War Diaries of 1st Royal Tank Regiment



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January 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col B. C. Mitford

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
      Strength State  
      With unit 35 officers, 629 ORs  
      Attached               3 officers,     27 ORs  

2/4 Jan


A Sqn left area for Tank Reorg Group at Bomba. Routine and training as normal.


5 Jan

No 1 Party left area for Tk Reorg Gp in accordance with regimental movement order. (Appx 1)


6 Jan

LtCol. E C Mitford MC rejoins and resumes command of the regiment.


7/8 Jan

Regiment fully equipped with Crusaders, Grants and Shermans from Tk Reorg Gp.


9 Jan


All tanks in regiment landed on transporters ready to move at first light to join 22 Armd Bde.


10/17 Jan

Regiment moved in accordance with 1 RTR Movement Order No 2 via Martuba Barce-Tocra-Bengasi~Agedabia-Marble Arch-to wadi Tamet arriving at 1200 hrs 17 Jan.


19 Jan


Regiment left location on transporters, moved west along Coast Road towards Buerat.


Arrived in area (R)S 2918 until 1700 hrs when the regiment recommenced to move west again along coast road.


Regt. leaguered in area ????? S2627.


20 Jan


Regiment moved north along coast road towards Misurata. Much delay caused by detours round craters in road, and minefields.


Left road at (R)S 2265 and proceeded due west across desert to Bir Dufan (R)R7863, then north on track towards Zliten. Halted at (R)R7570 at l800 hrs. Many tanks left en route due to transporters bogging in soft sand.


21 Jan


Commenced to move north along road towards Zliten and arrived at (R)M7714 at 1100 hrs. Rejoined HQ 22 Armd Bde at this point.


All tanks removed from transporters.


Regiment moved on the track and proceeded north towards Zliten, then due west on coaast road towards Homs. Much delay caused by traffic jams due to deviations.


Passed through Homs and pulled off road at (R)M4537 and leaguered for night.


22 Jan

Tank State: Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair.


Regiment commenced to move along coast road towards Tripoli.


Reached area (R)M2745 after considerable delay throughout route caused by demolition of road in numerous places. Continued en route.


23 Jan


RHQ head of column halted at (R}M1546 on the outskirts of Castel Verde to allow remainder of regiment to rejoin. Regiment refuelled.


Regiment continued along coast road towards Tripoli and halted at (R)L8949 to refuel and breakfast.


Recommenced movement along coast road, turned off road at (R)L7563 moved along track towards 22 Armd Bde Area and halted at (R)L6161.


Moved one mile down track to an area specified by Bde for regimental leaguer area.


24 Jan

Tank State - Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair.


Reveille. Remained in same location all day. LtCol E C Mitford MC left regiment to assume duties as 2 i/c 22 Armd Bde Gp. Major B C Forster assumed command of regt.


25 Jan

Tank State  - Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair


Reveille. Remained in same location all day. Normal routine and maintenance carried out.


26 Jan

Tank State  - Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair


Reveille. Normal routine and maintenance. Remained in same location.


27 Jan

Tank State  - Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair




Lt Col R F K Belchem OBE arrived to take over command of regiment.


28 Jan

Tank State as for previous day.




10% of regiment granted day leave re Pridoli {Tripoli ?]


29 Jan

Tank State  - Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair


Reveille. RHQ and A sqns carried out range firing with Crusaders.


30 Jan

Tank State  Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair


Reveille. Range firing continued.


31 Jan

Tank State  Crusader II, Crusader III, Crusader CS; Grant and Sherman - in various states of repair


Reveille. 2 Officers and 60 ORs left the area to represent the regiment in the Tripoli Victory Church Parade. Personnel later congratulated in Part I Orders by CO on their turnout, drill and general smartness.






February 1942

Commanding Officer:  Lt Col R F K Belchem OBE

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  1 Feb   Strength State  

Unit personnel 33 officers, 557 ORs


Attached 3 officers, 29 ORs

      Tank State:-  

Crusaders - Mk II - 5, Mk III 11, Cl Supp - 5


Sherman - Petrol 1, Diesel - 14 plus 1 in Bde WS.


Grant - Petrol - 1, Diesel - 10


Lee - Petrol - 1


Reveille. Regtl training continued.


2 Feb

Training and preparation for C-in-C’s inspection and Victory Parade in Tripoli.


3 Feb

All tanks and crews move to Tripoli and form up for the following day's inspection.


4 Feb




Dismounted personnel move to Tripoli


Parade was inspected by the Rt Hon Winston Churchill, Prime Minister, in the Corso Italo Balbo.


The Prime Minister addressed all Commanding Officers. During this speech he said in his message to the Eighth Army "Let me thank you all and let me then assure you that your fellow countrymen regard your work with the greatest admiration and gratitude and that after the war is over, it will be quite sufficient for any man to say, when he is asked 'What did you do?' to reply 'I marched with the Eighth Army'. That will be a source of sober pride which you are all entitled to feel".


Personnel taking part in the parade were as follows:


Tank Crews - 25 officers 231 ORs


Dismounted - 5 officers 232 ORs


Vehicles - Crusaders 21, Grants and Shermans 27, Scout Cars 6, l5cwt A/Cs 2


The regiment was congratulated by the GOCinC Eighth Army.


5 Feb

Individual and troop training.


6 Feb


Firing and crew control commenced on the miniature range.


Smoke demonstration by crews of Crusader CS tanks on open range.


The CO spoke to officers on the proposed move to a new area and on possible future developments. He gave details of the formation of the Dingo Scout Troop comprising three patrols of two cars each, the troop to be commanded by Capt. B S Young. Rev C S Duthie CF was posted from the regiment.


7 Feb


Conference re impending move. Officers of the RE came and lectured tank commanders on A/T and A/personnel mines. Unit Movement Orders 0702-A issued.


8 Feb

Advance party moved to new area south of Zuara (Q) P4568. 22 Armd Bde came into 30 Corps Reserve. Regimental leaguer found to be unsatisfactory owing to bad going and a new area was asked from Bde.


9 Feb


Echelon party moved to (Q) P4568.


Advance party moved to new position on road.


Address by GOCinC Eighth Army to all available 30 Corps etc officers.


Strength State


Unit personnal - 31 officers 548 ORs


Attached - 3 officers 29 ORs


Tank State Crusaders - Mk II - 57 Mk III 11, Cl Supp - 5


Sherman - Petrol - 1, Diesel - 1 5


Grant - Petrol - 1 , Diesel - 9; Lee - 1


10 Feb


B Party moved to (Q) P4S68??


11 Feb


Left for Uotia (Q) P1228


Capt B S Young crossed Tripolitania-Tunisia frontier whilst on recce.


Regiment arrived at Uotia (Q) P1228.

      Strength State  

Unit personnel - 31 officers, 558 ORs


Attached - 2 officers, 29 ORs

      Tank State  

Crusaders - Mk II - 5; Mk III - 11, CS - 5


Sherman - Petrol - 2, Diesel - 15


Grant - Petrol - 1, Diesel - 9


Lee - Petrol - 1

      Training, particularly Gunnery and Maintenance (Appx 3)  
  13 Feb 0900 Lecture by Bdwe IO on enemy equipment and the general war situation. Pictures of the new German Mk VI shown. Training. Operation Order No 1302 and 'Notes on Mareth’ issued. (Appx 4 and 5).  
    1000 Moved to ort Sidi Toui (Q) 07867 and saw the French Tricoleur flying above it.  
  14 Feb   1 RTR crossed the frontier into Tunisia.  
    1225 Moved into close leaguer.  
    1900 Personnel State Unit - 33 officers, 534 ORs. Attached - 2 officers, 28 ORs.  
      Tank State  

Crusaders - MkII - 5, Mk III - 10, CS - 5.


Sherman - Petrol - 2, Diesel - 15.


Grant - Petrol 2, Diesel - 7


Lee - Petrol - 1

      Maintenance. Rev. J. Wallace CF joined unit for duty. Crews sent to collect 3 tanks from FTDS. CO held TEWT for officers at Sidi Toui (Q) 07867. Brig Hinde and Col Mitford, Brigade 2 i/c attended. 22nd Armd Bde comes under command of 7th Armd Div.  
  18 Feb   Moved to Nefatia area (Z) A0565 to replace 8th Armd Bde.  
      Strength State  

Personnel 33 officers, 564 ORs


Attached - 3 officers, 28 ORs

      Tank State  

Crusaders - MkII - 4 + 1 in Bde WS, MkIII - 11, CS - 5


Sherman - Petrol - 2, Diesel - 14 + 1 in Bde WS


Grant - Petrol 1, Diesel - 8 + 2 in Bde WS


Lee - Petrol 1 evacuated beyond Bde WS.

