War Diaries of 1st Royal Tank Regiment



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January 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
      Maps El Adem 1/100,000  
      Ain el Gazala 1/100,000  
      Bomba 1/100,000  
      Chaulan 1/100,000  
      Martuba 1/100,000  
      Benghazi 1/500,000  


1 Jan.


Regiment moved to area 470407.



5 Jan.


Received Operation Order No 1 from HQ 7 Armd Bde for move thirty miles west to area 418399.





Arrived at area 418399. Five Italian airmen (one wounded) picked up by leading squadron.



6 Jan.


Regiment moved to area 402404.



7 Jan.


Moved to area 390408. C sqn under Major Lascelles were positioned 5 miles further west.



8 Jan.


C sqn dive-bombed by two unidentified aircraft - no damage or casualties.



9 Jan.


Moved to area 370425. A sqn (Major Compton) was detached to HQ Support Group and moved to area Acromfi 



10 Jan.


Two lorries of A sqn B echelon were machine-gunned by an aircraft which resembled a Hurricane. No casualties. Three tyres of one 30cwt lorry were punctured and radiator of another was pierced.



11 Jan.


A sqn rejoined regiment.



11/17 Jan.


Regiment remained in position.



18 Jan.


Major Hynes and Capt Sir Frederick Coates Bt. joined regiment.





Regiment moved to area 09486. Light tanks were taken over from 6 RTR. (Operation Order II  issued)



19 Jan.


B sqn under command of Major Lascelles moved to area 74861 (Benghazi 1/500,000) to protect a supply dump which was being formed at Bir Aleima.





The light tanks of A sqn under command of Major Fellows proceeded to area 7723 (Bomba 100,000) with the role of preventing enemy movement along the main raid Tobruch-Derna.





HQ 1 RTR and remainder of A sqn moved to area 9486 (Din el Gazala 11100,000).



20 Jan.


Capt. Leakey with 7 light tanks (C sqn) took over the role of Major Fellows' light tanks at 7486 (Bomba). Major Hynes assumed command of B sqn. Major Lascelles assumed command of C sqn.



21 Jan.


C sqn (Major Lascelles) carried out recce of Martuba area and acted as escort to RE officer to examine wells at Martuba (for account of activity see Appx. 2)





15cwt truck belong to troop of 155 Bty RA under command OC 1 RTR exploded a thermos type of bomb.





A Hurricane was shot down in 1 RTR area and thermos bombs were dropped around the wrecked plane. A sqn was employed in the destruction of these bombs.




RHQ 1 RTR moved to area W.Scegga P.6505 (Benghasi 1/500,000). A sqn (Major Compton) moved to Martuba area. B and C sqns rejoined RHQ 1 RTR. C troop 1 RHA placed under command OC 1 RTR.





C sqn moved to El Ezziat





RHQ 1 RTR moved to area El Ezziat. Column bombed on move by 4 Savolas. 1 OR slightly wounded. A sqn in action Derna area (see Appx. 3).




A sqn rejoined RHQ in area El Ezziat.





Regiment moved south to Baltet er Hamla with prospect of then moving to O.7209 (Benghasi) in order to cut off escape of garrison of Machili. Garrison had however escaped during night 26/27 Jan.





Regt. moved north east to area Got Breiber (W1398) arriving at 1830 hrs







February 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
      Map Benghasi  

1 Feb.


1 RTR moved leaguer area 2 miles north-east to a deep wadi U1597.

2 Feb.

No action.

3 Feb.


Received orders for move first light 4.2.41

4 Feb.


1 RTR joined 7 Armd Bde at Baltet Sief (1590) and then moved via Baltet Hamma (0276) Bir el Gerkari (T.5042) to area Bir Mellez.


Arrived T1223 area and halted for 421


Moved to area E 9817 arriving 0200 hrs 5.2.41

5 Feb.


Continued march westwards route ??????? (9015) progress very slow as route on either side of track had been spread with thermos bombs.


Regi. halted area E7816.


Regt. moved without 7 Armd Bde and less 1 sqn on a bearing of ????? to area Antelat x (4571) arrived about 0130 hrs 6.2.41.

6 Feb.


Regiment moved in direction of ?????  X2080


1 RTR ???? came under command Milo 4 Armd Bde. Enemy M13s were reported to our front. A and B sqns were ordered to engage these tanks. As a result of this action the enemy column withdrew westwards.


1 RTR reformed


A and B sqns were ordered to attack westwards a large enemy column convoy on the road Benghasi-Tripoli at X 0700 (For full account of action see Appx. 1)

7 Feb.


Reports had been received of large numbers of prisoners. RHQ moved west on to the road at (X) 1168. 1 RTR were then ordered to round up prisoners and put an end to any isolated resistance.


C sqn moved westwards to the sand dunes with orders to mop up small parties.


Major Lascelles, OC C sqn, reported the sand dunes clear.

8 Feb.


1 RTR ordered to take over the duty of salvage of material and escort of prisoners from the Rifle Bde.


A convoy of 19 Italian lorries full of prisoners! including about 7 battalion commanders, were taken to Solugh (5) 1426 under Major Brown. RTR employed in collecting prisoners and conveying them to Benghasi and collecting captured material.

11 Feb.


1 RTR moved leaguer area to sand dunes as German bomber had bombed dump during night 10/2/41.

16 Feb.


10 Messerschmitt-110s carried out low level and dive-bombing attack on captured vehicle park and dump, including the main road. Casualties of this unit were Tpr Young (attached 7 Armd Bde) killed. Cpl Eynon wounded.

17 Feb.


Orders received for hand-over following day of all tanks, cruiser and light.

18 Feb.


All tanks over overhaul-mileage and requiring extensive repair handed in to ADW. All serviceable light tanks handed in to 3 K O Hussars. All serviceable cruiser A9 and A10 tanks handed over to ADW.

19 Feb.


1 RTR moved to area X 5177 (30 miles) preparatory to return to Cairo.

20 Feb.


7 Armd Bde consisting of 4 RHA RE and 1 RTR moved to area Bir Habbas T 2676 (76 miles) arriving 1730 hrs.

21 Feb.


March continued, arriving area Michili U0580 at 1730 hrs.

22 Feb.


7 Armd Bde moved via Tmini to area 16 kilometres west of Tobruch, arrived 1730 hrs.

23 Feb.

7 Armd. Bde remained in area 16 kms. west of Tobruch . NCOs and men of 1 RTR who had been at reinforcement camp rejoined unit. Canteen stores including beer were obtained from Tobruch.

24 Feb.


Return march to Cairo recommenced along main west-east road via Bardia, Solum and Capuzzo.


Egyptian territory re-entered.


7 Armd Bde leaguered for night area Buq Buq.

25 Feb.


Return march recommenced along road. Very bad going encountered for 10 kms. east of Sidi Barrani.


arrived at leaguer area 7 miles east of Mersah Matruh.

26 Feb.


Continued march via Mersa Matruh, Fuka and El Baba


Arrived at leaguer area for day. Day's march 146 miles.

27 Feb.


Commenced final stage of march via Amrya to

Mena Camp.



Arrived at Mena Camp





March 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

Mena Camp, Cairo

1 Mar

In Cairo for refit. Were without tanks and B vehicles were gradually being returned to RAOC for overhaul.

3 Mar

Major J.G.S. Compton posted to British Military Mission as Lt.Col.

8 Mar

A sqn took over admin duties at POW camp Hebuan, and B sqn guard of Tura ammunition caves at Massara.

12 Mar

80 recruits posted from ME RAC Depot and sent to B sqn.

14 Mar

Medals approved by CinC ME to Major L C Hynes and Major N C B Fellows (MOs) and to Cpl Bennett and Tpr Walpole promulgated in ME General Orders.

19 Mar

2/Lt J M Sassoon and 11 ORs C sqn with cruisers from 8 Hussars attached to 22 Guards Brigade

23 Mar

A sqn rejoined from POW camp Hebuan and B sqn from ammunition cave, Massara.

26 Mar

Capt W C S Benzie and 7 other officers and 107 ORs posted from ME RAC Depot.

27 Mar

Handed 15 B vehicles over to 1 KRRC. Gunnery course arranged by ME RAC Depot commenced for 20 ORs.

Coptic Tea Party. 6 officers and 22 ORs represented unit at Agricultural Grounds, Gezira.

28 Mar

Came under command 6 Division. 5 Inf MR II tanks with crews from 4 RTR placed under command Cruiser tank course for 20 ORs at ME RAC Depot commenced.

31 Mar

2/Lt. Dubois joined unit on posting from RAC Depot ME.






April 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

5 Apr.

Rail and road parties remained at Gabbary and Amriya loading tanks and drawing up stores respectively.

6 Apr.


Tanks left by sea on board the 'Thurland Castle'.


Road party started off for Kassaba arriving at 1630 hrs.


7 Apr.

AM. - tanks arrived and unloading commenced.


7 Apr.


Road party left at 0900 hrs for Sidi Barrani arriving at 1730 hrs.


8 Apr.

Tanks unloaded from ship to shore via lighters.

Sidi Barrani 

8 Apr.


Road party proceeded via Sollum escarpment and Capuzzo to Bardia, leaguering up in a position which was just being vacated by 11 Hussars at 1700 hrs.


8 Apr.


Road party set off for Tobruch. 70-mile run along the pitted road was completed by moonlight, arriving near A echelon's position 411429 about 0255 hrs., which was actually 0355 hrs as the clocks were put forward an hour for Egypt's summer time that morning. Last tanks to be run from the harbour arrived in leaguer at the same time as B echelon road party.

9 Apr.

Unit came under command of 3rd Armd Bde, 9th Aust Div. Major H A Lascelles, Lt. J H Ellison and 2/Lt F J Bennett took over duties as Bde Major, Staff Captain and Liaison Officer at HQ 3 Armd Bde respectively. Enemy aircraft were in the area at reveille 1000 hrs and just after dark. Hurricane patrols and AA fire provided a good measure of protection. RHQ moved position 1½ miles west from B echelon to 408430. B sqn A echelon to 405430 and C sqn A echelon under Capt. W O S Benzie to 407430. Handed over 7 new B vehicles to 5 RTR and 8 to 6 RTR.

10 Apr.

Enemy air activity in the morning. Our bomber and fighter offensive and defensive patrols were well maintained. Tanks were called out at dawn to area Derna road where they leaguered at 403434. They returned about 2200 hrs not having been in action.

