each lorry.


4.          Casualties

A squadron - one cruiser tank A9 captured by the enemy after being disabled. 2 men taken prisoner.

Enemy - four lorries carrying A/Tk guns seen to blow up. One lorry though to contain petrol set on fire. Estimated at least 100 casualties from 2-pdr and mg fire (the 18 smaller lorries were engaged for a very short time at 600 yds)


5.          Armour of cruiser tank.

The cruiser tank although hit some 20 times appeared to be almost undamaged. The two men left in the tank were seen to be helped away by a man on each side, so could not have been seriously wounded.



23 Sept. 1940



Commanding A sqn, 1 R Tanks





Appendix 5 to 1 RTR War Diary Vol. 13 - Sept. 40


Information of enemy main column as observed from 535358 at 1330 hrs 15 Sept. 1940

Ref: Map: Salum 1/100,000


Head of main column could not be seen but it was beyond grid line ???????

Main body was between grid line 550 and grid line 540. Rear party was still around Salum and Halfaya area.

Strength - main body consisted of approximately 2000 vehicles of the 10 ton lorry type, with light coloured hoods. These vehicles moved in bunches of 50, five abreast and astride the southern track. Between each group there was a gap of 300 yds and a staff car led each one. On the north and south of this body and 400 yds away from it, there was a screen of smaller lorries presumably containing light tanks or field guns. On the north road there were three smaller columns travelling north of main body. These three columns consisted of a staff car, 2 ORs, 10 large and 10 smaller lorries, the large lorries appeared to be towing the smaller ones. The main body had definitely no tanks on the ground with it, the rear guard consisted of small columns of trucks (15cwt) and what appeared to be replenishment lorries (5 ton)

Speed of column. The speed could not be judged as each group moved to the group in front and then halted. But during the 'hour' the observer was watching the whole column moved only 600 yards.

Activity from the sea. No ships of any description were sighted.

Air protection. Approx 20 fighter aircraft circled high over the column continuously throughout the day, army co-operation aircraft flew low over the escarpment


15 Sept. 1940




RIO, 1st Royal Tank Reg





October 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices




Ref. Maps Matruh 1/500,000 1/100,000



1/30 Oct.


Individual training carried out under squadron arrangements.



2 Oct.


B echelon wireless took part in a skeleton signal exercise in Bir Shanen area.



12 Oct.


The regiment less B echelon moved from present area to new leaguer areas, location as follows: RHQ 693315 - A sqn 691314 - B sqn 691315 - C sqn 692316





B echelon remained in Brigade B echelon area. 3 Hussars 1 sqn and 1 sqn of 2 RTR arrived in Brigade area and took up leaguer position vacated by 1 RTR.



13 Oct.


Demonstration of ground-to-air signalling by ground signal code, afterwards a Gloster Gladiator aircraft of 208 Sqn RAF paid a visit to RHQ squadron.



15 Oct.


Two Savoia-Marchette bombers passed over the regiment leaguers flying in an easterly direction, half an hour later unidentified enemy aircraft dropped approx 20 bombs near a RAF landing ground in the Bir Kenayis area and also close to the 3 Hussars leaguer - no damage was done and no bombs hit their targets.



17 Oct.


Lt. B.C. Forster and 2/Lt A.A. Manby joined the regiment from RAC Base Depot. Field firing was carried out by A squadron. A BSA 'dingo' visited the regiment and a short demonstration of its manoeuvrability was given.





Capt H.A. Lascelles was evacuated sick. 2/Lt E.W.H. Hadfield assumed duties of adjutant pending return of Lt W.D. Yeo from leave.



19 Oct.


B echelon, with 8 Hussars, took part in a Brigade exercise in RASC replenishment area. Field firing carried out by B sqn.



21 Oct.


Field firing carried out by C sqn.



22 Oct.


The regiment was placed on 15 minutes notice to move up to Support Group area 640360 and to be in reserve to 8 Hussars who were taking part in a raid by Support Group on an enemy camp in area 622373. See Appx. A.



24 Oct.


Major J.G.N. Culverwell proceeded on leave. Major F.Brown assumed command of the regiment.



25 Oct.


2/Lts E.B. Leakey and B.S. Young joined the regiment and were posted to C and A sqns respectively.



28 Oct.


Field firing carried out by C sqn 2-pdr gunners and spare gunners of RHQ tank troop.



29 Oct.


B echelon took part in a full-scale Brigade B echelon exercise with 3 Hussars and 8 Hussars. A practice dive bombing attack was made by Gloster Gladiator aircraft while the B echelon were on the move.