  19 Feb   Maintenance and firing on open range. Stabilizer on Sherman tanks tried out with success and troop shoots practiced. 2 Crusader tanks taken over from Staffs. Yeo. Arrangements made to collect further two tanks from FTDS  
    2000 Moved to the outskirts of Medenine (Y) E8278 by moonlight.  
      Personnel State  

Unit - 33 officers, 564 ORs


Attached - 3 officers, 28 ORs

      Tank State  

Crusaders - MkII - 4 + 1 in Bde WS, MkIII - 12, CS - 6


Sherman - Petrol 2, Diesel 14 + 1 in Bde WS


Grant - Petrol nil, Diesel - 8 (two in Bde WS)

  20 Feb   22nd Armd Bde moved to outflank enemy positions in the Tadjern Hills northwest of Medenine (Y) E by moving on centre line (Y) E8179-7884-7585-7188-6487. 5RTR in front, 1 RTR on left and 4 CLY on right.  
    1200 Bde comes under fire and a battle line is formed facing south, the regt being on the left flank.  
    1300 Regiment in battle line in wadi under fairly heavy fire from enemy 75 mm and 105 mm gun. B sqn right, C sqn left, A sqn protection left with one troop 258 A/T Bty. The regiment remained in approx the same position throughout the day, it being difficult to approach nearer to the enemy positions because they hold the high grounds to the south of the main road. Firing continued until last light when the regt leaguered. Tank casualties were nil and at least 2 enemy vehicles were destroyed.  
    1640 The Commdr 7th Armd Div (Ma jGen G W E J Erskine) visited RHQ and expressed himself satisfied with the course of the battle.  
  21 Feb   Personnel State  

Unit - 34 officers, 549 ORs


Attached - 3 officers, 28 ORs

      Tank State  

Crusaders - MkII - 3. plus 2 in Bde WS, MkIII - 12, CS - 6


Sherman - Diesel - 14 plus 1 in Bde WS, Petrol - 2


Grant - Diesel - 8

      A sqn and Recce Tp patrols discovered that the enemy had been forced to withdraw during the night and there was no firing during the day. Major B C Forster, 2 i/c, made a recce of area (Y) E6580 for possible battle positions. 1 Crusader and 1 Dingo evacuated. Regt in reserve to Bde in same area. Crews carry out maintenance.  
  22 Feb   CO goes forward to recce new area.  
    2359 Clocks put back one hour from Cairo to Zone time -  
  23 Feb 0610 Moved forward to new battle position. C coy 1 RBs under command.  
    0630 Major C A Holliday (OC A sqn) made recce of forward area.  
    0900 2 Sgts, 3 Cpls, and 6 Tprs sent to First Army by air as instructors on Sherman tank. Remained in air formation but no activity.  
  24 Feb   Moved to new location southwest of road (Y) E.  
  25 Feb   Considerable shelling and counter battery fire throughout the day, preventing soft vehicles reaching tanks during daylight but no casualties from enemy fire. A/T platoon of 1 RB under command.  
      Personnel State  

In unit 34 officers, 561 ORs


Attached 3 officers, 28 ORs

      Tank State  

Crusaders - MkII - 2 and 3 in Bde WS, MkIII - 12, CS 3 plus 2 in WS


Sherman - Petrol - 2, Diesel 14 plus 1 in Bde WS


Grant - Diesel - 8

  26 Feb   Very much the same as previous day except that firing seemed to be heavier.  
    1630 Report received of tanks approaching from southwest so Light Sqn (A) sent forward to ridge and heavy sqns form up in rear. Tanks did not venture to approach and no firing was done by our tanks. Normal leaguer.  
  27 Feb   Regiment moved to Wadi (Y) E6576.  
  28 Feb   50% of regiment given opportunity of baths at Medenine. CO made recce battle positions.  





Ref Maps 1/1000,000 Tunis-?????  
                1/500 Fisida and Tunisia Series  
  1. General

The main defence against an Italian threat from Tripolitania was built across the main road southeast of Gabes and is known as the Mareth Line. It is a Maginot Line in miniature, designed to oppose an enemy whose chief strength appears to be in motorised divisions. Broadly speaking it consists of several independent self-contained strong points with all-round defence, the most impostant being Bengardane (J60) Foum Tatah Cuile [?] (E73) and Medenine (E77) and Nalut (F31) serving as outposts to the main line running from Matuata [?] (E28) to the sea. These outposts, whose strength, under French occupation was given as 1 reinforced [illegible] each are so sighted [sited] that they command all roads and tracks leading to Gabes (north of the escarpment) and were designed to hold out for a considerable period after being bypassed in order to cause the maximum embarrassment to the attacker's [illegible]. There are also numerous small garrison outposts - [illegible] F03 Remada (E76), Krartagrine [?] (ElS), [illegible - looks like B J Youmit] (D87) and others whose purpose is to be similar to those of the Italian Saharan Command. The Mareth Line proper is known to extend from the sea near [illegible] (Z51) to Matmata. Reports are conflicting, both as to the exact locations and extent of the fortifications west of Matmata and as to their depth. One report indicates that they run southeast from Matmata to Ksar ob [illegible] (E46) making use of the high ground, while another report states that the Line was being continued in 1939 from Matmata to Klhili (Y30) on the edge of the Ghott Djerid. In any case, it is clear that the main permanent artificial fortifications are between Matmata and the sea. Klhili, however, is certainly fortified itself and in 1939 defensive works were in hand at [illegible] (X51) and at [could be 'Hesta but very difficult to decipher] in order to block an outflanking movement through the natrow [illegible] between the Ghott Djerid and the Ghott el [illegible}

  1. Mode of construction of Mareth Line.

By 1939 the Line was complete. It was built in three main stages:

(a) Localities covering the ways across the Wadi [illegible] east of Mareth.

(b) Localities in the gaps between these making the Line continuous.

(c) 'Support Localities' 1-2 km in the rear of the Line covering the Forward Localities.

The Forward Localities contained concrete pill-boxes and emplacements for small arms and A/T guns up to 75 mm calibre. The Support Localities were NOT concreted although they contained certain concreted Bn and Bde HQs and in rear of them were unconcreted artillery positions.

From Sidi Touati (E4602) south to the [illegible] (C46) there is no continuous line. Self-supporting localities of about company strength are built into commanding hills, the difficulty of the country acting as an obstacle. The hills offered an excellent view into the plain to the east so that any deception [illegible] are likely to be spotted.

There are still no further details of any defences between Matmata and [illegible].

  1. How the French Intended to Man the Line.

The French intended to hold the Mareth Line from the sea to Sidi Touati ([illegible]) - where the Wadi Zigzaoc peters out and the hills begin - with 2 Infantry Divisons. These manned the pillboxes with post [?] weapons. In the hills there was to be another infantry division, the greater part of which had a counter-attack role, the remainder manning the [word or words missing here]

The two outposts at [illegible] and [illegible] were each to hold a Bn Group. A cavalry Div two thirds of which would be operating forward was to be based on Medenin.

Tanks were to be disposed:

1 Bn Light Tanks at Mareth (Z50)

1 Bn Light tanks at Zaret (Z51)

1 Bn Light Tanks at [illegible] (Z3530)

2 Bns Med Tabnks at Gabes

In 1936 a Bn was based on El [illegible] (Z03) presumably hold the defences in the [illegible] [illegible] hills. A varying number of [illegible] were also called uponto assist in the defence - particularly in the [illegible] They were [illegible] when required by their officers via local Sheikh. They were issued with a little food and 60 cartridges to become a tough and easily maintained force.

  1. Weaknesses of the Line.
  1. a) It was considered that the French would have command of the sea and that no landings behind it would be possible.

(b) It was thought that it would NOT be possible to outflank it.

(c) It was hoped that the local population would not only be friendly but actively [illegible]

(d) The Line at present has little depth but the enemy will rapidly rectify this. There is still to be another defensive post on the Line of the Wadi [illegible] Z4522-Z361 5.

  1. Defences Round Gabes Oasis.

The first defences to be built in southern Tunisia were on the southern perimeter of the Gabes Oasis. In order to complete the defences round Gabes, field works were constructed between the [illegible] [illegible] and the sea, sited to prevent any advance from the north by a sea-borne enemy.

Air photos show that on the southern perimeter there are a considerable number of [illegible] [illegible] but they do not appear to be connected up into any methodical trench system. They are primarily in the vicinity of the road Tripoli-Gabes particularly in Sqs Z3329 and Z3320. A more regular network runs northeast from Z340517-Z345322. The Wadi [illegible] (Z3227) appears to be an obstacle to tanks as also the wadi just southwest of the town at Z3231.

  1. Going.

(A) Routes through the Gebel Hefusa hills. Between the Bl0 and the K80 Northing the only suitable approach through the hills is Herth or south of the well at K5185. The best route is from the road at K6193 to the well, thence to Pt 483 and K3173. It is possible to get through the following wadis from [illegible] (L5735) to Trig Pt 486 but this route is not recommended. Further south a route leads through from [Mehmert ?]-[Mexada ?]-Bordi-[LT ?]-[illegible]. The wadi Herga-[could be XL or EL]-Charira (K57) is not suitable.

(B) Dahar [this is not clear, but looks like Dahar] . This is the long north-south corridor between the Matmata hills and the ERG or Sand Desert. Generally speaking it is dry and stony and is cut up by many wadis. Tracks across it are themselves said to be difficult. It is possible to move down the wadis except where they drop in rock steps. the tracks from Bardj le boeuf (X44)-Ksar Rhilan?-(D94)-Dir Sultan (B06) is known to be practicable. It is also possible to move north from K0442 to K0347 and thence northwest to J0886. The ground is largely firm, uneven gravel with some difficult hummocks. North of K0745 there are no hills. The country is gently undulating.

Approximately 5 kilos west of the route mentioned there is a continuous Sand Dune running north-south. The track from Bir Sultan to Ksar Harsuf (E46) and the track [illegible]-Bir Agareb (169 ?)-Hamha (Z03) are first class for all MT.

  1. Details of Defences on Main Line between Matmata and the Sea.

(a) Localities. The Line between Matmata and the sea is based on a series of mutually supporting localities, 1 to 2 kilometres apart, following the course of Wadi Zigzaou (that marked on the 1/500,000 Pisida sheet just east of the road Zar??-Mareth). Each locality appears to be up to 1½ km. broad and½ km deep and contains up to seven pillboxes or emplacements. These are for LMGs, MGs, ?5mm, 47mm and 75mm guns. 1-2 kilometres behind this Line there are a few much smaller isolated positions but there is nothing to show what is in these. There does not appear to be any further depth to the line.

(b) Emplacements Cement. The actual cement emplacements themselves are said to be reinforced with concrete and staggered to give some depth. The average strength of a cement emplacement is given as 1 [illegible] . The reports vary as to the actual thickness of concrete used. One report states a hundred cm and another 150, with 1? intervals between each layer of reinforcement. All agree, however, that field and medium artillery up to and including 150 mm would have little if any effect upon it, 200 mm-plus is estimated to be the calibre for reduction. A sketch of a pillbox for a 75mm gun shows it to be flush with the ground, and a tank-type turret contains the gun itself. The latter will presumably have 360° traverse.

