Artefacts - The Far East
The purpose of this page is to provide a source of pictures and other information that may be of interest to anyone browsing the website, relating the 7th Armoured Brigades service in Burma. It will change as and when items are available to be added to it.
Please click on the pictures to see large versions.
A menu from meal en-route to Burma in Colombo, from the Bristol Hotel.
Stuart Tanks of 7th Armoured Brigade in Burma, 1942.
Negotiating a Burmese river crossing |
On the road in Burma |
Pictures of 2nd RTR crews in the Burmese jungle, 1942.
Three of 'A' Squadron, 2 RTR in the Burmese jungle, 1942.
It is believed that these men may have been in the same crew. Left Right: Frank Mason, Peter Watson and Frederick Brooks |
Stuart Tanks of 2nd RTR near Rangoon, 1942.
Two Pictures of 2 RTR fitters at work on a Stuart in Burma
Stuart Tanks of 2nd RTR during the withdrawal to the Chindwin.
Men from 2nd RTR in Burma
More pictures of 2nd RTR from their time in the
desert can be found on the main 7th Armoured Division Website on the Pictures
Page .
Please click
here to go to it.
Men of 7th Hussars in the Burmese Jungle. Sitting on the right is Lt-Col F. R. C Fosdick, (CO 7th Hussars), with Captain W Low (RAMC) sitting left, with Captain V. John (with cap) and Major R. Younger (2 i/c 7th Hussars), standing at the rear.
Some pictures of the aftermath of the fighting
The village of Waw on fire |
Burning vehicles on the side of the road |
The Men of 7th Armoured Brigade HQ Squadron, probably in India after the withdrawal to India
If you have anything that you feel may be suitable for this page please click here
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