11 Apr.


Tanks were called out. B and C sqns were in action. They received casualties to 2 tanks. Tpr Knapton was killed and Tprs Ash, Jamieson and Bryant wounded. Both tanks were destroyed by burning after shellfire, the tank of B sqn commander Major L C Rynes MC being knocked out after receiving five direct hits; the other tank knocked out was commanded by Lt C Bingham. 4 enemy tanks were destroyed. The action was at 410421 against about ten enemy tanks outside the defences. (Appx 1)

12 Apr.

Sandstorm. Tanks were called out on patro duty at456430 at about 0230 hrs returning at 0800 hrs. Sandstorm cleared about 1700 hrs.

13 Apr.

Sandstorm. Bardia reported as having been occupied by the enemy.

Mena Camp

13 Apr.


A sqn who remained at base moved from Mena to Mersa Matruh. 20 ORs moving by goods train from Abbassia at 1830 hrs.

14 Apr.


Tanks were called out after report received that perimeter wire had been blown up twice and enemy tanks were concentrating at R32-407422.


30 enemy aircraft, mostly divebombers, appeared and seemed to drop all their bombs in the vicinity of the harbour. Our Hurricanes though inferior in number engaged the enemy and together with the AA defence managed to give the raiders a hot time though thick clouds hanging around were to their advantage. The All Clear went at 0810 hrs. Meanwhile our tanks were busily engaged with the enemy ground forces which included 35 tanks all of which had penetrated our defences . 12 were finally destroyed by artillery and tanks. Our own casualties were two A10s and one light destroyed with three ORs killed, L/Sgt. Hulme, and Tprs ?????  and Dennison. Wounded were Lt E B Leakey, Cpl Russ, L/Cpl Parker (who subsequently died from his wounds four days later), also Tprs Burgess and Wheatley. Tanks knocked out commanded by Capt Benzie, Capt Leakey and Lt Leakey. Much aerial activity during the evening.

15 Apr.

Not much activity and regiment was rested. About 1815 hrs shelling began very near RHQ area, no doubt due to two 25-pdr batteries being positioned on either side of the wadi. C sqn moved to new area 409429.

16 Apr.

Sandstorm during morning and early afternoon it diminished the aerial activity but the shelling from either side still continued as strong.

17 Apr.

6 Hurricanes were around on early patrol but no enemy aircraft appeared.


Tanks were called out. They returned at 1555 hrs not having been in action. They had no sooner rejoined than between 25 and 30 aircraft - mostly dive-bombers - came in from the west very low as there was a ground sandstorm blowing. Due to this the RAF was unable to take off. For the size of the raid, however, the damage appeared to be negligible. A patrol of 3 Hurricanes were able to take off soon after; one or two others, including a Lysander, also went up to patrol the area.


Tanks had second call of the day. 12 enemy tanks were reported moving east of Pilastrino. B sqn engaged enemy tanks whilst C sqn gave protection to the south. 3 enemy tanks were knocked out by B sqn without loss.

18 Apr.

A continuous wave of single enemy bombers were over from 0400 hrs to dawn at 0630 hrs, mostly concentrating their bombs on the E'drome. No enemy planes were over during the day but our Hurricanes were up on patrol. Commenced to change over light tanks to 3 Hussars for A13s of 5 RTR, all of which went to C sqn.

19 Apr.

Enemy bombers started to come over in a succession of single machines, dropping flares in the location of the E'drome. The AA however gave them an uncomfortable time. No aerial activity of note occurred during the morning. At 1505 hrs a dozen enemy planes of dive-bomber type started to make the harbour and 'drome their targets. 5 were reported as having been brought down. 9 were later confirmed as having been accounted for. A direct hit was received by the Command Post in Tobruk, and 12 were killed there.

20 Apr.

Received 6 B vehicles from D sqn 7 RTR and B sqn 5 RTR who were now under our administrative command. Apart from shelling the day was cold and quiet and no aerial activity was experienced until about dusk, when 11 enemy aircraft were reported strafing our forward troops.

21 Apr.

Usual shelling was quieter during the night. At 0530 hrs 2 enemy planes came over singly and were replied to by our AA. No further aerial activity was experienced until about 1900 hrs when about 40 dive-bombers and Messerschmidt fighters came in from the east and raided all round the fortress area. AA put up a wonderful barrage and it was later confirmed that four raiders were brought down.

22 Apr.

Was quiet from aerial activity during the night due to sky being so cloudy. B sqn were standing by as protection to the REs and 9 Aust Div who captured 700 prisoners. B sqn however were not required.

23 Apr.

Night was fairly quiet both from air and shelling.


A large convoy of enemy dive-bombers and fighters came over and after disposing of their bombs several dog fights were heard, but planes were so well camouflaged against the sunny sky that nothing could be seen.


Another batch of raiders were across and dive-bomber concentrated on the harbour. Later confirmed that 7 enemy machines had been brought down during the day for the loss of 3 of our own Hurricanes. B echelonmoved position to 407436. Major F Brown arrived by plane from Cairo to take over command of the regiment from Lt.Col. C J N Culverwell who was returning to Cairo on 24 April 41

24 Apr.

No enemy aerial activity during the night until just on dawn when 2 stray enemy bombers were seen flying around. Shelling came came very close just on breakfast time. Immediately after an aerial combat ensued between four of our Hurricanes against four Messerschmidts and a Henschel AC plane but they were too high up to be seen plainly. The enemy tried a breakthrough on the 'wire' of the outer defences again early this morning, infantry supported by artillery. A further batch of prisoners were in consequence captured by our infantry. Shelling was kept up fairly regularly no doubt making up for absence of aerial activity. About 1800 hrs we had a visit of 28 dive-bombers and fighters dropping their bombs around the fortress.

25 Apr.

5 Hurricanes were up on early patrol. Had an occasional passing visit from enemy aircraft but they were very high up. Shelling was quite prolific during the morning. Enemy air and artillery were active during day, both sides having a good shoot in the evening.

26 Apr.

Thick sandstorm blew all day.

27 Apr.

Sandstorm continued.

28 Apr.

A day of almost continual bombing. The harbour and gunners all along Pilastrino ridge were the main targets. A Blenheim passenger-carrying plane was brought down just after taking off. It was caught by 4 Messerschmidts which dived out of the clouds and forced it out to sea. Shelling was almost continuous throughout the night.

29 Apr.

Another day of almost continuous Stuka raids, there being four main ones - gunners on the south perimeter, the harbour, and the gunners on the west central side receiving most of the bombing. AA put up a wonderful show. All our tanks were out on patrol in Ras el Medauuar sector: in area Pilastrino 406430 Ras el Medauuar 397430 Bir el Faras 405425

30 Apr.

Had a remarkable free day from enemy aircraft. In the evening, however, enemy dive-bombers arrived and concentrated their attack on the west perimeter, it later being confirmed that they were attempting to break the 'wire'. A tremendous enemy artillery barrage was followed up over on our west outer defences preparatory to an enemy advance. Later reported that they had penetrated the outer defences in Ras el Medauuar sector at 397429. Tanks not called out. Prolific shelling continued throughout the night in the same area.






May 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 May

Activity which opened with enemy artillery bombardment and Stuka dive-bombing raid of previous night was continued during whole of night and morning.


1 RTR were called out with report that 60 enemy tanks had penetrated the perimeter. Up to lunch time the Stukas were over three times dive-bombing but the only damage which appeared to have been done was near Ft. Pilastrino (406430). This was later confirmed as being one lorry which had had so many bombs dropped around it that it had eventually caught fire. After lunch time sand storm sprung up with slight wind reducing visibility considerably. It was during this that two A9 cruiser tanks of RHQ tank troop were hit by shellfire. The CO and navigator of the crews from both escaping complete. Also during the afternoon we lost a cruiser A10 of B sqn. by shellfire, and A9 was hit but was later able to be recovered. Personnel casualties of B sqn were Cpl. Leelan D O, who died from internal injuries. Wounded were Major L O Hynes MC the next two lines illegible from saa after evacuating tank. Tpr Proctor received wound in left wrist from saa whilst assisting to carry Tpr Lloyd.


Crews from the two HQ tanks which were lost were brought back by RA. B vehicle all fit except for a leg scar received by one man during tank evacuation The Adjt's tank finally arrived in after dark.

2 May

Shelling was continued during night and day.


A low level bombing attack was tried out by about a dozen enemy Heinkel bombers dropping delayed action bombs. Three of the bombers were later confirmed as having been brought down by AA. They were later followed up by the Stuka dive-bombers. Squadron patrols during the day in area 403429. Received hoax of 300 enemy tanks being massed outside the perimeter. Shelling continued throughout the night.

3 May

0430; Reveille for our last ?????  standing to at dawn in battle position and returning about 0900 hrs when all reports ?????  Battle position taken up at dawn was as follows:

RHQ 410430

C sqn as mobile reserve 411431

B sqn on escarpment as mobile A/T guns in area 411428 and 412427

D sqn I tanks 7 RTR which came under adminastrative command of this unit from today were also performing same role as B sqn between RA guns along remainder of escarpment west to sqn 406430.

Aerial activity during the day was confined to Messerschmidt patrols. The enemy’s light long range gun came into action near our position just on lunchtime, and was seen to score its first hit of the operations - an Australian lorry down on the plain in front of us.


Tanks moved out to position for night attack (Appx II)

4 May


From dawn RHQ and 1 Troop I tanks carried out patrol in area 403429/403428, later being relieved by 2 Troops, 1 of 7 RTR sqn and 1 Tp C sqn.

0830; RHQ troop returned after night attack and dawn patrol. Aerial and shelling activity during the morning was negligible. Before lunchtime, however, four low level bombers came quietly in from the sea and dropped their delayed action ????? 

Two waves of Stuka dive-bombers came over - the first making Bde and Div their target hitting a few vehicles, mostly ambulances of Aust CCS stationed nearby. The 2nd consisted of 12 Stukas. 9 Messerschmidts made the harbour their target.

Present distribution of tanks: HQ - 2 A13s; B - 4 A9s, 2 A10s; C sqn A13s; D sqn I tanks 7 RTR att. - 15 A12 I. Unit total of B vehicles - 59; D sqn 7 RTR att. - 27

 Personnel strength - RHQ, B and C sqns - 21 officers, 257 ORs. Attached RAMC, RAOC, RCofS - 2 officers, 20 ORs. Attached 6 RTR ex ????? coy 2 officers, 13 ORs; D sqn 7 RTR - 12 officers, 162 ORs which includes 6 RTR personnel and RCofS. B sqn 5 RTR who had been attached to 1 RTR since 20.4.41 embarked for base - 2 officers and 84 ORs.

????? Hurricane was caught in landing by 3 Messerschmidts, the pilot however was able to run to safety before the plane was riddled with cannon shots.