(c) Anti-Tank Obstacles. There is said to be a continuous anti-tank obstacle (rails set vertically in concrete) on the east side or at the bottom of the wadi, (but this has not yet been revealed by air photos) . There are five rows of rails.

(d) Wire. A continuous barbed wire fence is said to run fairly closely inside the obstacle.

(c) Minefields. Air photos have only revealed small isolated minefields to date, but it may be assumed that the approach to the Main Line will be mined if this has not already been done.

Notes on the Defence of Ben Garbane. Sheets 24 and 29 Sidi C??mmaki and Zarzis.

  1. General

Ref Maps 1/250,000

Much detailed information is available about the defences of Ben Garbane, obtained chiefly from French plans and air photos. The defences are divided into two sections:

(i) An outer line barring access along the roads entering the town from the east and south.

(ii) An inner perimeter around the town itself - a diagram of these is attached.

  1. Outer Defences.

These consist of four strong points connected by weapon pits and sited as follows:

J692091 covering the coast

J695068 covering the main road from Tripoli

J699?1? covering the road from Tiguelmet [this is the best guess at an almost illegible word] 7587.

J660067 covering the road from Bir es Slugiiy [difficult to decipher]

Each strongpoint is triangular in shape with concrete gun emplacements in each corner within the strong points there are pillboxes for MGs, emplacements for A/T guns, concrete command posts and RAPs and well concreted trench systems. The pillboxes are 8ft long x 6ft 4ins high The front walls are 6ft l0 ins thick and the roof 5ft thick. All the pillboxes held originally post weapons but these were removed by order of the Armistice Commission. Most of the embrasures are constructed to fire enfilade and cannot therefore be seen from directly in front. The 75mm guns were mounted on conical steel bases about 2ft high, the barrel being passed through the embrasure. The enemy therefore cannot wheel his own guns into position in the pillboxes, and if he wishes to use them will have to adapt the mountings.

Once inside the guns could not easily be removed, and the enemy can hardly afford to risk their capture at the present moment.

Originally the whole of the outer defences were enclosed by wire, which has apparently been removed by order of the Armistice Commission.

  1. Inner Defences.

The perimeter consists of an anti-tank trench round the village, now either sanded up or covered, and six concrete pillboxes supported by weapon pits. Originally the anti-tank ditch was surrounded by a very thick network of wire defences which have apparently been removed by order of the Armistice Commission. The pillboxes are sited one at each corner of the anti-tank ditch and in the middle of the east and west sides. They are built to contain 75mm guns and each is supported by two MG sections.

  1. Conclusion.

The original French defences cannot be adapted quickly for use by the Germans. In any event they are apparently in a bad state due partly to lack of upkeep and partly to the disarmament by the Italian Armistice Commission.

Defences of Medenin.

Based on air photos of 4 Sept 42.

The defences are mainly sited facing north and east on high ground overlooking the Walis Herir and Djaballah respectively. There is, however, no attempt [at] defence in deptch or all round defence, and the positions are particularly susceptible to outflanking from the south. On the other hand, it would appear to be easier for the Germans to adapt these defences than those at Ben Garlane, although it would be necessary to dig new positions across the Wadi Medenin west of the town. There is, however, no sign of activity on these lines. The going in the area is not thought to be sufficiently bad to prevent the town as a whole being bypassed.





March 1943

Commanding Officer:  Lt Col Lt Col R F K Belchem OBE

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  1 Mar    Regiment moved to Wadi Metameur (Y) E6676, the tanks were dug in by 1800 hrs.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 15, P 2


Grant D 8


Crusader Mk II - 2 with 1 in Bde WS and 2 evac beyond.


Crusader Mk III - 11 with 1 in Bde WS


Close support - 3


Scout cars - 5 with 2 in Bde WS, evac beyond.

      Personnel State  

Unit - 38 officers, 570 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 28 ORs

  2 Mar   Tank crews went to new battle positions on foot. (The Moors position)  
    1900  Regiment moved to (Y) E6981  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 15, P 2


Grant D 8


Crusader Mk II - 2 with 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 11 with 1 in Bde WS


Close support - 3


Scout cars - 6 and 1 in Bde WS.

      Personnel State  

Unit - 37 officers, 556 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 29 ORs


3 Mar

General training - sub calibre - Tp and Sqn.


4 Mar

Training as for 3 Mar 43. 10 Pz believed to be moving south to area (Y) E48. Sqn Leaders recce 'd alternative battle positions.


5 Mar

Training as for 3 Mar 43. Regiment at immediate notice to move to battle positions.


6 Mar

Enemy thrusts reported at Abdullah (Y) E5988 and from direction of Ksar el Hallouf (Y) E46.


Regiment formed up in "Wellington" position (Y) E6787 at 0900. Regtl. role was to support 131 Bde and to further that object A sqn crossed Medenine-Mareth road to locate enemy tanks, taking position at (Y) E6386. B sqn took up hull-down positions on right of A sqn. C sqn to A sqn' 5 left in area (Y) E6586. B sqn being in area 6487.


Two groups of 8 enemy tanks were engaged. In the ensuing action the regiment claimed 11 tanks destroyed. Regiment formed leaguer in darkness after scene of action.

      Tank State  

Sherman D - 15, P - 2


Grant D - 8


Crusader Mk II 2 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 11 and 1 in Bde WS


Personnel State


Unit - 36 officers, 537 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 35 ORs.

  7 Mar   At first light regiment opened leaguer - B sqn moved to area 623863; C sqn to 645855; RHQ to wadi at Bir Khoutine. 2 Tp A sqn recce'd area 5983 and kept a standing patrol at Pt 174 (6286). Two troops of A sqn went forward and destroyed half-track carrier, 1 staff car, and captured one 50mm A/T gun.  
  8 Mar   Regiment returned to (Y) E6987.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 20


Grant D - 10


Crusader Mk II 9 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 10 and 2 in Bde WS


Cl. Suppoert - 2 and 1 in Bde WS


Scout cars - 10 and 3 in Bde WS


Personnel State


Unit - 339 officers, 549 ORs Attd - 5 officers, 35 ORs

  9/12 Mar   Training  
  13 Mar   Regiment at 30 mins notice to move. Lt Canham (Recce Tp) went on patrol in scout car with 11 Hussars.  
  14 Mar   C sqn field firing with A sqn.  
  15 Mar   OC A sqn recce'd positions on the flanks of possible battle position Ridge (Y) E6190-6290 C sqn sub-cal  
  16 Mar   Three patrols of Recce Tp were sent out; one each to Segdel feature (Y) E6391-6392, Abdullah (Y) E6189, and 131 Bde HQ (Y) E630872, OC A sqn conducted Tp Ldr over ground reconnoitred on 15 Mar.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 20


Grant D - 9 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk II 11 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 10 and 2 in Bde WS


Cl. Suppoert - 1


Scout cars - 10 and 3 in Bde WS


Personnel State


Unit - 33 officers, 544 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 31 ORs

  17 Mar   Regt at immediate notice to move. Patrols all day as for 15 Mar  
  18 Mar   Immediate notice to move. Recce patrols at Segdal and 131 Bde.  
  19 Mar   Parties sent to Mobile Bath Unit at Medemine.  
  20 Mar   General training.  
  21 Mar   CO explained to regiment the Army Commander's plan to attack the Mareth Line. This was briefly to make a bridgehead in the north between Zaret and the sea with 50 Div whilst 90 Lt Div were contained by 51 Div. When bridgehead was complete (i.e. Zaret taken) 4 md. Div. were to push through and roll up the line from Zaret southwest. While this was proceeding 1 Armd Div followed by 7 Armd Div were to push through the gap, their objectives being Gabes and Sfax respectively. At the same time as bridgehead was being made, 2 NZ Div with 8 Armd Bde were to attack the weaker defences between Tabaga and Malaga, having some days previously moved sufficiently far south to get round the hills. Regiment moved to area Dar Tligh (Y) E6798 west of the wadi Zessa.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 21


Grant D - 10


Crusader Mk II 10 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 11


Cl. Suppoert - 1


Scout cars - 11


Personnel State


Unit - 33 officers, 557 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 31 ORs

  22 Mar   Regiment remained in the area all day. One patrol of Recce Tp recce'd the Wadi Melah between the (Y) E99 to (T) Z0l Northings for possible crossings.  
  23 Mar   Regiment moved to area (T) Z6205. A sqn wadi Chet Tarad (T) Z6106; B sqn area (T) Z6206; C sqn in wadi (T) Z6305.  
    2000  O liaised with Commander 152 Bde 51 Div in whose area regiment was leaguered. He requested regiment to move back as it was in the area of his FDLs. Consequently regiment concentrated at wadi in Sq 6305 during the night.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 22


Grant D - 10


Crusader Mk II 10


Crusader Mk III - 11


Cl. Suppoert - 1


Scout cars - 8


Personnel State


Unit - 31 officers, 548 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 31 ORs

      During all moves from 21/23 Mar inclusive the recce troop was used extensively for liaison with neighbouring Brigades, for reconnoitring Sqn and Regt positions and for leading sqns to these positions.  
  24 Mar 0430 C sqn took over position previously occupied by 5 RTR behind ridge in (T) Z6209 and formed battle line with two troops up, in immediate support of infantry in FDLs. They were subjected throughout the day to intermittent shelling, sniping, and mortar fire. No worthwhile targets presented themselves. Enemy positions visible from Pt 16 (627093) to the sea. Artillery fire was brought down on these positions from OP. B sqn formed battle line and remained during day in wadi (625058). Major G W Pedraza (OC B sqn) recce'd area of Bir Brahim for the purpose of selecting battle positions in immediate support of 2 and 5 Seaforths. One tp of A sqn at 621085 doing right flank protection for C sqn.  
    1830 C sqn withdrew from battle position and formed leaguer with RHQ. Regt commenced to move in line ahead towards wadi Z and crossed at (Y) E6898. Leaguered in area 6895.  
  25 Mar   Opened leaguer at Reveille and commenced to move, arriving at (Y) E6686.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 21