31 Oct.


Enemy bombers appeared to the south of the regiment leaguer and dropped several bombs in the vicinity





Personnel State





Officers total 37 (with unit 22, on leave 3, in hospital 3, detached 9)





ORs total 446 (with unit 282, on leave 26, in hospital 27, detached 111)





Vehicles State





Cruiser tanks A9 Mk I - 13





Light tanks Mk VI/VIA/VIB - 19





Morris 3ton lorries - 13





Morris 30cwt 4whl. - 7





Morris 30cwt 6whl. - 4





Morris l5cwt OS - 12





Morris l5cwt Office - 1





Morris l5cwt Wireless truck - 1





Morris l5cwt Water trucks - 4





Morris 8cwt PU - 7





Cars utility - 1





LAD Leyland 3ton 6whl CS - 1





LAD Crossley 3ton Gwhl Bt driven - 1





LAD Crossley 3ton 6whl store - 1





LAD Morris l5cwt OS - 3





Signals 3ton lorries - 2





Signals Morris l5cwt CS - 1






November 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

Maps Matruh 1/500,000 100,000 Sidi Barrani 100,000


1/30 Nov.

Individual training was carried out under sqn arrangements


4 Nov.

In accordance with Warning Order (issued as Appx 1) - 1RTR moved out for a practice night leaguer from their present position to 691312. The exercise commenced at 1700 hrs. and was in night leaguer by 1900 hrs. At 2200 hrs the regiment returned to bivouac area.


6 Nov.

Capt H.A. Lascelles rejoined the regiment and was appointed OC C sqn. Lt W.D. Yeo was appointed adjutant vice Capt Lascelles.


8 Nov.

1 RTR Operation Instruction No 9 issued (Appx. 2)


11 Nov.

Reconnaissance carried out in Bir Mumin area (656327) and along escarpment by RIO and 3 members of RHQ tank troop. Reconnaissance carried out by C sqn, Bir Dagsha, Deir el Hibein, Deir el Qitani area.


13 Nov.

1 RTR took part in a Skeleton Brigade Signal Exercise under command of Brig.H.E. Russell with 8th KRI Hussars in area Bir el Gerir and Qaret el Kenayis - RHQ and A, B and C sqns were each represented by one cruiser tank.


18 Nov.

Major G.J.N. Culverwell evacuated to hospital. Major F. Brown assumed command of the regiment.


19 Nov.

Enemy aircraft passed over the camp at a low altitude, no bombs however were dropped on the camp. Several, however, were dropped in an area 3 miles north-west.


The unit was visited by the CinC Middle East Forces, Gen. Sir Archibald P. Wavell KOB CMG MC.


20 Nov.

Capt N.C.B. Fellows joined the regiment and was attached to A sqn.


22 Nov.

1 RTR took part in a practice night leaguer exercise with a RHA (A/E Battery) in area Hagfet el Daghani.


23 Nov.

Unit returned from night leaguer to original sqn areas.


27 Nov.

Two men per A/T rifle fired on open range at 68603125. The WTO also carried out an experiment with 1036 .303 Vickers ammunition.


30 Nov.

Unit left area and proceeded by way of Bir Mumin 636327 to area 612340 where a close leaguer was formed (OO No. 9 Appx 3) Regiment came under command of Headquarters Support Group.

Personnel State

Officers; With unit 18 On leave 3 Sick 6 Detached 7

Total 36 (1 RAMO attached)

ORs; With unit 321 On leave 24 Hosp. 18 Detached 84 

Total 447

ORs attached: RAOC LAD 11 Signals 10 RAOC Armourers 2

RAMO 2 3 Hussars

Vehicle State

Cruiser tanks A9 and AlO - 20

Light tanks Mk VI/VIA/VIB -~ 22

Morris 3 ton lorries - 14

Morris 30cwt 6whl lorries 5

Morris 30cwt 4whl lorries - 7

Morris 15cwt OS - 11

Morris 15cwt water carts - 5

Morris 15cwt W/T truck - 1

Morris 15cwt office truck - 1

Morris 8cwt PU - 7

Ford Utility - 1

Dingo scout cars - 2

LAD attached

Leyland 3ton 6whl OS - 1

Crossley 3ton 6whl Breakdown - 1

Crossley 3ton 6whl Store - 1

Signals attached

Lorries 3 ton - 2 Morris 1 5cwt CS trucks - 1

RAMC attached Ambulance - 1




December 1940

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices




Maps Matruh 1/500,000;  Matruh 1/100,000;  Sidi Barrani 1/l00,000;  Solum (Italy) 100,000



1 Dec.


No enemy activizy.