5 May

1 RTR tanks provided patrols in observation on line 40404310 to 40454280. RHQ, 1 Tp; B, 1 Tp; C, and 3 Tps Is 7 RTR sqn. Shelling was intermittent during the night - aerial activity during the day was negligible.

6 May

Thick sandstorm blew up about 0400 hrs, making visibility practically nil during the day.????? ????? ???????. 2 Tps 7 RTR sqn in area 405430 405429. B sqn with only 2 tanks in area 411427.


2 aircraft were flying around and later reports warned troops to be on the lookout for thermos bombs.

7 May


Stand to at dawn.


1 Tp B sqn in area 404429. Wind kept up very strong making enemy bombers and fighters which came over during the latter part of the morning keep very high. In the afternoon 28 Stuka dive-bombers came over and straddled the harbour and E’drome. Our AA were, however, responsible for keeping them at good height and bringing three down and hitting quite a few more. Information received that 18 officers and 185 ORs of  ?????? . Details were to proceed by 0600 hrs train from Cairo  ?????? today. This would include A squadron, the remainder being attached to RAC depot. G4

8 May


Stand to at dawn.

0620; 1 Tp C sqn in area 403430. Windy and cloudy. No aerial activity apart from lone plane flying over very high. Tobruk Fortress Commander received personal congratulations from Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill and CinC ME General Wavell on siege of Fortress which has now been in progress one month. Destroyer embarked hospital sick and wounded to Base in the evening which included Major L O Hynes MC who had been granted 28 days sick leave. Patrol of C sqn with suitably-worded code names were out protecting Aust REs who blew up 3 enemy AA guns abandoned in area 407421

9 May


Stand to at dawn.


1 Tp B sqn provided standing patrol in area 403430.


4 bombers came over from E and tried a high level bombing attack. One bomb hit a harbour jetty killing onef wounding four. Shelling was very prolific during the morning and at night. Slight sandstorm accompanied by much heat blew up from the south about lunchtime but did not last long.

10 May


Stand to at dawn.


1 Tp C sqn provided standing patrol in area 403430. Better day after sandstorm period. Shelling was predominant, mostly from our artillery. Enemy aircraft were noticeably absent, only the Henchel AC and its escort of 4 Messerschmidts being over in late afternoon.

11 May


Stand to at dawn.


1 Tp B sqn provided standing patrol in area 403430. Fine, dry and not sandy. Today was again strangely free from enemy aircraft only the Henschel AC and escort being around in late evening. Shelling was quite continuous.

12 May

Stand to at dawn Full moon this morning. Enemy long range bombers were around and dropped their bombs at random. During the morning, which was clear and sunny, much activity was indulged in by both artilleries. After 5 days absence the Stukas were around again at 1500 hrs being preceded by 6 Heinkels with fighter escort who dropped their bombs on the north ridge at ’drome and Aust Staging Camp. The innumerable Stukas - 21 were counted in one group alone - let the harbour and surroundings have all that they had. About the 1st dive to be taken, a direct hit was scored, practically the first one ever to be seen from our position. It was, however, the gunboat 'Ladybird' which had, prior to this, been doing grand AA work. Now even as she was sinking the crew still manned the guns, and afterwards the forward crew claimed one of the dive bombers. Great clouds of smoke and bursting of ammunition was seen and heard. The raid was all over in 20 minutes. Enemy shelling was heavy in the evening, during which time the Henchel AC was apparently around spotting for them. This burst was effectively replied to by our 60-pounders. In the evening 6 tanks C and 3 Is of 7 RTR moved to position for dawn attack.

13 May

Troops of C and 7 RTR sqn went into action in the E sector just on dawn, but were met with a terrific bombardment from enemy artillery. Two I tanks of the 7 RTR sqn were put out of action and the crews reported as missing consisted of 2 officers and 6 ORs. Day was windy but not dusty. Enemy shelling deteriorated. No hostility was shown either from the air, though the Henchel AC was again over.

14 May

Sandstorm during morning and early afternoon which however didn't deter the dive-bombers who came over about 1500 hrs; about 30 of them were reckoned to have been seen above the sandstorm. The harbour was again the main objective.


Four separate waves of dive-bombers came down from a great height against the wind and were practically on their targets before they were heard. No damage was seen to be done over on the N ridge where enemy heavy bombs were heard to drop. Shelling was mostly from the enemy today. In afternoon officers of C sqn reconnoitred area for show next day in Derna Road sector.

15 May


Single enemy bombers were around from 0530 to 0630 but our AA proved a most effective scarer. Our artillery opened up very heavy in the W sector where patrols from C sqn were out having a show with the infantry. Sandstorm blew up during the morning reducing visibility. No enemy aerial activity today of note.

16 May


Enemy put over a terrific artillery barrage at about Ol4Shrs this morning, lasting for half an hour during which time they tried to take one or two of our sector posts. Our own artillery however opened up and made an effective counter-stroke. Our artillery kept popping away during the morning, being replied to at quite regular intervals by the enemy. Sollum announced as having been recaptured by our forward mobile troops from the Germans. No aerial activity of note.

17 May

I tanks of 7 RTR sqn attached were operating on the Meduuar sector 397431 398431 from reveille, providing mobile patrols.


Were visited by the Stuka dive-bombing circus who again made for the harbour. There didn't seem to be any apparent damage. Three enemy aircraft were brought down by our AA and about 6 more were hit. Artillery in the W was very prolific in the evening.

18 May

Another day of air lull with the weather taking on a summer-like appearance - a change from the recent heavy sandstorm days. Artillery on both sides was busy during the day.

19 May

A few stray bombers were around just before dawn when quarter moon was just waning. Free from aerial activity during the day. Artillery however were active during the morning but day started to get very hot and activity quletened. Enemy Henchel AC plane was over spotting during the evening.

20 May

Enemy shelling was quite prolific at times during the day, which apart from that was quiet and warm. 2 enemy bombers came over in the afternoon and dropped their cargo just north of the north ridge.

21 May

Shelling was carried out at irregular intervals during the night but no enemy planes were around.


Dust storm started up just after breakfast, which turned out in a way to be very fortunate as soon after, just on 0845 hrs, we had an armada of planes. First of all, 4 Heinkels flying in formation from the sea, low enough for their camouflage to be seen. They were followed up by 5 more - all of them dropping their bombs about the same place just over on the N side of the ridge. Our AA were meantime giving them all they had. These raiders were followed up from the east by the usual hit and run circus - the Stukas who had an all round melee with their dive-bombing - seemingly from the E zone - over the plain - and along the N ridge to Div HQ, trying for supply dumps and water points. For the extent of the raid it was a failure as very little damage was caused. One of our B echelon vehicles which was in the vicinity received about the average damage - a few splinter marks and windscreen glass broken. Later it was reported that three of the Stukas had been brought down. These were the two main raids of the day, there being other single raids of about three in number, when the planes could be spotted through the duststorm. The Herchel AC plane was also around in the evening, being disturbed however by our AA. Duststorm finally abated about 2000 hrs.

22 May

Disturbed during the night by very low flying planes which came in from the sea to the south just passing to the W our position. This was probably the reason for Div HQ issuing the warning later in the morning to be on the lookout for thermos bombs and shaving stick bombs in the vicinity. A few high-level bombing attacks were carried out by the enemy during the day but were kept at a respectable height by our AA. Our own artillery were quite active during the day; the enemy also started in the late afternoon making the W end of the N ridge his target. Salvage party was sent out tonight to recover Cruiser A9 tank 3502 which was knocked out on the 1st May 41 at position R 10 400427. 6 RTR MT Coy detachment who had been attached to this unit and 7 RTR embarked for Base.

23 May

Derelict A9 tank for which party was sent out to recover was brought in and taken to AOW. Artillery were quite active during the night, continuing at intervals during the sandstormy day. Only air activity during the day was a hit and run bomber who came in from the E but couldn't have been able to anything of a target on the ground due to the sandstorm. American Army Col. paid visit during the afternoon with Liaison Officer GHQ ME

24 May

Shelling was occasional during the night and no air activity was experienced. A light sandstorm blew up then which unfortunately developed into one of the thickest for a long time during the day. A very welcome consignment of 12 bags of mail was received by the unit - 5 of which required to be re-directed as A sqn and details share. C sqn patrol had a show this morning during which they tried to draw enemy tanks in the El Adem Road area towards our artillery which, however, was not successful. 2 troops of A13s ????? commanded Lt. GeBdes up to 3000 yds outside perimeter reserve. No planes were around during the day and the shelling under the circumstances seemed foolish. Sandstorm cleared just on dusk.

25 May

Enemy shellfire was bursting quite near during the night and at breakfast time seemed to be just landing at the top of wadi position on W side. A battery situated in our vicinity was however the objective. Day was clearer with very little sand blowing, absence of enemy aircraft in force was therefore unexpected. One or two stray raids were attempted but from high altitude where our AA seemed to be confining them. An intercepted message in the afternoon reported 15 aircraft having passed to the south flying west from the El Adem road. They were said to be friendly as no hostility was shown.

26 May

Very quiet during the night. Day turned out to be fine. The Stukas again gave us a miss but the high altitude bombers attempted to do some damage about 1300 hrs and 1830 hrs. During the evening raid two enemy planes were brought down by our AA which was a very creditable performance considering the altitude.

27 May

Artillery were firing at intervals during the night. Air activity during the day was practically a repeat of yesterday with the dive bombers again giving us a miss; the high altitude bombers, however, were keeping in safe distance. About 2045 hrs the enemy put over a terrific bombardment from the west, directed mainly against our forward troops and to W end of N ridge. This continued for about an hour.

28 May

Artillery were carrying on at intervals during the night. Cargo ship docked under naval escort this morning. Three new I tanks received for 7 RTR sqn attached. About 0930 hrs the N ridge experienced a high and low level bombing attack from 2 enemy bombers who scattered a stick of 10 in a line - singly. No other enemy air activity other than unhostile stray planes. Day was warm and fine. Artillery was subdued. In the evening however enemy shellIng commenced along the Pilastrino ridge and seemed to be controlled from a Henchel AC plane which was then flying around in the vicinity. Recce of A/tank minefields in Pilastrino sector by all tank commanders.