Grant D - 10


Crusader Mk II 10


Crusader Mk III - 11


Cl. Suppoert - 1


Scout cars - 8


Personnel State


Unit - 31 officers, 576 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 31 ORs

  26-28 Mar   Remained in same location.  
  29 Mar   Regt at 6 hours notice to move. A recce party of OC Recce Tp and RIO joined Bde recce party at l430 hrs and proceeded to (T) ZSqs 3421-3320-3420. As the Div route was not completely clear of mines until morning 30 Mar recce was not possible until then.  
  30 Mar 0650 Regiment moved and arrived at (T) Z4302 at 1145 hrs. Remained in this location all day and night 30 Mar.  
  31 Mar 0800 Regiment moved along the Div axis and arrived in area (T) Z3519 at 1130 hrs.  
    1655 Regtl. Gunnery Officer and RIO proceeded to Sq (T) Z2020 to recce a field range.  
      Tank State  

Sherman D - 21


Grant D - 10


Crusader Mk II 10


Crusader Mk III - 11


Cl. Suppoert - 1


Scout cars - 8


Personnel State


Unit - 32 officers, 584 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 37 ORs

      Regiment under formations 22 Armd Bde; 7th Armd Div, 30 Corps of the Eighth Army during month of March.  

Regtl 2 i/c Major B C Forster

      Adjt - Capt D L Munson  
      Sqn Ldr A - Major C A Holliman  
      Sqn Ldr B - Major G J W Pedraza  
      Sqn Ldr C - Major N G Crouch  
      HQ Sqn and B ech - Major A L T Sassoon and Capt D B Campbell  
      OC A echelon - Capt R Q E F Stait-Gardner  
      RIO - Lt J W Rogers  
      OC Recce Tp - Capt B S Young  
      Gunnery Officer - Lt J Mears  




April 1943

Commanding Officer:  Lt Col Lt Col R F K Belchem OBE

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Apr


A and B sqns carried out field firing in area (T) Y241 8.


2 Apr


C sqn left for area 2418 to carry out field firing.


Remainder of regiment left area to join C sgn in view of exercise tomorrow.


Arrived in area (T) Z1918 and formed up with C sqn in air formation.

      Tank State      Sherman D - 21  

Grant D - 10


Scout cars 9 and 2 in Bde WS


Crusaders Mk II 10 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusaders Mk III - 11


Crusaders CS - 1

      Personnel State  
      Unit - 32 officers 585 ORs Attd - 3 officers 38 ORs md. 6 REs.  
  3rd Apr 1000 Exercise commenced. Practice of normal I tank tactics in co-operation with infantry, in case of the necessity of these measures at Wadi Akarit.  
    1200 Exercise terminated. Regiment moved back to Bde area and arrived 1500 hrs.  
  4/5 Apr   Training  
  6 Apr 0900 Regiment commenced to move to concentration area behind Wadi Akarit.  
    1400 Arrived in new area.  
    1430 Ordered to move to area 1652.  
    1500 Regt arrived in area 1752. A sqn protection front behind FDLs of 51 (Highland) Div. B sqn right and C sqn left of Regtl HQ.  
    1830 Regt leaguered in area (T) Z1752 for night.  
      Tank State      Sherman D - 20 and 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 10


Crusaders Mk II  5 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusaders Mk III - 11


Crusaders CS - 1

      Personnel State  
      Unit - 33 officers 573 ORs Attd - 3 officers 32 ORs  
  6/9 Apr   SEE APPENDICES 1 AND 2  
  10 Apr 0700 Regt commenced to move along Bde centre line north of Agareb to road junction at T(U) 7146.  
    1100 Regt moved to area 7548 and remained all day. Leaguered in same area.  
  11/12 Apr   Remained in same area.  
  13 Apr 1100 Regt moved with Bde to area (T) P0915 - 10 miles south of Kairouan.  
  14 Apr 1700 Lt. Col. R M P Carver DSO MC arrived to take over command.  
  15 Apr 1300 Regt moved with Bde to area (T) 0861 arriving 1800 hrs.  
      Tank State      Sherman D - 13 with 2 under unit fitters and 3 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 7 with 2 under unit fitters


Crusaders Mk II  5 and 1 in Bde WS


Crusaders Mk III - 4 with 2 under unit fitters and 4 in Bde WS


Crusaders CS - 1


Scout cars - 5 with 4 in Bde WS

      Personnel State  
      Unit - 35 officers, 488 ORs; Attd - 3 officers, 30 ORs  

16 Apr

Lt Col R F K OBE departed on posting to Ops. Main Eighth Army.


CO and Sqn Ldrs left for a recce. They proceeded to Pt 171 (P1378) and viewed the ground to northwest, north and northeast from their position.


COs talk for all ranks of the regiment excluding B echelon.


17 Apr


2 i/c, Sqn Ldrs and all tank commanders left for a recce of the same area reconnoitred by the CO on the 16th.


Major R E Nelson, HQ 1st Bn 67th Armd Regt US Army arrived on attachment to study administration.


18 Apr

CO and Sqn Ldrs made a recce of the area between present location (P0862) and P1383 for best possible route between these two points. Also recce'd for battle positions at P 1383.


19 Apr


COs talk for all ranks of regiment on forthcoming operation commencing with regiment moving at 1530 hrs today.


CO left for a recce of an alternative route to battle positions.


Regt moved to P 1374 arriving l44Ohrs.


Regt Close leaguered.

      Tank State      Sherman D - 15 with 1 in unit repair and 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 8 with 1 in unit repair and 2 in Bde WS


Crusaders Mk II - 4  with 1 in unit repair and 2 in Bde WS


Crusaders Mk III - 5 with 1 under unit fitters and 1 in Bde repair


Crusaders CS - 1  unit repair.

      Personnel State  
      Unit - 33 officers, 524 ORs Attd - 4 officers~ 34ORs  

20 Apr


Regt moved off and took up positions as follows: RHQ at P132757, A at Pt 153 P130787, B at P128765 and C at P124754. Remained in these positions all day.


Close leaguered.


21 Apr


Regt broke leaguer and took up positions as on 20 Apr.


Capt Young (Recce Tp) sent to P1478 as standing patrol to watch for movement from Djebel Garci P2286 to the west. Lt Rogers RIO joined Capt Young later in the day NMS. Shelling on [blank] of Garci by our guns.


Regt commenced to close leaguer at P130738.


22 Apr


Broke leaguer, advanced into air formation to P126748 and halted. Remained in this are all day.


Close leaguered in same area.


23 Apr


B sqn carried out field firing at P1476 until 1200 hrs.


C sgn carried out field firing at P1476.


24 Apr


A sqn commenced to move to area P1476 for field firing.


25 Apr

Regiment standing by to move from midnight 24/25 Apr.


26 Apr




Regiment commenced to move to take over position of 5 RTR at 125817 arriving at0300 hrs.


Sqns commenced to take up positions as follows: A sqn HQ at P126842, one tp at 135845, one tp 110841, one tp at 101852 and one tp at 072876. One patrol recce tp proceeded to 109878 and kept observation on enemy post at P122880. B and C sqns remained in lying-up area from 125816 to 135816 ready to adopt hull-down positions on ridge 300x north. Regt remained in these positions all day and leaguered at l930 hrs at 127816.

      Tank State      16 Shermans  

9 Grants


7 Crusader Mk III


6 Crusader Mk II


5 Scout cars


4 Armd 'White' l5cwts

      Personnel State  
      RAC - 33 officers, 498 ORs  

27 Apr


One patrol of recce tp proceeded to positions of observation of yesterday accompanied by one tp A sqn as far as 101852.


Remainder of A sqn, B and C sqns moved out and took up positions of yesterday.


Regt commenced to move back to previous location at P1374 arriving at 2030 hrs.


28 Apr

Regt to be ready to move to P2475 from 1000 hrs today.


Regt moved along tracks to destination P2475 arriving at 1330 hrs.


Formed close leaguer.


29 Apr


COs conference for Sqn Ldrs. Remained same location.


30 Apr


Regt visited by the Div Commdr Gen. Erskine.


Sqns formed up indendently ready to load on to transporters at first light.

      Tank State      14 Sherman, plus 1 in unit repair and 1 Bde WS  

8 Grants, plus 1 in Bde WS


6 Crusader Mk II


7 Crusader Mk III


4 Scout cars, plus 1 in Bde W

      Personnel State RAC - 34 officers, 475 ORs  




Action of 1 RTR Regimental Group, April 1943

NOTE: Except where stated, ALL BAG was identified on the ground after action concerned.

7 Apr. Regt operating area Z1764, A/T crossing in Akarit position - bag of one M13 tank, two 3 tonners (serviceable) one truck. PW 6 Germans, 17 Italians, handed over to 51 (H) Div.

7 Apr. Z1874 - bag 1 staff car.

8 Apr. Z1874 - bag prisoners from Bou Said area after A/T and arty concentrations. Two 88mm (abandoned) . 600 Italians (approx only from C coy 1 RB. Had to be left behind.

Z1878 - bag 2 3-tonners. 50 mixed Germans and Italians, all left behind.

Z2177 - bag one Mk II tank. One half-track and gun (not examined. One 105 mm gun (crew all killed) . One ammo lorry (brewed).

Z2483 - bag one 75mm SP. gun was abandoned by this vehicle.