2 Dec.


Little enemy activity.  Lt Col Jerram DSO MC and four officers of 7 RTR joined the regiment for three days to see the Front.



3 Dec.


Brig. Gott commanding Support Group, visited the regiment.



6 Dec.


Advance copy of Operation Order No 8 received from Support Group HQ.



7 Dec.


1 RTR Operation Order No 10 (see appx.) issued.  RHQ moved to area 612350.



8 Dec.


A/Lt.Col J.G.N. Culverwell returned from sick leave and reassumed command of 1 RTR.



9 Dec.


1 RTR moved to Bir il Illiqiya (596343).   Role - Reserve. (see appx.)  C sqn ground strafed by unidentified aircraft.   Tpr Norrie J. S. wounded.



10 Dec.


Regt. moved to Pt. 204 (593340).





Regt. leaguer bombed during night 10/11 Dec.   Fourteen bombs dropped on eastern perimeter.   No damage or casualties.





During the night Liaison Officer arrived with orders for 1 RTR to move following morning towards Bir Shinidirra.



11 Dec.


During move to Bir Shinidirra 1 RTR were bombed by two aircraft and later machine-gunned by four fighters.   No damage or casualties.   Leaguered for night on track Sofafi-Bur-Buq.



12 Dec.


1 RTR remained in observation of Sofafi Camp.





Orders were received to move over Pass through Sofafi Camp to Bir Habata.   Unit leaguered 1 mile south-east of Habata.



13 Dec.


Orders were received for unit to proceed toQaret el Reiweibet to come under command of HQ 4th Armd Bde on arrival.





Arrived at Qaret el Reiweibet and ordered by HQ 4th Armd Bde to advance to area west of Aby Shelif.   Unit was shelled on move.





Orders were received to move to Bir Abu Hareiga (south-west of Bardia)



14 Dec.


Started for Bir Aby Hareiga crossing in Libya, arr. at Hareiga 1000 hrs.





Continuous air attack by means of high and low altitude bombing and machine-gun strafing.  No damage or casualties.





B echelon were bombed on same day and Tprs Dobson and Clarke were killed, and Cpl. Sullivan (Royal Corps of Sigs) severely wounded.





Orders received to move so as to discover whether or not Sidi Azeiz was occupied.



15 Dec.


Sidi Azeiz discovered to be unoccupied.  Shelling fairly heavy from direction of Capuzzo.





RTR moved to 504380.





B sqn advanced to west of road Capuzzo-Bardia, was heavily shelled.   One light tank was hit but was recovered later.



16 Dec.


A and B sqns maintained contact with enemy at 520388.   Fire opened up on enemy medium tanks.   Enemy reply was inaccurate and ineffective.





1 RTR northwest of Capuzzo aerodrome. Orders received for destruction of aircraft on landing ground (4 Breda 5, 2 CR32, 1 Savoia) .   Large numbers of tents complete with bedding etc. were discovered, also quantities of aviation oil, petrol and bombs.



?? Dec


1 RTR moved to Bir Bzen on Bardi-Tobruk road with orders to stop reinforcement or evacuation of Bardia. No enemy action.



?? Dec.


1 RTR moved to 49473947 (regiment in reserve).



?? Dec.


1 RTR moved to area 494394.





1 RTR moved to area 490393.



?? Dec.


1 RTR moved to Hagfet el Mgaier (48873915).





1 RTR moved to area 464408.





                Vehicles State





Tanks Cruiser A9/A10  -  16





Tanks light VI, VIA and B  -  16





Scout cars  -  2





Lorries 3ton Morris  -  13





Chevrolet  -  2





Morris 30cwt 4whl  -  6





Morris 30cwt 6whl  -  3





Morris 15cwt CS  -  12





Morris 15cwt Office, W/T and ambulance, Water cart - 4





Morris Scwt PU  -  5





Cars utility  -  1





LAD attached





Lorries 3ton 6whl  -  3      15cwt trucks GS - 3





Sigs attached





Lorries 3ton  -  2





Morris 15cwt  -  6





Appx E Vehicles State 19.12.40















3 )





B (3 KOH)













7 )




Position of Zs.  


1 on wire at 42 BP

1 at 485383

1 at Bde HQ

B (3KOH)

2269 left behind on 7.12.40

4206 evacuated before 6.12.40

2198 Sidi Omar

4243 Sidi Omer


5933 left for evacuation at 589345

5931 left for evacuation at 589345

9228 evacuated LAD 13.12.40

9220 evacuated before 6.12.40

5930 burnt out Sidi Barrani

9218 evacuated Sidi Barrani, turret holed

5958 Sidi Omar 16.12.40




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