29 May

Much activity in the W sector during the night, some airburst near RHQ wadi, our own artillery suitably replied. Day turned out warm again. Stray hostile bombers were around during the morning, dropping their 1315 hrs the Stukas again paid us a visit after 8 days absence. Again they concentrated their dive bombing on the harbour and it wasn’t long before thick black smoke came belching from that direction. As usual they only spared time to dive, unload their bombs (some of their 2000 lbs) and be off but with our AA putting up such a terrific bombardment that the Stukas weren't quick enough in their manoeuvre. The smoke that they had set up came from a permanent oil tank which had received a direct hit, which fate was also shared by two lighters. About 1630 hrs 9 big enemy bombers passed over from the E in formation accompanied by 4 fighters, a few bombs were dropped on the E side but no damage was seen. The bomber was reported later as having been shot down by AA. About 1800 hrs the Henchel AC plane with escort of 2 Messerschmidts was around during which time the enemy tried to concentrate their artillery fire on the Pilastrino sector. About 1910 hrs 4 fighters flying from the E had their formation much disturbed by our AA which forced them out to sea.

30 May

Night was quiet.  ????? artillery opened up soon after daybreak and carried on regularly until the heat of day began to get too strong. Air activity was sparse, a few stray planes which were passing to and fro being chased by our AA. Another cargo convoy docked this morning disembarking one I tank for Sqn 7 RTR attached. C sqn patrol of 3 cruisers and 3 lights went out to do OP for artillery against enemy tanks in El Adem sector. 10 enemy tanks were engaged by artillery and C Sqn. During the action our patrol was withdrawn leaving one enemy tank destroyed by artillery and one damaged by C sqn, with two others reported having been damaged but unconfirmed. C sqn had no casualties.

31 May

Night was fairly quiet apart from periodical disturbance by enemy usual AA gun firing ground fire trying to locate our artillery batter at top of RHQ wadi position. Our shelling started just after daybreak and continued throughout the morning. Heat started up very early again with wind blowing from S. A large dust cloud coming over from the N however heralded the approach of a cool breeze from the sea which continued fortunately throughout the day. About 1030 hrs two large bombers flew in from the SE and dropped their bombs at E end of Pilastrino ridge near C sqn -deluge - water ????????  perforated. Apart from stray planes there wasn't much air activity and harbour  ????? each time. Our artillery had good shoot from ????????





June 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 June


Maj.Gen. L J Morshead CMO CBE DSO ED, GOC 9th Aust Div and Commander of the Fortress, paid the regiment a visit.

3 June

Large enemy bomber which came over about 2200 hrs was found next morning to have encircled 7 RTR sqn attached with thermos bombs.

4 June

B sqn experienced heavy shelling in their leaguer position. One OR was badly wounded.

5 June

Re-organisation of regiment carried out. One sqn. 3rd KO Hussars aBded as D sqn 1 RTR. For allotment of tanks and tasks see Appx. 1

9th June

Church service held in RHQ leaguer area.

10 June

7 RTR sqn exercise with 2/12 Aust Battn, nature was advancing, taking and consolidating position with I tanks.

11 June

7 RTR sqn exercise as for 10 June.

12 June

Stuka bomber which took part in a raid on Fortress food dumps about 0800 hrs was hit and crashed in C sqn B echelon leaguer. The pilot and observer 'baled out', the pilot having an unfortunate landing(dying soon afterwards), the observer however was taken away in an ambulance.

Warning order issued in connection with proposed operations in the near future (Appx 2)

14 June

Operation Order No 12 issued giving details of sortie to be made from Tobruch in conjunction with operations by Desforce from Frontier (Appx 3)

17 June

Amendment to OO No. 12 of 14th issued, also warning order of future role (Appx 4)

19 June

Operation Instruction No 2 cancelling proposed operation.

30 June

Preparation for 3 Armd Bde Exercise No. 2. Recce of Tobruch town and area within 3 miles by CO and other officers concerned. Regiment divided between forces thus:

sqn and D sqn 7 RTR and. co-operating with force testing defences of town. B sqn with defenders of Tobruch. C sqn not taking part. Exercise D1 to be July 1st.





(Appx 1)


Reorganisation of Unit; 5 June 41.



1.   Consequent upon attachment of one sqn 3 KO Hussars to the unit forming D sqn 1 RTR on 5.6.41, tanks were re-allotted within the unit as follows:

Two troops cruiser with crews from B to D sqn.

One troop lights manned by EDO attd to C sqn to B sqn, making 2 troops lights attached from FDGs.


Strength was therefore:

RHQ tank troop                   4 Lights

B sqn                                      2 A9 cruisers

                 1 also in LAD, 1 in AOW

                 3 A10 cruisers

                 1 also in LAD, 1 in AOW

                 8 Lights

C sqn      11 A13 cruisers

                1 also in LAD, 1 in AOW

D sqn     1 A9 cruiser

                1 also in AOW

                4 A10 cruisers

                1 also in AOW

                10 Lights

D sqn 7 RTR attd.               16 A12 I tanks

                1 also in LAD 1 in AOW

                4 Lights


2.             B Vehicles

                                1 RTR                                    65

                                7 RTR                                    27

                                3 KOHuss. D sqn 24


3.   Personnel

                1 RTR unit strength

                16 officers, 211 other ranks with 2 and 26 detached D sqn.



                                1 officer   RAMC

                                1 officer  10 ORs RAOC

                                12 ORs RCofS

                                2 ORs                     6 RTR

                                11 ORs RASC

                                                2 officers 24 ORs


3KOH sqn strength (D sqn 1 RTR)

                7 officers, 98 other ranks with 2 and 26 attached from B sqn. Attached

                1 officer RAMC

                RCofS 3 ORs;                      RASC 1 OR


7 RTR sqn attached

                8 officers, 140 other ranks


                1 officer 8 ORs    6 RTR

                2 ORs    RCofS






 (Appx 3)


1 RTR Operation Order No 12.        SECRET

Ref Maps 1/50,000             Tobruch 12 Jan 41   In the field 14.6.41 El Adem 11 Jan 41



1 -   Enemy locations in area south, south-east and east of Tobruch are:


Unit and Strength

West of bend El Adem Rd. 40904150-41204050

 Mk II and IV tanks of 1 Bn 5 Tank regt (German).  12 have been seen but there are probably more


Tac R 9 June.  50 MT incl  tanks

North of El Adem 40304120

Tac R 9 June.  50 AFVs and 70 MT. 32 Italian tank regt. of 46 CV2 and 18 M11s or M13s


1 and 2 coy Bersagliere Bn 500 men 18 LMGs, 6 MMGs - POW states that one of these relieves Bn at Bardia Rd. on 12 June


11 Bersagliere Bn 950 menf 36 l.m.g's, 27 med. mortars


1 Coy Bersagliere Bn 300 men, 9 l.m.g's, 3 m.m.g's


10 Bersaglieres Bn 950 men, 36 l.m.g'sf 27 45 mm mortars. POW states this Bn goes to reserve on 12 June

Astride Barika  Rd

Two sp's 46 Arty Regt possibly 12


100/17 Hows and 12 75/27 guns.


One gp 46 Arty regt., possibly 12 75/27 guns


Tac R 6 June.  11 unidentified tanks.


In addition to the above, certain information from air photographs is included in 1/50,000 El Adem (11 June 41). Hostile Bty List issued to units on 12 June also has details of known bty positions.


2.             A sortie is being made from Tobruch in conjunction with operations by Desforce.


Troops Laking part:

3 Armd Bde.         less D sqn  ????? tanks with under commd:

                M Bty 3 RHA (6 before portee)

                One tp AA armd cars, 4 AA Regt.

                One coy 2/10 Bn

                Det. RE

                and attached 2 FOC parties,              RHA


18 Aust Inf Bde with under command:

                1 RHA                                   4 Fd Coy RAE

                10 Aust A/tk Bty Two coys 1 NF

                11 Aust A/Tk Bty D sqn 7 RTR

                16 Aust A/Tk Bty 5 Fd. Amb.

                8 Aust Lt. AA Bty               One Lp KDG Armd cars


3.             The object of the sortie is to:

Seize the El Duda area 424409.

Cut off withdrawal of enemy forces by the Bardia-Tobruch road and the Trigh Capuzzo

Secure the general line Tobruch-El Adem against attack from the west.


4.   It is the task of 3 Armd Bde to deny the use of the Trigh Capuzzo axis either eastwards or westwards by the enemy.



5   1 RTR with under comd one troop KDG, one sub-sec RAE, two platoons 2/10 Bn, two FOO parties 1 RHA will cease  and hold Ed Duda area until arrival of 2/10 Bn.



6.             1 RTR is at one hour's notice to move from 0900 hrs 15.6.41.


7.             On receipt of code word “Battleaxe”: 

(i)            B1 echelon will assemble in area 410429, which is the old B echelon area.

(ii)           Sub-units will each send to this area the fitters and IC vehicles now in A echelon areas to report to OC B1 echelon.

(iii) FOO parties 1 RHA report to HQ, RTR, at present location HQ 1 RTR.

(iv)  3 Armd cars from KDG will report to HQ 1 RTR at unit assembly area.

(v)           Navigator 1 RTR will report to RV 41634258 as unit guide.

(vi)  B, C and D sqns 1 RTR will assemble on HQ 1 RTR as follows:

HQ 1 RTR will move from present location to area 410429 at 1815 hrs.

Sub-units 1 RTR will move from present location to area 410429 to arrive at 1845 hrs    On reaching 1 RTR assembly area, sub-units will form up in following order of march facing east;

KDG Armd Car Tp.

D sqn 1 RTR

HQ 1 RTR and FOOs 1 RHA

C sqn 1 RTR

B sqn 1 RTR

Bi echelon 1 RTR

(vii)  Formation in unit assembly area is attached at Appx. A

(viii) 1 RTR will move from unit assembly area at 1930 hrs. Speed 7 m.i.h.  Density 10 v.t.m.


8.             Head of column 1 RTR will pass Starting Point (Rd Junc 41334266) at 2025 hrs.   Sub-sec RAE will join 1 RTR at this point.


9.             On arrival as Bde Assembly Area 417424

(i)            Unit guide will guide 1 RTR into positions already reconnoitred and marked.

(ii)           Two platoons 2/10 Bn come under command.


10.          Routes from Bde assembly area to exits are shown at Appx. B.   These routes are marked by petrol tin beacons every 200 yds.  Gaps in minefield 100 yds wide are fenced on both sides, the “island" being totally fenced.    Routes to sally ports are taped, and beaconed to perimeter wire where RAE guides are provided over the ditch to Inf. Start Line. In square 417421, where routes diverge to sally ports, are signboards marked BUP Routes D and E, and beacons are perforated to show route, e.g. E1, D3.   Sally ports D3 and E1 will be used by Bde column.   In the event of blocking, the D3 column will use D2, and the E1 column E2.