One half-track believed One half-track (fired by German crew to avoid capture)

U2703 - bag one 50 mm gun (on Gum Tree Rd); two trucks (brewed), one ammo lorry (brewed), one A/T gun (not examined but knock-out confirmed by RHA Op)

9 Apr. U2703 - bag Pw 28 Italians, 1 German.

U4918 - bag two trucks

U3828 - bag One 50 mm gun, one half track, one 5-tonner, one 3-tonner. PW 3 German

General area of U3729 against 45 Pz G regt and ech of ? Pz Div - bag, one 76.2 mm gun, one 75 mm gun, four 50 mm guns, three 20 mm guns. Two Mk III tanks (believed also one Mk IV but not definite). One M13 tank. 7 half-tracks, 1 arty tractor. 29 MT (23 traced, remainder taken away by 74 LA Bde Wshop coy). Staff cars 3. PW 44 Germans (enemy also sustained considerable casualties, dead).

Total for 7-9 Apr 43 Tanks - 5

Guns (all types - 16

Half-tracks - 11

Vehicles - 45






Action of 1 RTR Group 9 April 43

  1. Order of Battle:


          CC Bty 5 RHA

          C coy 1 RB

          1 OP 3 RHA

  1. Opening Situation.

(a) About l330 hrs the regiment, which had outflanked a rearguard position astride the road about U5320, received the order to continue the advance northwards.

(b) At this time an enemy concentration of 18 tanks with a considerable quantity of MET was under observation about 6 miles to the southwest. Light patrols of the regt were in fact watching from a position about 3 miles from the enemy concentration.

(c) About l330 hrs the enemy force mentioned in (b) above began to withdraw in a northeast direction - the line of this withdrawal being across the front of the regt's advance.

(d) The advance was resumed, the general centre line running about 800 yds west of the road Mahares-Agareb-Sfax.

  1. The Encounter

(a) Tanks of the Light Sqn reached a ridge about Pt 182 (U5630) and reported heavy movement on their immediate front along a graded track running eastwards to Agareb. The light tanks held their fire and were apparently not observed.

(b) The Heavy Sqns were only 600 yds in rear of the light tanks at this time, and were ordered to accelerate. Carriers of C coy 1 RB were close up behind the light tanks. Remainder of C coy 1 RB were some distance to the rear of the Heavy Sqns being unable to keep station owing to the heavy going (ploughed land in the olive groves).

(c) The first Heavy Sqn (B Sqn) came up on the ridge to the immediate west of Pt 182. It immediately engaged enemy MET and half-tracks towing guns which were on the track. Opening range was 150 yds. In less than 5 minutes there were 5 flamers.

  1. The other Heavy Sqn (C sqn) was on the right of Pt 182 and the bulk of the target was initially hiBden from them by trees. This sqn was engaged by desultory AP and HE fire from the east. Some guns or tanks (identification not certain) were engaged by 1 Tp of this sqn, the balance were swung left to join with B sqn on the main target.

  1. Development of the Action.

(a) The enemy column behind the flaming lorries having been brought to a stop by our fire, pulled off the the road and attempted to make off to the north across country. The ground over which these enemy vehicles attempted to pass was extremely broken for a distance of some 500 to 800 yds, and then ended in a deep and difficult wadi. A number of vehicles were hit or got bogged before they reached the wadi. Others succeeded in getting into the wadi but as subsequent examination proved, were quite unable to get out of it.

(b) Further back down the enemy column, the hostile vehicles pulled off, making for behind a hill. At the very rear there were four tanks.

(c) One tp of B sqn was pushed out to the left flank in order to shoot up that portion of the enemy column which was seeking shelter behind the hill. Two of the tanks were hit but the other two managed to get down into the wadi mentioned above. Of these two tanks, one was hit in the wadi, but the other succeeded in getting out of sight until last light when it succeeded in making its escape.

(d) A number of the enemy vehicles were carrying infantry and gun crews. These men debussed and were subjected to the fire of co-ax and the lap guns from the Sherman tanks, by the mg's mounted in the carriers of C coy 1 RB and by the 3" mortar of C coy 1 RB. One party of enemy infantry totalling four vehicle loads debussed and ran into a deep gully. From our right flank these men could be seen tightly bunched in the gully. Nine direct hits were scored in the gully by the 3" mortar.

  1. Enemy Action.

(a) For a period of roughly 45 minutes the only opposition came from intermittent AP and HE fire from either guns or tanks sighted east of the main Agareb-Sfax road.


(b) About half an hour before last light, however, when the engagement was ending - there being no more movement from any portion of the scattered enemy column - 8 German tanks were observed moving in line from Agareb directed on Pt 182. These tanks comprised 1 tiger, 4 Mk IV Specials and 3 Mk Ills. They were initially observed at about 5000 yds range. Their movement was slow.


(c) The left Heavy Sqn was faced half-right, hull-down. The other Heavy Sqn was moved across to the east of Pt 182 and withdrawn, hull-down, behind a ridge. The carriers and motor infantry were withdrawn to the left flank. The instruction was given to hold the fire until ordered.


(d) The enemy advanced slowly, and at first fired volleys of AP shot, but subsequently came on without firing. It had been hoped to hold our fire until 1500 yds, but the light was failing. C sqn was therefore ordered to open [fire] when the enemy got to 2500 yds. Although at this range it was possible to discern the target through field-glasses the gun layers found that, in most cases, they could not distinguish the tanks. Only 6 rounds were therefore fired.


The enemy, however, replied with a concentrated burst of AP fire. At this time the light went altogether and the regiment was ordered to leaguer immediately behind the Pt 182 ridge. Infantry patrols were at once pushed out for local protection. The enemy tanks were heard pulling out in the darkness.

  1. The total bag of this engagement, as subsequently checked, was as follows:

Destroyed or Captured

(a) Guns       1 - 76.2mm   1 - 75mm 4 - 50 mm 3 - 20 mm

(b) Tanks     2 - Mk III      1 - M13

(c) Vehicles 3 Staff cars     7 half-tracks  1 capt tractor arty 

29 MT

(d) POW 44 Germans


A very considerable number of enemy dead were left on the battlefield.






May 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 May


Regt commenced to load on to transporters



Regt moved on to road towards Kairouan



Passed through Kairouan



Passed through Sbeitla



Reached Kasserine and leaguered for night 4 miles along road towards Thala.


2 May


Column moved off and passed through Thala at 1030 hrs.



Passed through Le Kef and halted about 10 miles along road towards Le Krib at l600 hrs. Remained in this area on transporters remainder of day.


3 May


Column moved off along main road towards Le Krib.



Passed through Le Krib.



Pulled off road at approx J2499.



Tanks unloaded from transporters. Regiment remained in this area and did not form leaguer night 3 May.

      Tank State: Sherman D - 16 plus 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk II - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 8


Crusader CS - 1


Scout cars - 6 plus 2 in Bde WS

      Personnel State  
      Unit - 34 officers, 492 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 21 ORs  

4 May

Remained in this area all day.



Regiment formed close leaguer.


5 May


Regiment opened leaguer.



COs talk to all ranks on forthcoming operations.



Regt commenced to move to road juction at 027927 then to Gafour el Arouussa, then to J5829, turned off track and halted on right of track. Remained in this area during night.

      Tank State: Sherman D - 16 plus 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk II - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 8


Crusader CS - 1


Scout cars - 6 plus 2 in Bde WS


6 May

Regiment commenced to move and formed up at J6939 at 0700 hrs. Regt reached 755415 without meeting opposition. Continued on centre line against a little A/T gun fire. A/T guns and MET engaged by the regiment during day.T74328 KOd by 88 mm. Commander (Major Crouch) wounded, 1 OR killed, 1 wounded, 1 missing, approx area 7842. Regt reached second objective Djebel Achour 8345 with Lt Sqn patrols at 8747.

      Tank State: Sherman D - 16 plus 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk II - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 8


Crusader CS - 1


Scout cars - 6 plus 2 in Bde WS


Personnel State - Unit - 33 officers, 517 ORs; Attd - 3 officers, 21 ORs


7 May


Regt pushed on to area 900480 meeting with A/T guns in this area. A/T guns destroyed or abandoned. Regt pushed on to 968522, 1 x 75mm destroyed here. Moved on centre line to east of Manouba K0055 at l6l5 hrs. Leaguered at cross roads 009548 for night. (Narrative by CO)

      Tank State: Sherman D - 16 plus 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk II - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 8


Crusader CS - 1


Scout cars - 6 plus 2 in Bde WS


Personnel State - Unit - 32 officers, 497 ORs; Attd - 3 officers, 21 ORs


8 May


Regt moved along main road towards Protville. Much MET engaged and destroyed in the vicinity of Protville during the day. Many PWs. Regt leaguered in area J9674.

      Tank State: Sherman D - 16 plus 1 in Bde WS  

Grant D - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk II - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 8


Crusader CS - 1


Scout cars - 6 plus 2 in Bde WS


Personnel State - Unit - 32 officers, 514 ORs; Attd - 3 officers, 21 ORs


9 May


Regt moved out of leaguer and took up positions vacated at last light.



Regt moved to area J9458 and stayed for remainder of day.


10/12 May

Regt remained in this area for three days during which time organised trips into Tunis were made.


13 May

Regt moved complete with B Ech to an area west of Bou Arada (J5905).

      Tank State: Sherman D - 20 plus 3 in Bde Ws  

Grant D - 8


Crusader Mk II - 5 plus 3 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 5 plus 3 in Bde WS


Scout cars - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS

      Personnel State  
      Unit - 32 officers, 494 ORs Attd - 3 officers, 30 ORs  

13/17 May

Regt remained in this area.


18 May

1600 in area Gafour.

      Tank State: Sherman D - 20 plus 3 in Bde Ws  

Grant D - 8


Crusader Mk II - 5 plus 3 in Bde WS


Crusader Mk III - 5 plus 3 in Bde WS


Scout cars - 7 plus 1 in Bde WS

      All tanks left for loading on to transporters  

Personnel State - Unit - 32 officers, 512 ORs; Attd - 3 officers, 32 ORs.