11.          1 RTR will move, head to leave Bde assembly area at Z-105 minutes.   Order of march as at Appx. A


12.          Tail of column 1 RTR will be clear of infantry start line (41764192-41824197) by Z-15 minutes.


13.          Bearings and distances of legs inside perimeter are shown at Appx B.  From inf start line to Pt 151 in el Duda area bearing is 146 degrees for 7 miles 800 yds.


14.          D sqn is responsible for direction of 1 RTR Op.


15.          Speed and density inside perimeter after dark   3 mph; 80vtm.

Speed and density outside perimeter after dark - 4 mih 8O vtm




16.          Vehicles comprising B1 echelon 1 RTR are shown at Appx. C.                Remainder B echelon and LAD 1 RTR remain initially in present locations.   This party is known as B2 echelon.  B2 echelon M Bty RHA will join B2 echelon 1 RTR in area of B2 echelon 1 RTR on 15 June 41 and will come under commd OC B2 echelon 1 RTR.   Rations will be drawn for M Bty RHA as already arranged.   1 RTR will replenish M Bty RHA after operation begins.


17.          On the day of the operation, ie day Battleaxe is received, all personnel involved will carry with them the unexpired portion of the day’s ration and one further day's ration.   This is in addition to the 3 days' vehicles rations already on each vehicle.


18.          B2 echelon 1 RTR will come under commd of Rear HQ 3 Armd Bde in present locations.


Refilling of B echelons.


Until orders to the contrary B echelons will continue to obtain supplies, POL and ammunition as under present arrangements




Unit replenishment vehicles and escort of armd cars from B echelon, Bde HQ sqn will assemble at an RV ordered by Rear  Bde HQ, probably about dusk.   They will proceed, under commd of an officer, as a formed body to a meeting point in the vicinity of Adv HQ, 3 Armd Bde.   Unit guides, mounted in vehicles equipped with wireless sets, will conduct unit replenishment vehicles to unit lines.  Replenishment will be carried out as speedily as possible by night.   Immediately after replenishment, unit replenishment vehicles will return under unit guides to the same RV in the area Adv HQ 3 Armd Bde.   From this point they will be escorted back by the armd cars as a formed body to the perimeter of the fortress.   The number of vehicles proceeding on replenishment will be kept to a minimum consistent with operational requirements.

Freshly charged wireless batteries will be carried forward by unit replenishment vehicles and discharged batteries will be brought back for recharging.   Batteries will NOT be carried in the same vehicle as petrol.


19.   Water ration scale after commencement of operation will be 1 gallon per man per day to be drawn from Pilastrino Water Pt.   No water chits are necessary.


20.   Calls for recovery will be made through HQ  1 RTR. Vehicles will be recovered under unit arrangements to Bde HQ area (42454095) during initial stages.   One tractor for this purpose will be sent from C sqn on arrival in Bde assembly area to B1 echelon 1 RTR.


21.   Casualties will be treated by unit MO as and when possible during initial stages.   He will evacuate casualties through Bde ADS.   Bde ADS will evacuate to MOS under arrangements to be made by HQ 9 Aust Div.



22.   On receipt of Battleaxe:-

(i)    Command group will be checked.   RSO will arrange that link set is checked and the B frequency of RSO tank is on this net.

(ii)           Normal wireless traffic will continue on forward frequencies.

(iii)  Wireless silence will be observed after moving from unit assembly area until zero, unless enemy is encountered.

(iv)          No reference to this operation will be made by R/T or W/T.

(v)           RSO will net a frequency on his tank set to OC B/O Bty 1 RHA, Frequency 4540 Kc/s.

(vi)          Command post will be established on phone and wireless in present area HQ 1 RTR tanks by OC B2 echelon 1 RTR.

(vii)  Ground troops recognition

(a)           own AFVs - two pennants top.

(b)           AFV to 2/10 Bn (by night) letter D flashed in Morse.

(c)           7 Armd Div to 3 Armd Bde (by flag or lamp)

                                                Challenge              Answer

                7 Armd Div               R                            L

                3 Armd Ede              D                            Y

Note:      these are the initial and final letters of commanders' names - Russell and Davy.

(viii) Code word for flick - Ginsling.

(ix)          Signal Lime will be given at 0900 hrs 15 June 41 and thence at 0700 hrs and 1800 hrs daily.

(x)    On completion of Bde assembly RSO will report to HQ 3 Armd Bde with watch, W/T non-magnetic for synchronisation of watches.   He will then synchronise sub-units and attached troops from this watch

(xi)   B1 echelon 1 RTR will net on to Bde Rear HQ frequencey 1950 Kc/s EW.   Watch will be kept on this frequency continuously except that at every even hour from 0600 to 2200 hrs daily inclusive when the set will be flicked to forward frequency, for 15 minutes, for passing administrative messages.


23.   No maps marked with any detail of Tobruch dispositions will be taken forward (this does not affect WDF overprint) Appx. B will be destroyed as soon as possible after leaving perimeter.


24.   Ground to air recognition.   Attached at Appx D.   All troops will be made familiar with the method of air to ground and ground to air identification.


25.          Location of Bde HQ (and Bde ADS) - from crossing D???????? on bearing 146 deg. to area 42454095.


26.          Zero will be notified later.


27.          Acknowledge.


Time of signature 2250 hrs.      Sgd. Capt.


Method of despatch by DR vehicle.     
1.             Commanding Officer    
2.             OC B sqn    
3.             OC C sqn    
4.             OC D sqn    
5.             RHQ sqn    
6.             M Bty 3 RHA    
7.             KDO    
8.             RSO    
9.             RIO (for inf of RTA, RMO tank tp.)    
10.          War Diary    
11.         War Diary    
12.          File.    



July 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 July


3rd Armd Bde Exercise No 2. 7 RTR sqn I tanks co-operating with infantry - invading force. B sqn in counter-attack with defending force. D sqn practising exploitation of attack on Tobruch town.


2 July


Exercise continued. Major L C Hynes MC, Second in command, Capt. A L T Sassoon, Lt. A.R. Cason and 2/Lt. R W Edwards joined unit from Base.


7 July


2/Lts I F S Collins and W W D Dawson joined unit from Base.


11 July


Notification received of D sqn 7 RTR attd this unit being x posted with A sqn 1 RTR attd 7 RTR wef 1 July.


14 July


Individual training commenced within the unit, consisting of gunnery, D&M, AG, Wireless, PT, Revolver Drill,and Junior Leaders.

  14/29 July   4 officers and 13 ORs were attd to 2/12 RHA AIF for artillery training.  
  14/18 July   10 officers and 17 ORs attended Bomb Disposal Course.  

20 July


PM. The unit received orders to practise Stand-To from HQ 3 Armd Bde.


24 July


AM Unit practise Stand-To.


26 July


PM D sqn practise Stand-To.


27 July


2 Tps A sqn practise Stand-To.


31 July


AM B and C sqns practise Stand-To.







 31 officers, 370 ORs.

3 Huss attd

5 officers, 72


17 ORs


1 officer 10 ORs

RASC attd

47 ORs


1 officer, 9 ORs

KDGs attd

2 officers, 26 ORs


 40 officers, 551 ORs





Vehicle State

7 RTR attd A vehicles

                     A 12s Mk II I tanks 16 with 1 in AOW

B sqn A vehicles

                     4 Cruisers A10

                     4 Cruisers A9

                     7 Lights

C Sqn A vehicles

                     10 Cruisers A13, 1 in LAD and 2 in AOW

D sqn (3H attd)

                     5 Cruisers A10

                     2 Cruisers A9

                     9 Lights

RHQ Tank Troop

                     4 Lights

B vehicles 1 RTR - 92

B vehicles D sq.n (3H) - 13






August 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices




Dispositions of Regiment                     TOBRUCH Map 1/50,000 January 1941

    RHQ – Wadi by Point 139 Square 408430                        3 Light Tanks,

    Sqn. 7/RTR att. (“A”)- S.E. of Square 409429                   16 “I” Tanks 4 Lights. 1 “I” in AOW.

    “B” Sqn. – Wadi N.E. of Square 405430                           4 A.10 & 4 A.9 Cruisers & 8 Light Tanks

    “C” Sqn – S.E. of Square 412427                                      11 A.13 Cruisers. 1 in AOW.

    3/K.O. Huss.att (“D”) – S.W. of Square 105430                5 A.10 & 2 A.9 Crusiers & 9 Light Tanks

    B Echelon – Squares 406437. 407437. 404436. 1/RTR – 92 B Vehicles, 3 KOH 13 Veh.





Squadron Individual Training carried out. Weekly Training Programme attached.





3rd Armd Bde. Operation. “A” & “D” Squadrons co-operating with 24 Aust Inf Bde attacks on Posts 87 Sq.397431, 86 Sq. 397430, and R7 399427.






“A” Sqn. with two Tps. “I” Tanks & one Tp Light Tanks stood by ready to exploit Inf. attack.






“D” Sqn with two Tps Cruisers & one Tp. Lights stood by ready, if any counter attacked.





“A” Sqn. returned to leaguer





“A” Sqn – six “I” Tanks ordered to each reference point.










All Tanks returned to normal leaguer





B Echelon area was bombed by enemy aircraft resulting on personnel casualty who received Fract. R.Femur. & GSW in both thighs, also one vehicle casualty with signals equipment.





Capt. A.R. Leakey M.C. & Sgt H. Turner attd. 2/23 Inf Bn A.I.F. on patrol work





Action at BIRD CHERSA (42104156) in which Capt. A.R. Leakey. M.C. & 2 O.R’s on the 2/23 Inf. A.I.F. took part. (Reproduces from ground operation activity 9 Aust Div “I” Summ 113





B Echelon area again bombed, together with unit L.A.D. position at SPANISH FARM. (4124349) as a result of which 3. O.R’s in “B” Echelon & O.M.E. were wounded, all being later evacuated.





Captain A.R. Leakey, M.C. c.t.b.a. 2/23 Inf Bn. AIF on proceeding to HAIGA on Stagg School Cse.





3rd Armd. Bde. Officers Training Discussion on Tank V Tank action.





Four weeks D&M & D.C. Courses commenced.





“A” Sqn. who had been attached to 7 R Tanks. Consisting of 5 Officers an 90 O.R’s, and unit reinforcements from R.A.C. Depot, M.E. consisted of 4 Officers & 30 O.R’s joined unit at Tobruk from Base.





The cross-posting notification received 11/7/41 (Volume 23) now cancelled.





In consequence “A” Sqn were only considered as having been attached to 7 R Tanks during period mid-May to mid-August 1941, and “D”. 7/R Tanks remain only attached to this unit, and not posted as “A” Sqn,





1 Officers & 13 O.R’s took over the duties from K.D.G. personnel of manning 2 & 5 captured German & Italian Tanks dug in on S. side of Pilastrino ridge.





These Tanks contained miscellaneous 22mm, 37mm. and 47. tank and anti-tank guns & A.A. guns.





“B” Sqn. 3/K.O. Hussars c.t.b.a. as “D” Sqn. 1 RTR, and “C” Sqn K.D.G. personnel c.t.b.a. to “B” Sqn on embarkations to rejoin unit at Base.





Personnel State

Unit     – 38 Officers 466 Other Ranks          R.A.S.C attd. 46 O.R’s         R.A.O.C. 1 Offer 17 O.R’s.

6/RTR – Officer & 4 Other Ranks                 K.D.G     “     2 O.R’s           R.A.Ch. 1 Padre

A.I.F. personnel at Rest Camp – 2 O.R’s





APPENDIX 2 Extract from 9th Aust Div Intell Summ 113 of 10 Aug is reporting in which Captain A.R. Leakey, M.C. with 2 O.R’s from 2/23 Inf Bn A.I.F.





           “At 1830 hours 9 Aug 41, our O.P. at BIR CHERSA 42101456 manned by one Officers (RTR) and two O.R’s observed a patrol of 20/30 ITALIANS approaching 300 yds. to the North.





           The post called for Arty. support and engaged the enemy with LMG/s and T.S. MG’s assisted by a covering party located 400 yds N.W. of OP.





           The enemy patrol went to ground. Shortly afterwards a carrier patrol from 2/23 Bn approached and the remaining enemy fled.





           21 enemy were killed by the Post and five by the covering party, one wounded captured. The enemy brought down hy Arty & Mortar fire on to the area and the OP was withdrawn, We suffered no casualties. Subsequent patrols out looking for spoil and identifications found BIR CHERSA occupied by the enemy".








Appendices Pending



September 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Sept

Disposition of regiment Tobruch Map 1/50,000 Jan 4.

RHQ - Wadi by point 139 square 408430 4 light tanks

A sqn - SQ of square 415430 5 A1O and 2 A9 cruisers, 9 lights

B sqn - wadi NE of square 405430 4 A10 and 4 A9 cruisers, 8 lights

C sqn - SE of square 412427 11 A13 cruisers and 2 in AOW

D sqn 7 RTR attd - SE of square 409429 16 I tanks, 4 lights, 1 I in AOW

B echelon - squares 406437; 406436; 407437; 407436

Total vehicles 104

Strength State

Unit personnel incl D sqn 7 RTR, MO and Armr - 38 officers, 466 ORs

Attdd personnel RASC 46 ORs

RCofS 14 ORs

RAOC 1 officer and 17 ORs

6 RTR 1 officer and 8 ORs


R.A.Chaplain Dept. 1 Padre

1/30 Sept

Squadron Individual Training carried out. Weekly training programme attached Appx 1.

1 Sept

Reconnaissance by 2 i/c and RIO with newly-joined officers of A sqn of minefields and gaps

2 Sept

Reconnaissance by CO, RIO, and officers of A sqn of minefields and gaps.

3 Sept

1 officer and 2 ORs to Camouflage course, Tobruk.

6 Sept


GHQ MEF census of all personnel on posted strength and attached.

14 Sept

2 Tps D sqn (7 RTR attd) ordered to eastern sector. Remained in position all day at Trig. 139.


This move was due to the loss of an infantry OP at 42514198 when the enemy used 3 captured A12s. Post was attacked at moonrise night 13/14 Sept 41.


C sqn ordered to relieve D sqn detachment.

OC C sqn reconnoitred position and contacted OC 2/28 Bn Inf AIF holding this sector.


SHQ and 9 Tp. with 1 spare tank took up position at Trig 139 under command 2/28 Bn.


SHQ moved to post R72 ready to leave perimeter if necessary.


Sqns ordered to prepare alternative positions at marginal references. All vehicle positions to be dug-in and camouflaged.

15 Sept

All troops digging assisted by Aust infantry.


SHQ Tp C sqn returned to Trig 139. Detachment remained there through day.

16 Sept

Sqns digging positions. Detachment C sqn remained in position

0830; Bombs dropped in RHQ area. No casualties or damage.

17 Sept

Sqns digging positions Detachment C sqn remained in position.

  17/18 Sept   9 officers and 150 ORs 4 RTR arrived Tobruk, attached to B echelon.  

18 Sept

Positions being dug at 410429, 406535, 411430 for three sqns of Mk II I tanks due in Tobruk by week ending 27 Sept. Ceased to be under command HQ 3rd Armd Bde. Placed under command 32 Army Tank Bde (Brig. A C Willison DSO MC).


Detachment C sqn returned to normal area. The detachment was under shellfire whilst at Trig 139 but sustained no damage or casualties.

19 Sept

The following B vehicles handed over to 4 RTR.

2 - 8 cwts. 9 - 15 cwts. 9 - 30 cwts 6 - 3 ton

20 Sept

Special order of the day by GOC Fortress

22 Sept


A dozen shells including 2 duds fired into B echelon area. All fell within 300yds Trig 60. No damage or casualties. Capt. A. R. Leakey MC awarded immediate bar to MC for patrol - see Appx 2 to Vol. 4

24 Sept

Digging positions for 4 RTR completed.


D sqn 7 RTR ceased to be attached.

  24/25 Sept   Lt. K J Burd, 2/Lts H M Hayter and E P H Cane and 39 ORs joined unit from Base Depot.  

25 Sept

Driver Mech and Driver Op's which commenced on 17 August completed.

28 Sept

29 RASC ORs returned to Base Depot night 26/27th Sept. 41

28 Sept

32 Army Tank Bde Operation Instruction No 1 issued.

29 Sept

Intensive gas training carried out by all ranks.

30 Sept

32 Army Tank Bde Operation Instruction Amendment No 1 issued. Extensive gas training continued. Sqns report high standard of proficiency.




October 1941

Commanding Officer: 

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  1 Oct   Squadron individual training carried out daily. Regtl. wireless instructors’ course, D Op and D Mech courses commenced in C sqn area. Students attached to C sqn.  

2 Oct

A sqn 2-pdr gunners fired 10 rounds each on A/tk range. 28 men fired. Results appended

3 Oct

B and C sqn gunners fired 10 rounds each on A/tk range. B sqn 12 men and C sqn 18 men. Results appended.

4 Oct


C sqn inspected by Brigadier 32 Army Tank Bde


MEF Civilian industrial employment return completed

6 Oct

32 Army Tank Bde operation instruction No 2 issued. (Procedure for concentration in the event of an attack on the Fortress.) C sqn visited by Press representatives.


20 anti-personnel bombs dropped across RHQ position, about 10 west and 10 east. No damage.


A sqn inspected by Brigadier 32 Army Tank Bde.

7 Oct


B sqn inspected by Brigadier 32 Army Tank Bde.

Sqn Ldrs. Conference 1000-1300 hrs. Unit completes 6 months in Tobruk Fortress.

9 Oct


2 Tps C sqn carried out exercise attack on Tp positions (artillery, 107 RHQ co-operated.)

12 Oct

Capt A C Cruikshank proceeded on Coy Commdrs Course to be held at METS Heiwan.


12 indencidary bombs dropped at head of RHQ wadi. No damage.

15 Oct


New single call sign Signal Procedure introduced.

20 Oct

RIO with 149 A/tk regiment. Instruction on tank recognition. Practical points, English types at A and C sgns.

25 Oct

1 RTR Op. Instr. No 3 issued.

26 Oct

Special Order of the Day by Lt.Gen L J Morshead CMG CBE DSO ED

  28 Oct pm 32 Army Tank Bde Op Order No 8 issued last light A sqn moved to 412423.  
  29 Oct first light A sqn retd to leaguer area. 32 Army Tank Bde Op Order No 9 issued.  
    last light A sqn moved to 412423. Cruiser tank A13 T.15222 and 1 x l5cwt truck struck mines at 41224238.  
      Regtl driver Ops course terminated. Results appended.  
  30 Oct first light C sqn returned to leaguer area. 32 Army Tank Bde Op Order No 10 issued.  
    last light B sqn moved to 412423.  
  31 Oct first light B sqn returned to leaguer area. 32 Army Tank Bde Op Instr. No3, and 23 Inf Ede Op Instr No 4 received  
    last light C sqn stood-by in own area.  




November 1941

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. F Brown DSO

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Nov

C sgn standing to with a view to co-operating with 1st Essex in El Adem sector (see entry in Vol. 26). A and B sqns individual training. Regtl DMs course completed.

2 Nov

Orders issued to cease all training and concentrate on maintenance of A and B vehicles.

3 Nov


Practical demonstration of clearing a minefield given by 70 Div RE coy. Attended by CO, 2 i/c and 37 officers and NCOs.

4 Nov

C sqn ordered to stand down.

5 Nov.

8th Army Codes taken into use in Tobruk for a period to practice personnel in use. 32nd Army Tank Bde Operation Order No 11 issued (embodied in Unit OG No 13) (Appx. 1)

6 Nov


Commanding Officers Conference at Bde HQ.


Sqn Commanders' Conference at RHQ

7 Nov.

RHQ leaguer area. Concrete model of area 41004240 to 43504220 to 43504080 to 41004080 to 1st reference completed by RIO. Scale horizontal 1:5000, vertical 1:500. Enemy positions from air photo 12.10.41, Tobruk perimeter and routes given in 32nd Army Tank Bde OO No 11 shown in detail.


Conference Tank Commanders C sqn on model


Conference Tank Commanders B sqn on model


ConFerence 'lank Commanders A sgn on model

8 Nov.


Conference drivers of B sqn on model. Details of FAA and routes aBded to model.

9 Nov.

The 32nd Army Tank Bde Al No 1 in connection with GO No 11 received.

10 Nov.


Recce of FAA by 2 i/c, RIO and Sqn representatives. See OO No 11 32 Army Tank Bde.

11 Nov.

Recce of the B2 minefield emergency gaps by RIO and sqn representatives. I RTR OO No 13 issued. (Appx 1)

12 Nov.

32nd Army Tank Bde OI No 5.


Sqn Commdrs Conference on OO 13. 1 RTR OI No 5 issued (Appx 2).


3 enemy tanks reported through wire at R 20. C and B sqns stand to. Sqn 4 RTR to Pt 148 to cover this penetration.


B and C sqns stand down when sgn 4 RTR in position. On investigation the following day the report of enemy penetration was proved false.

14 Nov.

1 RTR OI No 6 in continuation of OO No 13 issued (Appx. 3)

15 Nov.


Commanding Officers Conference at 32nd Army Tank Bde HQ.