19 May

Tanks commenced to move on transporters to destination.


20 May

B echelon party commenced move to destination.


21/23 May

Regt on route for destination.


24 May

Homs M5733


B ech party arrived in area 5 miles east of


26 May


Tanks joined remainder of regiment in above area.


Tank State - Sherman D - 20; Grant D - 8; Crusader Mk II - 4; Crusader Mk III - 5; Crusader CS - 1; Scout cars - 8


Personnel State - Unit - 31 officers, 528 ORs; Attd - 3 officers, 32 ORs


26/31 May

Regiment remained in this area. Leave to Homs and Tripoli. Games and forthcoming regimental concert organised.


29 May


10 Corps Commander' talk for all officers and senior NCO's of the Division in the Roman ruins at Leptis Magna. The Corps Commander dealt in detail with the final phrases [phases] of the campaign in which the Div played a major part, and with the reasons for the suBden collapse of the German Afrika Corps.

  31 May   Tank State: Sherman D - 20  

Grant D - 8


Crusader Mk II - 4


Crusader Mk III - 5 


Crusader CS - 5 


Scout cars - 8





June 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
  1 June   Routine  
      Personnel State -Unit - 33 officers, 581 ORs; Attd - 1 officer, 16 ORs  
      Tank State  

Category A Sherman 18, Grant 8, Crusader 6pdr 5, Crusader 2pdr 4, Crusader CS 1, Scout cars 8, 15 Truck Armd 3


Category B Sherman 2


Courses commence


Courses finish. Recreation afternoon and evening.


2 June

0600; Reveille. Personnel State - Unit - 33 officers, 601 ORs; REME - 1 officer, 16 ORs


Tank State - as for 1st June


Brig W R N Hinde Commdr 22 Armd Bde inspected the wheeled vehicles of the regiment.


3 June

Routine as normal


4 June

Routine as normal.


5 June

Routine as normal


Brig W R N Hinds Commdr 22 Armd Bde inspected the tanks and Dingoes of the regiment.


6 June

Routine as normal.


7 June

Routine as normal. Tank State as for 1st June; Personnel State as for 1st June. The Div Commdr's inspection was postponed until the following day.


8 June

Routine as normal.


Maj Gen Erskine DSO Commdr 7 Armd Div inspected the regiment and some of the tanks. In his address he complimented the regiment on its smart turnout. He also praised the fighting qualities of the regiment.


9 June

 Routine as normal - tank state as for 1st June. Personnel State - Unit 34 and 605, REME 1 and 18

  10/14 June   Routine each day as normal. Tank State as before. Major C A Holliman MC proceeded on Battlefield Tour, Tripoli to Tunis, as narrator to party of Australian officers attached to the Division.  
  11-15 June   Routine as normal.  
      Tank State Category A - Sherman 18, Grant 7, Crusader 6pdr 5, 2pdr 4, CS 1, Scout car 8,  
  16/20 June   Routine as normal. Tanks State as for 15th.  
      Because of the landing of paratroops at two places on the North African coast during the hours of darkness a picquet called the 'Inlying Picquet' was mounted with the normal guard each night. The Picquet, which sleeps on the Sqn Parade Ground, is supplied nightly by the duty sqn and consists of 1 officer, 2 full-rank NCOs and 23 men. It is at five minutes call throughout the night. All ranks of the picquet are armed with a rifle and ammo.  

20 June

0600; Reveille


0630; Breakfast - troops draw haversack rations.


0700; Transport moved out of the leaguer carrying troops who are to be inspected by His Majesty The King. Route, Homs M5039, Cussabat M2833.


1200; Tachuna L8917


1400; C.Augaugliaro L4639. Break for lunch. Castel Benito L4847, Suani ben Adem L3539, Stayed in Sabotinia L38??, Dahret Musbah L2343, Bosco Mussolini L2452.


1700; Arrived at leaguer on Tripoli-Zuara road K 26 L23561 7.


1900; Dinner


21 June

Personnel state - 28 and 596, REME 1 and 18. Tank State as for 15th.


0630; Reveille.


0730; Breakfast.


1230; Tiffin


1400; The regiment paraded by sqns and was marched to the road. The regiment lined both sides of the road for 200 yds.


1600; As the King arrived the Colonel called for three cheers from the Regt. His Majesty shook hands with the Colonel and then drove slowly past the regiment.


1630; The regiment was dismissed from the parade.


1700; Transport with troops proceeded to return along the route which they had travelled on the previous day.


2100-2200; Stopped for dinner, and to allow the moon to rise.


22 June

0230; Arrived back in camp.


Personnel state - 32 and 585, REME 1 and 18. Tank State as for 15th.


Recreation during the whole day.

  23 June   Routine as normal. Strength state - 33 and 565, REME 1 and 18. Tank State as for 15th.  
      Following immediate awards for gallantry promulgated:  
      MC - Major G J W Pedraza, Capt G T Withers  
      DCM - 7905507 Sgt Harland T  
      MM - 7885024 Sgt Dunnett K, 7887043 SSM Home G, and 4129491 L/C Jenkins N  
  24 June   Routine as normal. Strength state 32 and 568, REME 1 and 18; Tank State as for 15th.  
  25 June   Routine as normal. Strength state30 and 562, REME 1 and 19.  
      Tank State: Category A - Sherman 27, Grant 7, Crusader 6pdr 1, 2pdr 2, CS - 0. Scout car 8.  
      Category B - Sherman 1.  
      Category C - Sherman 2  
  26 June   Routine as normal.  
      Tank State  
      Battleworthy - Category A Sherman 23, Grant 2, Crusader 6pdr 1, 2 pdr 2, Scout car 7, l5cwt armd 3.  
      Battleworthy - Category B Scout car 1.  
      Battleworthy - Category C Sherman 7, Grant 4, Scout car 1.  
      Remainder - Category A Grant 1.  
  27 June   Routine as normal. Personnel State 32 and 551, REME 1 and 19. Tank state as for 26th  
  28 June   Routine as normal. Personnel state 31 and 570, REME 1 and 20.  
  29-30 June   Routine as normal.  

During the month courses for DOs were held under Bde arrangements with 56 students from unit. Course for DMS held under unit arrangements with 40 students for new trade of Dr Mech AFV Gr C. Army and Div School courses on which students were sent - Minelifting, Diesel, Armament, Hygience, Malarial, Ranqetakers, Provost and Water Duties. There were 1 officer and 11 students on RAC Schools Course - D&M, W/T and Mechanics at the Delta during the month.


Four day leave parties for officers and ORs to Tripoli arranged during the month. Div Entertainments provided each evening in the amphitheatre, Leptis Magna.




Special Order of the Day by Maj Gen G W E J Erskine DSO commdg 7 Armd Div.
"By command of His Majesty I am to express to all ranks of the Division on parade on 21 June his admiration for the fighting qualities shown by the Div during the African campaign and his satisfaction at their soldierly appearance on parade. Please convey this message from the King to all ranks.”

G W E J Erskine, Maj Gen Mn HQ 7 Armd Div 22 June 43.





July 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 July



0600; Reveille. 0800; Courses commenced. (1030/1100 Break)


1300; Courses finish. Recreation afternoon and evening.


2000; guard and inlying picquet mount.


There was a TEWT for officers. For details see Appx 1. The situation and problems were thoroughly discussed.


2/4 July

Routine as normal.


5 July

B sqn proceeded with a troop of tanks to the range for firing practice tp firing. LtCol Carver proceeded to HQ 10 Corps for a three-day course on combined operations. During his absence Major Pink commanded the unit.


6 June

B sqn carried out a squadron battle practice scheme. No firing. Routine as normal for remainder.


8 July

B sqn returned from the range. C sqn proceeded to the range. There was a troop scheme and a troop battle practice. Routine as normal for remainder.


9 July

C sqn carried out two troop schemes and two troop battle practices. There was a scheme at night for the sqn. Routine as normal for remainder.


10 July

C sqn returned to the camp. Routine as normal.


11 July

A sqn proceeded to the range, and in the evening carried out a sqn scheme. Routine as normal for remainder.


12 July

A sqn practised individual shoong and troop sheeting. Routine as usual for remainder.


13 July

A sqn practised more individual shoong and carried out another sqn scheme.


The CO gave a talk, explaining the invasion operations which were taking place in Sicily.


14 July

A sqn return to camp. Routine as normal.


15 July

A sqn took part in a 22 Armd Bde shooting competition. The former light sqns of the other battalions in the brigade also competed. In the first shoot A sqn was successful against a sqn from 4 CLY. A sqn drew in the final with a sqn from 5 RTR and lost to them in the reshoot. Routine as normal for the remainder.


16/18 July

Routine as normal.


19 July

All anti-gas equipment was thoroughly checked. Routine as normal.


20/21 July

Routine as normal.


22 July

There was a TEWT for officers and tank commanders. For details see Appx. The situation and problems were thoroughly discussed. More intensive training commenced, 1600-1745 each day.



Routine as normal.


27 July

The Div Commdr gave a talk to officers and senior NCOs in the Divn about the operations in Sicily. Routine as normal.


28 July

The CO gave a talk to the unit on the operations in Sicily, pointing out the new tactics in tank warfare, which would be necessary in such country. Routine as normal.


29 July

Routine as normal.


30 July

0930; A stationary wireless scheme was carried out. The object of the scheme was to give the wireless operators practice in the new procedure. Routine as normal for remainder.


31 July

The Recce Troop practised shooting with the 0.5 Browning from Bren Gun Carriers.

      Lt Col Carver DSO MC commanded the unit throughout the month with the exception of three days - from 5th to 7th July Major J H Pink commanded the unit.     




August 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Aug




0800/1230 and 1600/1745 Training.


Guard and inlying picquet mount.


2 Aug

Routine as normal.


3 Aug

0800; Recce troop proceeded on a scheme. They practised bridge, road and close country reconnoitring. A sqn competed against A/ Tk Pl 1/7 Queens. Routine as normal for remainder.