1 RTR OI No 7 in continuation of GO No 13 issued (Appx 4)


Telephone message from Bde HQ to commanding officer placing unit on immediate notice to move. Combined air, sea and land attack expected on Tobruk. Preparation for para-troop attack.


Dispositions of sqns in the event of an attack by air-borne troops, and tasks allotted, received from Bde HQ. A sqn - area east of road Tobruk-El Adem Bardia fork 413426. B sqn - area west of above road to line Fotre Ariente (409433) Pilastrino (406430). C sqn - remain in normal leaguer with probable task in Tobruk town. Message received from 32nd Army Tank Bde re above. (Appx 5)

16 Nov.


Stand-to in tanks and defended positions. Reverted to five minutes notice after dawn. Special message received by OC from Sir Claude J Auchinleck, CinC MEF (Appx 6)

17 Nov.


Stand-to. Reverted to 5 mins after dawn. Operation Instr. No 8 in continuation of OO NO 18 issued.

18 Nov.


Stand-to. Reverted to 5 mins notice after dawn. OI No 9 issued in continuation of OO No 13 (Appx 8)

19 Nov.


Stand-to. Reverted to 5 mins notice after dawn. Special Order of the Day from the Prime Minister by order of HM the King to CinC MEF.

20 Nov.


Stand-to. Reverted to 5 mAns notice after dawn.

Evening - preparation for attack. (OO No 13 refers)

21 Nov.

Regt formed up in FAA according to plan and on time.


Arty programme commenced and brought immediate reply from enemy heavy guns.


Zero for operation.


Regt advanced from FAA through heavy shell fire and made for perimeter. Some delay in crossing bridges which were blocked by slow-moving traffic. C sqn got to Start Line on time.


RHQ crossed Start Line. C sqn well ahead and out of sight in dust and smoke. Proceeded towards Tiger 423417


Held up by enemy minefield east and west across front. Gap made at 4 ? 244189 by KDG Regiment passed through in order C, A, RHQ, B sqn and proceeded south-east.


Held up, with the exception of C sqn on a very southerly course towards Wold (426415). Remainder of regiment under shellfire the whole period but no tanks hit.


Ordered to advance to Freddy 428418. All three sqns arrived at objective together, but were beaten off by anti-tank fire. Forward rally ordered in 426417. As regiment was forming up to move to rear rally, enemy artillery came into action about 2000yds due south hitting two of A sqn tanks. Regiment withdrew through gap by Jill to rear rally arriving there 1600 hrs.


Ordered to FAA. Replenished.

A sqn narrative of battle. Appx 10

B sqn narrative of battle. App 11

C sqn narrative of battle. App 12

Map; 1:50,000 Tobruch series Sheet 3 Tobruch

22 Nov.

Tank State:

Cruisers A9 and Al0 - 5

Cruisers A13 - 3

Light tanks - 13

Remnants of A and B sqn form composite sqn under command OC A (Major J I Bouverie-Brine).

Dawn Stand to. Maintenance.


Message received, stand by to move.


Message received advance will be resumed at CO to Bde HQ


Revert to normal and remain in FAA.


2 tps light tanks from composite sqn to area north of Tiger for local protection Bty 25~pdrs.


Message received, regiment to be with head at 41854224 at 0615 brs 23rd.

23 Nov.

Tank state as for 22nd Nov.


Commdg. Officer to conference at Bde HQ


Head of regt at Bde HQ 41854224


Regt moved to assembly area for attack on Dalby Sq 419414. Breakfast in this area (421419)


Sqn commanders conference.


Advance on line to Tiger at 42344176 then on 270° to south of Tugun 418418. Composite sqn in advance, C sqn in reserve.


Leading tanks under heavy ~ire from 4 tps of guns at Walled Village 414416 and positions south. Advance continued.


RHQ at 42274174


1 tp in position south of Tugun. Four field guns and two anti-tanks in area.


Ordered to rally and withdraw to FAA.


6 officers and NCOs, 72 ORs italians, some Corps Arty, sent back under escort of one light tank.


Message received to stand-by to assist the 4 RTR in Dalby Square. 20 enemy AFVs reported west or position (419414)


Light tanks withdrawn to northwest of Tiger and cruiser tanks less C sqn sent to north of Lion (421415) in a position hull-down to Dalby Square. Enemy AFVs, CV33s routed by 4 RTR


Ordered to withdraw in the dark to inside perimeter -


Withdrew and returned to FAA. 2 tps of light tanks left with Bty north of Tiger relieving two sent there on 22 Nov.

24 Nov

Tank State

Cruisers A9 and Al0 - 4

Cruisers A13 - 4

Light tanks - 12


Stand to. Maintenance during morning.


CO to conference at Bde HQ


Sqn Ldrs conference. 32 Army Tank Bde GO for attack on Ed Dud received. Appx. 14


1 RTR OO No 11 issued - App S

25 Nov.

Tank State

Cruisers A9 and Al0 - 8

Cruisers A13 - 5

Light tanks - 15


Received code word Jam cancelling OO No. 11


Stand to


CO to conference at Bde HQ


Sqn Ldrs Conference. Regt standing to ready to move to Jack (424419) as start line for attack due north to Bardia Rd. Operation cancelled.

26 Nov.

Tank State

Cruisers A9 and A10 9

 Cruisers A13 5

Light tanks 16




Move off to area centre of Sq. 422416 night march.


In position. Shelled by150mm and 2l0mm guns all morning. COs light tank petrol tank holed by shrapnel from 2l0mm. No casualties to personnel.


Enemy tanks reported south of position in sq. 426415. This post has been captured at 0700 by 4 RTR.


One troop of light tanks sent south-east to investigate.


Above troop advanced to check on occupied post about 42384144. This troop remained in this area joining in the advance on Ed Duda as the Regt passed.


4 RTR, as head of column, started advance on Ed Duda. Regiment joined in in allotted position and engaged targets as ordered.


On top of Ed Duda. Patrols of composite sqn penetrated as far as Trigh Capuzzo. Ed Duda shelled very heavily, shrapnel from 210mm shells caused the following casualties - Capt. W D Yeo (Adjt.) killed, and Sq/L. Brown, his wireless operator, wounded when shrapnel penetrated turret of light tank. Lt. P C Richards killed and Tpr Healey wounded whilst dismounted. Petrol tank of light tank commanded by Lt. B S Young penetrated; tank reached Tobruk perimeter under own power. Regiment adopted open formation north of Ed Duda. Regtl headquarters and HQ 4 PTR tanks in small wadi. Force on Ed Duda (see Bde OO) placed under command LtCol W C L O'Carroll OC 4 RTR. Dispositions made for night.


Ten I tanks of 44th Btn RTR joined from outside Fortress. CO and six more I tanks with a Bn of New Zealand infantry arrived about two hours later from area Bel Hamed. No enemy activity at night. The area from Tobruk perimeter to Ed Duda captured by Tobforce and from then is referred to as ‘The Corridor' Account of patrols by C sgn see Appx. 16.

27 Nov.

Tank State

Cruisers A9 and A10 - 9

Cruisers A13

Light tanks


Reveille and stand to. No attack by enemy. Shelling From direction of El Adem escarpment by heavy calibre guns continued.


Received orders to leave Ed Duda and take light tanks (less one tp) up a position in the corridor nearer Tobruk perimeter.


in position area spot height 141, with task of maintaining sides of corridor if attacked. At this stage the tank state was as follows:






Cruisers A9 and A10





Cruisers A13




Light tanks




      Four cruisers tanks A9 and A10 joined from LAD between reveille and 1130.   Fitters brought forward to this area to repair tanks.   Trp Rushton of C sgn was killed by shrapnel on Ed Duda whilst dismounted  
    pm Intensive maintenance.  
    1805 Received message be prepared for enemy counter attack in area Bardia Rd.   
      No attack.  
    1835 CO to Bde HQ now at 42374175 for conference.  
  28 Nov.  

Tank State


Cruisers A9 and A10 - 5


Cruisers A13 - 4


Light tanks - 11






Received message all cruiser tanks to stand by for move to Ed Duda.



CO to Bde HQ.



Cruisers moved off to Ed Duda.



Received message to stand by - enemy tanks in area 430415 - no developments.



Cruisers ordered from Ed Duda to area north of Bir Eel Hamed 428412 to protect right rear of 7 RTR sqn attacking enemy position 428418. Whilst performing this duty 11 enemy tanks were driven off and 200 infantry captured without casualties to our tanks. The 7 RTR attack was unsuccessful due to extensive enemy minefields south of the position

    Evening Tp of light tanks from Ed Duda joined leaguer. One tp to Ed Duda to replace. Cruiser tanks rejoined leaguer.  
  29 Nov  

Tank State


Cruisers A9 and A10


Cruisers A13 - 0


Light tanks - 15



Reveille. One troop light tanks to join Duda tp now in area 423415 and escort guns to Ed Duda.



Received message enemy may attack from east - stand by.



Warned that enemy tanks were firing green recognition signals.



All cruiser tanks ordered to Ed Duda.



Cruisers diverted to area 423415 and left in a position of observation all afternoon.



Four cruisers which had joined from LAD ordered to area 419414 to beat off attack of 60 CV33s. False alarm. All cruiser tanks wiLhdrawn to area 423417, next to Bde HQ. Leaguered night. Two tps light tanks rejoined RHQ from escorting guns and with two repaired A 13s leaguered the night 29/30 in area spot height 141 (4221419). See Appendices 17 and 18.

  30 Nov.  

Tank State


Cruisers A9 and A l0


Cruisers A13


Light tanks



Reveille and stand to.



Cruisers ordered to Ed Duda. Move cancelled.



Cruisers standing by - enemy tanks coming in from east... One A13 cruiser to Ed Duda.



Cruisers from area 423415 rejoined RHQ



Remaining three Al3s to Ed Duda with Bde HQ.



Cruisers standing by to move, enemy AFVs reported area Ed Duda. Cancelled. Leaguered the night. Appendix 19




December 1941

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. F Brown DSO

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
41421419 1 Dec  0600 Reveille. Stand by to move.  


One troop of composite sqn (light tanks) ordered to post at 42264187 to find outthe situation. Believed enemy attack on this post. Considerable small arms fire in all directions visible from unit leaguer area.


The situation normal. Infantry clearing enemy posts. 200 enemy killed or captured. During the recce, light tank commanded by Capt. H C Forster hit a mine seriously wounding Tpr. Cameron J who died 2 days later.


Four enemy tanks reported about 428419.


Remaining cruiser tanks composite sqns sent to south of position in Sq 424419.


One troop of light tanks to recce area Bir Suesi 422420.


Enemy in this sector withdrawn completely. Cruiser tanks rejoined, two having been hit by h mg fire but not put out of action. Cpl. Higgins F, the driver of one cruiser, was wounded.


Three Al3s joined from Ed Duda.


Remaining cruiser tanks withdrawn.


Message received - possible enemy tanks east of Bir Bel Hamed 428412 all Al3s sent to area.


All cruiser tanks ordered to area Bir Bel Hamed. Inf in post report enemy AFVs attacking from north-east. B sqn halted at Bde HQ 423417 after travelling only 2000 yards. C sqn report N.M.S. in area Bir Bel-Hamed.


Composite sqn back in leaguer area.


C sqn rejoined the leaguer. Tank State Cruisers A9 and Al 0 - 6

Cruisers A13 - 6

Light tanks - 13

2 Dec.

Tank state - as for 1.12.41


Stand to. Remainder of day maintenance.

3 Dec.

Tank state - as for 1.12.41


Stand to.


One troop of C sqn to area Bir Bel Hamed on mobile patrol, north-east to 433416,then east to road and back south to start. (Appx lA)


Patrol returned to leaguer.


Two troops composite sqn sent to area 419414. Enemy tanks reported in vicinity.


Patrol recalled and rejoined leaguer.

4 Dec.

Tank state: Cruiser A9 and A10 - 7

Cruiser A13 - 6

Light tanks - 12


Stand to. (Appx 2)


C sqn ordered to Ed Duda to assist 4 RTR


One troop of light tanks from composite sgn to protect artillery for night 4th/5th. Major A Cruikshank joined from course.

5 Dec.

Tank state:Cruisers A9 and A10 - 9

Cruisers A13 - 6

Light tanks - 14


Stand to


Message received - be prepared to assist post in sq 421415. No further developments.


One troop Al3s to Ed Duda to help KDG rescue 1000 British prisoners seen marching west along Trigh Capuzzo. These were not contacted. (Appx 2)


Above troop, less one tank blown up on own minefield south of Ed Duda, rejoined leaguer.

6 Dec

Tank state: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 9

Cruisers A13 - 6

Light tanks - 14


Stand to


Be prepared to move Ed Duda.


C Sqn to operate south of Ed Duda. Enemy tanks reported in area west of our FDLs.


Remainder of unit left leaguer area to proceed to Ed Duda with role of beating up enemy south and south-east of feature. Route:- Through Sneezy to north of Duda to Axis Rd. RHQ halted at 42874107 with Bn HQ NZ unit on Bel Hamed. C sqn forward to Sidi Rezegh. (Appx. 1B). Two troops of composite sqn to area 436409 with NZ Force on a patrol. All returned at last light and unit proceeded to area 426411 for night leaguer.

  7 Dec  

Tank State: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 7


Cruisers A13 - 3


Light tanks - 14


Reveille and Stand to. HQ tank troop to 42584103 (HQ of Duda Force)


C sqn (3 tanks) to Pt 152 in Sq 421405 with patrols of KDG (Appx 1C)


Composite squadron under command OC infantry with one battery of 25-pdrs formed up in area 435419 and proceeded along Bardia to Gambut.


C sqn returned, having contacted outside forces and obtained Sitrep from Brig. Campbell 7th Armd Div Support Group.

  Night 7/8   Composite squadron returned to leaguer area. RHQ Tank Troop in Wadi all day and remain for night leaguer. In the afternoon some shells fell in area. T 5089 (Lt F J C Wollaston) was penetrated by a 75mrn (?) which exploded inside killing L/Cpl C Humphries who was operating the wireless set and the sole occupant at the time.  
  8 Dec  

Composite sgn and C sqn RHQ Tank Troop


Tank State: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 6


Cruisers Al 3 - 3


Light tanks - 14


C sqn moved to area southwest of Ed Duda.


C sqn ordered to proceed to Pt 162 to find out the situation in that area. A battalion of infantry from Tobforce had moved to Pt 162 the previous day -


All runners of composite sqn move to area 425410. One troop of light tanks in observation about 42634094. C sqn recalled before completing task. Unit moved to area Bir Ghersa 421415. Receive orders for all light troops to recce foot of escarpment up to 4 miles west of Ed Duda.

    Last light.

Move to position for night leaguer. Several enemy minefields encountered in this area, at least two run over by tanks but no mines exploded.

  9 Dec  

Under command 73 Corps


Tank State: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 6


Cruisers Al 3 - 3


Light tanks - 14


Reveille and stand to.

    First light

Unit moved to area Bir Ghersa 421415. Intensive maintenance all morning.


Received order to proceed to Ed Adem with all speed, enemy withdrawing in utter confusion. Route: -Track to Ed Duda along Axis road.


RHQ arrived at El Adem. C sqn then at road junc 40504123.


RHQ and composite sqn arrived at road junction in sq 404412.

    Last light

All returned to El Adem crossroads where Bde formed leaguer.

  10 Dec.  

Tank State: Cruiser A9 and A10 - 2


Cruiser A13 - 2


Light tanks - 8


Other tanks in leaguer repairable by crews, not completed in time to move off.


Reveille and stand to.


Regiment advanced west along the Axis road in the order C, Composite, RHQ. Turned off road passed Acroma Fort.


Arrived west of Acroma and leaguered.


Received orders to move to Junction Axis road-Derna/Tobruk road. Leaguered night 10/11.


11 Dec.


Stand to


Regiment moved west along Derna road.


RHQ at 377439. Composite sqn at 376440. Forward tanks reporting enemy infantry.


Gunners and infantry arrived and went forward to engage enemy.


14 Ju52's escorted by fighters flew towards Tobruk a few hundred feet from the ground. About ten mintes later they returned. One Ju52 brought down by light AA. Remainder heavily engaged by all arms and seen to be hit. Received report enemy parachute troops dropped 5000 yds to rear in sq 383438 (?) . Light tank patrol Composite S Sqn sent to area and reported after a long recce lasting until 1330hrs.


C sqn (3 Al3s) ordered to demonstrate in front of enemy positions west of El Gdidi 368439. This patrol carried out without incident. Regiment leaguered for the night with RA and Bn NZ.

12 Dec

Tank State: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 4

Cruisers A13 - 2

Light tanks - 11


Reveille and stand to


Regiment moved. Order - Composite Sqn, RHQ, A echelon, protected by 2 tanks of C sqn. Route: east along track to escarpment 385438, thence to ruined village 372433.


Pt 204. RHQ Tank Troop and A echelon Composite Sqn about two miles west, report NMS. Both Composite sqn and RHQ sqn dive-bombed. This was the first air attack since D.1. Night leaguer.

13 Dec.

Tank State: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 4

Cruisers A13 - 2

Light tanks - 11


Unit move west to sq 363433. Position of RHQ.


Moved west 1500 yds.


Received orders to move to area 353431 with role of protection south and west to Bde attack going in to area Ruined Village 352436.


Move to area U 9466 to contact 5 Indian Bde HQ. No task given for 13th. Regimental night leaguer. Replenishment failed to contact.

Tank State at 1500hrs: Cruisers A9 and A10 - 3

Cruisers A13 - 0

Light tanks - 10

14 Dec.

Tank State as for 1800hrs 13 Dec. less 1 light tank.


Reveille and stand to.


Composite sqn (3 cruiser tanks and 5 lights) with all remaining tanks less RHQ tank troop proceeded to HQ 5th Indian Bde. Here a recce task was ordered. During this T 7200 (2/Lt C A S Millar) and T 7199 (Sgt Hughes J) were captured. Crews of both tanks reported 'missing' . See Appx 19 to Vol 27 under 14.12.41. Account of action Appx 3. Regimental night leaguer.

15 Dec.

Tank State. Cruisers A9 and Al 0 - 1

Cruisers Al3 - -0

Light tanks - 9

Two runners.


Reveille and stand to. Maintenance.


32 Army Tank Bde OI dated 15.12.41 received. (Appx 4). Regimental night leaguer.

16 Dec.

Tank State: as for 15.12.41 plus one light tank.


Reveille and stand to. Maintenance. Special message from GOC 70 Div (Appx 5)

17 Dec.

Tank State: As for 16.12.41


Reveille and stand to.


Move to area track junction 380413, Bde B echelons in this area . Commanding Officer visited Eighth Army HQ Acroma. Tanks under repair in AOW and LRS handed over and crews withdrawn. All preparations made to return to the Delta leaving equipment in the field. Leaguered in B Echelon area.

18 Dec.

Tank State: As for 16.12.41 plus one A9 joined from LAD.




Move to tank delivery sqn to hand over remaining AFVs. Handover completed and crews taken to B echelon area now at Pt 162 northeast of El Adem. Leaguered.

19 Dec.

Handing over stores and equipment to 8 RTR.

20 Dec.

Personnel who could not be lifted by remaining transport moved to cross-roads at El Adem and came under 32 Army Tank Bde. Arrangements were made to convey this party to railhead by RASC supply columns.


15 officers and 110 other ranks with 31 vehicles forming the advance party started for railhead. Route: east along Trigh Capuzzo to Bir el Chleta 454404 then south-east to Bir Gibni 476354 to Libyan Scheferzen 493345. Leaguered night. Special Order of the Day (Appx 6)

21 Dec.

Advance party proceeded to Bir Scheferzen, then south-east to Conference cairn 527330 and then by marked route to railhead at Bir Talata. Leaguered night just north of railhead.

22 Dec.

All remaining vehicles and equipment with the exception of seven B vehicles allowed far road party handed to 86 Base Sub-Area.


8 officers and 26 ORs forming the advance party left for Alexandria. RASC columns brought the remainder of the regiment to railhead during the day.

23 Dec.

Road party which had spent the night at FUKA continued journey to Sidi Bishr Camp, Alexandria. Rail party started journey.


Road party arrived Sidi Bishr.

24 Dec.


Train party arrived Sidi Bisnr.


29 Dec.

1 officer and 294 ORs proceeded on seven days leave to Cairo.

30 Dec.

26 ORs joined unit from RAO Base Depot.





Received 32 Army Tank Bde O.4 dated 10.12.41 as follows:


32 ATB will screen advance west of 5 NZ Bde tomorrow  1 Dec 41 -   1 and 7 RTR will move by road Tobruk-Gazala to road junction 37504415.   Order of march - 1 RTR, 7 RTR.   Time of start 0700 hrs.   KDG will precede advance and 4 RTR will operate on escarpment above.   Bde HQ will move along road Tobruk-Gazala behind 7 RTR.


Sgd. C A Windsor Major





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