4 Aug

Recce troop proceeded on a scheme again practising the same tactics as on the previous day's scheme. Bde Gunnery competition. Routine as normal for remainder.


5 Aug

Routine as normal. C sqn practise night leaguering.


6 Aug


Wireless scheme with the object of practising procedure. Routine as normal for remainder.


7 Aug

C sqn proceeded to the range where they practised troop shooting.


8 Aug

Routine as normal.


9 Aug

Routine as normal. A sqn field firing.


Officers discussion - Beveridge Report.


10 Aug


B sqn proceeded to the range where they practised troop shooting. Routine as normal for remainder.


11 Aug


Recce troop proceeded to the range where they practised troop shooting. Routine as normal for remainder.


12 Aug

Routine as normal.


13 Aug


Wireless scheme with the object of giving tank commdrs and operators practice at procedure. In acknowledgement of £150 contributed by this unit to the RTR POWs  Fund, the following has been received from the Chairman, Brig. Naesmith "It is indeed a magnificent contribution to the fund, and I would be grateful if you will convey to all ranks our sincere appreciation of their excellent effort". Routine as normal for remainder.

  14/20 Aug   Routine as normal.  
  21 Aug   A sqn practiced the taking of strongly-defended points with a few tanks and carriers acting as tanks (Fwd Body). Routine as normal  
  22 Aug   Training instruction for sqns in minelifting, sand table, map reading, B set. Routine as normal.  
  23/26 Aug   Routine as normal.  
  27 Aug   Routine as normal. Corps Commdr met CO and Sqn Ldrs.  
  28/31 Aug   Routine as normal.  




Appendix Z      

2 Aug


There was a lecture for all officers at the Leptis Magna Amphitheatre. The subject of the lecture was beach organisation for disembarked troops during an invasion.



The recce troop practised loading carriers on[to] an LCT.


Drivers of B vehicles were given a lecture on the waterproofing and de-waterproofing of their vehicles by a REME sergeant.


The remaining B vehicle drivers were given the lecture on waterproofing and de-waterproofing.

3 Aug


An officers' TEWT was held.

4 Aug


An officers' TEWT was held.


Personnel who would be travelling in B vehicles in the event of invasion practised disembarking from an LCT with full kit.

5 Aug


Officers' and Sgts' TEWT. They were shown beaches similar to where they would probably be landing. (Appx 1).


Some troops of C sqn practised loading with tanks on a piece of ground similar in shape and area to the interior of an LCT. The exercise was carried out during the hours of darkness.

6 Aug


The remaining troops of C sqn practised the same exercise as on the previous night. A sqn also practised the same exercise.

8 Aug


The remaining personnel of B echelon practised disembarking with full kit from an LCI. The camouflaging of A and B vehicles was started.

9 Aug


C sqn were given a lecture by their OC on tank warfare in close country. The information had been passed on by the authorities in Sicily.


B sqn practised loading with tanks on a piece of ground similar in shape and area to the interior of an LCT.

10 Aug

The Recce Troop were shown a replica of the beach they would probably land on. They were explained the organisation which would be effected during the landing. The regiment started a course of taking Mephacrine tablets to counteract malaria.

13 Aug

A sqn drivers again practised loading with tanks on a piece of ground similar in shape and area to the interior of an LCT.

15 Aug


Lecture at Leptis Magna Amphitheatre for senior officers concerned in the scheme Tortoise (see Appx.)

16 Aug

22 Armd Bde scheme commences. Details see appendix. Some difficulty was experienced with the wireless owing to the Sqn, Bty and Inf Coy Command not being on the same net. This was remedied on the second day.

17 Aug

The Scheme was concluded and the Bde Commd expressed satisfaction, but thought that Recce Troop could have used more initiative by making wider recce on the right flank.

18 Aug


The scheme Tortoise started. For details see appendix.

19 Aug

Tortoise was concluded.


Senior officers watched a demonstration by REs with the scissors bridge.

20 Aug


Officers were shown a concrete model, showing the type of country where the future operation will take place.

23 Aug

Camouflaging of vehicles complete.

24 Aug

Waterproofing of tanks begins.

26 Aug


HQ sqn commander told the echelon personnel of the future plans concerning the echelon. He ran over the system of de-waterproofing. He emphasised the need for security measures, such as the covering of unit and divisional signs on vehicles.

30 Aug


There was a rear link scheme for the Bde.


Div. Commander's talk at Leptis Magna to officers, warrant officers and senior NCOs. He reviewed the general war situation, which he said was encouraging, then stated that 10 Corps commanded by Gen McCreery would consist of 56th and 46th Inf Divs with our own Div. 10 Corps would operate with an American Corps, the whole force being under command of Gen. Clark of the US Army. He said that 7th Armd Div would follow up the initial assault. Later in the morning the Div. Commander gave more details to the COs of the Div.

Map Ref 1,200,000 Tripoli; Sheet 3 Misurata 573331




September 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Nr Homs

1 Sept


Reveille. 0800/1230 and 1600/1745 - Routine, Training, Courses, etc.



Guard and Inlying Picquet mounted.



Lights out.


2 Sept


The CO gave a talk to the regiment on the war situation in general. He also told personnel of the future plans as far as they concerned them.



During the morning the officers discussed, (1) The Organisation of the RAC, and (2) Parliamentary Government after the War. Routine as normal for remainder.


3 Sept

The following message was received:


4 Sept


The CO and OC C Sqn watched a "pheasant" shoot by 17 pdrs. Routine as normal for remainder


5 Sept

Routine as normal


6 Sept


The Div Commdr visited the CO. Routine as normal.


7 Sept

A sqn had a TEWT for officers and NCOs. They studied the action of leading troop tanks in a forward body. Routine as normal.


8/9 Sept

Routine as normal.


10 Sept


Tthere was a TEWT on the sand table for the officers in the unit and those of units who are part of the regimental group. Routine as normal for remainder.

  11/13 Sept   Routine as normal.  

14 Sept





The tanks moved out of the camp area to be loaded onto the transporters.



A Ech moved out of the camp area travelling to an assembly area near Tripoli prior to embarking. A ech was followed at ten minute intervals by B and C echelons respectively. The tanks and carriers followed behind on transporters. Map Ref 1,200,000 Tripoli Sheet 2 Tripoli 501650 Near Tripoli at 086460.



A ech had a twenty minute halt at Gasr Chiar. B and C echelons also halted here for twenty minutes.



A ech arrived at the concentration area near B and C echelons arrived soon after. Tripoli 501650.



The tanks arrived at the concentration area and were unloaded from the transporters.



All personnel complied strictly with the anti-malarial precautions. The precautions consisted of applying anti-mosquito cream, wearing sleeves down and collars buttoned, and sleeping in a mosquito-proof covering.


15 Sept





 Conference for sqn leaders.



Conference for sqn leaders.



 Talk by CO to sqn leaders on the situation in Italy.


16 Sept





Conference - discussion of Loading Tables fro ships.


17 Sept





Order received warning the unit that the move would not take place during the afternoon.



Order received to de-waterproof tanks.






Parties left the assembly area for collecting in ship-loads near the docks.


18 Sept





From this time onwards vehicles lined up on the quayside. Each line of vehicles was to go on a different ship.



Loading of the LSTs began.


19 Sept


The ships pulled away from the quayside.



The CO gave a talk on the military situation inItaly. The troops learned for the first time that their destination was Salerno.


20 Sept

 Normal ship routine.


21 Sept


Passed through the Straits of Messina.



Passed Stromboli.



The CO gave a talk in which he made sure that all personnel knew where to go, and what to do on disembarking.



The tanks with the exception of B sqn and RHQ disembarked at 723240, south of Salerno. They moved to the assembly area 740275. Ref Map 1,250,000 Sheet 1 740275 3 miles southeast of Salerno


22 Sept


RHQ and B sqn tanks disembarked and moved to the assembly area. On arrival in Div Assembly area (Italy), area near to unit was dive-bombed.



The CO gave a talk to all ranks telling them of the future plans. He also emphasised the importance of taking anti-malarial precautions.


23 Sept





Conference for all officers to discuss the order of march when moving.


24 Sept





Officers and NCOs went on a TEWT. The object was to study the methods of crossing defended bridges or fords. Each officer and NCO made a sketch map of the river for three miles showing crossings. During the absence of the Adjt. (sick) from 15 to 24 Sept Capt Laycock AIF performed his duties.


25 Sept


Clock were retarded one hour.




  26/28 Sept 0430 Reveille, each day.  

28 Sept


The unit moved out of leaguer and lined up ready to move off.



Tanks moved off followed by A and B echelons. Route followed ran through Pontecagnano Faino, Salerno, Vietri, Cava de Tirreine. Ref Map 1,250,000 Sheet 41 Italy Benevento



The tanks leaguered by the road and the head of the column was at 5737, two miles east of Nocera.


29 Sept





The tanks moved from their roadside leaguer position.



Halted on road with the head of the column at 430385, west of Nocera.



Moved along the road westwards and leaguered on the road with the head of the column at 494386, one mile to the west of Pagani.


30 Sept





Moved off westwards.



Halted on road with the head of the column at 488386 near Angrio -



Moved off westwards along the main road.



Halted at 467387 and leaguered by the road.




Aug 27 43    
Dear General McCreery,    

I want to let you and the personnel of your 10 Corps know how deeply I and all my American personnel appreciate the honour of having British troops assigned to the Fifth Army. I can assure you that the American VI Corps and the other Fifth Army organisations feel that it will be a distinct privilege to be associated in combat with a battle-proven organisation such as the 10 Corps. All of the American members of my command are acquainted with the exploits of your 7th Armd Div, 46th and 56th Divisions, which contributed notably to the Tunisian victory. I also want you to know that I do not look upon this Fifth Army as an American organisation but rather as an Anglo-American team with but one thought, of co-operation to the end that our assigned mission may be successfully accomplished.

I would appreciate your having the contents of this letter brought to the attention of the members of your command at an appropriate time.


Sincerely, Mark W Clark LtGen USA Commanding





October 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
      Map Ref 1/250,000 Italy Sheet 36  Benevento 466387 East of Scafati  

1 Oct




The regiment moved westwards along the road.


Halted on road with head of column at 562387.


Conference for sqn and echelon commanders. They were told of the plan concerning the following day.


The unit moved along the road westwards. Route - Scafati 4438-crossroads 420413-Terziono 4245.


Leaguered on road with head of column at point 424460, just north of Terziono.

2/6 Oct

See CO’s narrative parts I and II lessons, attached to original and file copies (1 and 2) Attack on Cardito (3)

Map Ref 1/250,000 Italy sheet 35 Mapoli 1767

7 Oct




Withdrew to rest on the northern outskirts of Ferilia 1767, 5 RTR having relieved the regiment.

8 Oct



9 Oct


A shell from an enemy long-range gun hit the of a tree and burst in the air above C echelon (area di Napoli) killing 3 men and wounding 5 others.



  10/12 Oct   Rest period. Reveille 0500 hrs  

13 Oct




The CO gave a talk explaining the situation.


B Sqn moved to an area near Grazzanise (0877) to give the infantry support.


The CO told Sqn Comd of operations which were likely to commence during the evening.

14 Oct




B sqn returned to unit.

  15/16 Oct   Rest period. Reveille 0500 hrs.  
  17 Oct 0400 Reveille  
    0500 The armd wheeled vehicles lined up on the road ready to move while the tanks stood ready to move to Brezza 0979.  
    1600 The move was cancelled and the wheeled vehicles moved back into the original leaguer (1767).  
  18/20 Oct 0500  Reveille  
  21 Oct 0500 Reveille  
    0800 Conference. The CO told Tp Ldrs and NCOs of the present situation and of future plans as far as they were known.  
    1345 The unit, led by RHQ, moved to S.Maria Capua Vetere and leaguered in barracks at 223547.  
  22/25 Oct   Reveille 0500 hrs.  

26 Oct




Broke leaguer to move onto the left flank along the Regia Agnena canal. Route S.Maria Capua Vetere - Capua 1878 (crossed river Volturno) - Brezza 0978 - Cancelio 0275 - West of Cancelio 098738.

27 Oct




The sqns moved to their defensive positions along the southern bank of the Regia Agnena canal. Locations - A sqn HQ 938725, B sqn HQ 988739 (1 Tp along canal), C sqn HQ 003976 (2 Tps forward on road).

28 Oct


Reveille. During the morning B sqn practised a shot at 3000 yds range. The fire was directed and observed by the sqn commander from a house in the rear. The shoot was successful.


Some shells landed in the wood in which some of a sqn were in position. Eight out of ten shells failed to explode.

29 Oct


Reveille. During the day it was decided that the tanks could ford the canal at 925748. The engineers erected a Class 9 bridge over the canal.

30 Oct




RHQ moved off westwards along the road.


A sqn started to cross the canal.


A sqn lost two tanks on mines. RHQ followed A sqn and took up a position in a wood 825754.


B sqn crossed the canal, A sqn advanced near the coast while B sqn took up a position on their right and advanced northwards.


C sqn crossed the canal and took up a position on the right of the other two squadrons and protected the regiment's right flank. The ground was very difficult for tanks, being marshy and very soft. In the course of the day 13 tanks became bogged.


6 Troop commander C sqn was killed and his tank brewed by shells from a SP gun 927776.


An A sqn tank knocked out the SP gun at 150 yds range, hitting it with three AP and one HE shell.


A stonk from a 105 battery fell short in B sqn, wounding the members of a tank crew. A sqn advanced to a line on a small canal to the south of Modragone 9177 with B sqn on their right. At night the tanks pulled back to RHQ area having the RB in front. Throughout the day there had been a fair amount of shell and mortar fire in the wood in which RHQ were. LtCol Carver DSO MC, who had commanded the regiment throughout the month, left to attend a conference. The second in command, Major Pink, took over and commanded the regiment on 31 Oct.

31 Oct




The tanks advanced to the positions which they held on the previous day at last light. They engaged several guns to their front during the morning.


Infantry of 131 Bde passed through the regiment and in the afternoon took their objective which was Modragone and the mountain to the north of the town. A patrol from recce troop went with 1/6 Queens along the road to the west of the mountain. On the main road they found the road blown at 792798. Another patrol advanced along the road nearer the mountain and found the road blown at 797808. Both patrols on both roads found places to cross the blows.


A heavy enemy stonk landed round A sqn 922772 killing one man and wounding four others.


The regiment leaguered on roads around and to the north of RHQ which was to the east of Modragone 920790. 




November 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
      Ref Map Italy 1/250,000 Sheet 35 925982 to the north of Carano  
      For the beginning of the month refer to CO’s narrative  

4 Nov


Reveille. B sqn were watching the front from Cellole 8789.


5/7 Nov

Reveille at 1510 hrs.


8 Nov


The tanks and A ech, less B sqn , moved to a leaguer in the woods to the west of Piedimonte 900868.



A sqn relieved B sqn in Cellole and B sqn moved to the RHQ leaguer.


9/12 Nov




13 Nov


B sqn moved out of the leaguer and proceeded to Melito di Napoli 1597.





14 Nov


Reveille. The weather was bad and the track from the leaguer to the road became difficult for wheeled vehicles. Throughout the morning wheeled vehicles from A ech and Recce Tp moved out to form a temporary leaguer at 908866 (by the road) so that they could easily move off on the road.



A ech started to move to Melito di Napoli 1597. Route taken - Mondragone 9179, Cancello 0375, Grazzanise 0877, S.Maria 1177, Capua 1879 Aversa 1704.



The tanks followed by the same route.



A ech arrived at Melito and leaguered



the tanks arrived and leaguered.


15 Nov


Reveille. Throughout the day various small articles of kit were handed in to the SQMS. Vehicles were cleaned.


16 Nov


Reveille. The transference of kit from unit started.


17 Nov





An advance party left to prepare the new billets at Castellammare 345407.


18 Nov


Reveille. The tanks and armoured cars were handed over at an OFP.


19 Nov


Reveille. The unit moved to new billets at Castellammare in the morning. Map ref. Italy 1/250,000 Sheet 36 345409


20 Nov

Cambrai Day. The Band of the Royal Tank Regiment was present to entertain the regiment.


21 Nov





Sqns parade.



Organised Sport.



Guard mounting parade. Plus normal routine.

    22/30 Nov Normal Routine.  




December 1943

Commanding Officer: Lt Col Carver DSO MC

      Map Ref Italy 1/250,000 Sheet 35 410337 Castellammare and Stabia  

1 Dec


0630; Reveille.


0830; Sqns parade, training and courses start.


1400; PT and organised sport.


1700; Guard and Picquets mount. Normal day's routine.


2 Dec


Normal routine.


3 Dec


Normal routine.

  4 Dec    Normal routine.  
  5/11 Dec   Normal routine  
  12 Dec   Normal routine An advance party left for Naples docks to load baggage.  
  13 Dec   Normal routine.  
  14 Dec   Normal routine. About half the personnel of each squadron left Castellammare for Casoria 2455 near Naples.  
  15/16 Dec   Normal routine.  
  17 Dec 0430 Reveille  
    0600 Left billets and marched to station. unit personnel were transported to Casoria.  
    1000 Arrived at Casoria.  
  18/19 Dec   Normal routine.  
  20 Dec 0230 Reveille  
    0350 The unit marched to Naples docks where they embarked on HWT Cameronia.  
    1600 Sailed. CO proceeding in advance of regiment Major R J Crisp DSO MC took over command of the for the voyage.  
  21/31/ Dec   At sea.  
      The following awards were promulgated:  
      Major C L Sproull MC - Bar to MC  
      Capt R W Steadman - MC  

Lt B F Canham - MC

      Sgt Craig (Recce) - MM  
      Tpr Jones B C (C) - MM  
      Cpl Glaser - Mentioned in despatches.  



The following commendatory messages have been exchanged:
Subject: Commendation    
To: GOC 7th Armd Div (B)    
Thru: GOC 10 Corps (Br)    
  1. I desire to commend the officers and other ranks of the 7th Armoured Division on your performance in the recent operations on the mainland of Italy.
  2. The 7th Armoured Division played an important role in following the breakthrough from the mountains surrounding Salerno to the plains of Naples. The aggressive manner in which the Division pushed on to the Volturno river preventing any enemy stand south of that line thus materially aided in making possible the early use of Naples as a vital supply base. Although the great majority of the fighting has taken place on terrain which is unsuitable for the use of armour in its traditional role, the Division has fulfilled its missions in a manner which reflects superior training and courageous Ieadership.
  3. It has been a source of pride to have the 7th Armoured Division serve in the Fifth Army, and I know that you will continue to add to your already long list of victories until the final defeat of the enemy.
  4. It is my desire that the contents of this letter be brought to the attention of all members of your Division.

Sgd. Mark W Clark LtGen USA Commanding.




The following reply has been forwarded on behalf of the Division to Army Comd for his commendatory message:
Lt.Gen. Mark W Clark; HQ Fifth Army CMF  
Main HQ 7 Armd Div 2081/9 30 Nov 43  
Thru: GOC 10 Corps (Br)    

In the absence of Maj Gen Erskine I thank you for your inspiring and commendatory message, which all ranks are proud to have received from you.

It has been a privilege and honour for the Division to share in the assaults and successes won by the Fifth Army. We are proud to have been participants in the battles of Italy and to have fought side by side with our American Allies under your command.

I know that all ranks will join with me in wishing the Fifth Army good luck and good hunting in the battles that lie ahead until the final victory is won.



Sgd W R N Hinde Brig Comd..




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