War Diaries of 1st Bn Royal Tank Regiment.




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January 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col R.M.P. Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

3 Jan

The war diaries show the Regiment was still at sea on route to the UK to prepare for the invasion of Normandy.


5 Jan

Arrived at un-named port in Scotland.


6 Jan

Transported by rail to Brandon, Norfolk..The camp was situated at Diddlington. O S Map Sheet 66  2415.


7 Jan

Reveille 07.00.


First morning parade, normal routine through to 17.30.


Guard mounting. This constituted a normal days routine.


8  Jan

Normal routine. A proportion of the Regiment went on leave each day, leaving a small number of personnel for the purpose of guarding the camp.


Scale of leave - Men with less than two years abroad - two weeks.

  12 Jan

Over two years but less than four years - three weeks.


Over 4 years - four weeks.


13 Jan to 31 V

Normal routine.




      Major Crisp DSO MC commanded unit during transit. Lt. Col. Carver DSO MC commanded the unit from the 22.1.44.  




February 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col R.M.P. Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Feb


Reveille. 08.00 Training and courses etc. through to 17.30.


Guard and fire picket mounting. This was a normal days routine.

2 to 10 Feb

Normal routine.

11 Feb

Divisional Commander gave a talk to officers concerning the future of the Division.

12 to 16 Feb

Normal routine.

17 Feb


The whole unit marched to a park by Diddlington Hall about three quarters of a mile to the west of the camp


Formed up with other units of 22 Armoured Brigade and some Divisional troops.


The C in C arrived and inspected the troops. After inspection the C in C made a speech in which he expressed optimism for the future.


The unit returned to camp and carried on normal routine.

Special Order of the Day:-

The Commander in Chief expressed great plea-sur-e at the inspection of the Division today. He has instructed me to say that he was much impressed by the keenness and soldier like bearing of the troops whom he saw, and it was a great plea-sur-e to be with them again. I would like this message conveyed to all ranks. Signed; G W E J Erskine Major General.

18 to 21 Feb

Normal routine.

22 Feb

A ‘TEWT’ was held for tank commanders at 08.00.


A party of tank drivers proceeded to Birmingham to collect tanks.


A party of drivers proceeded to Guildford to collect lorries.

23 Feb

Normal routine. Some butterfly bombs were dropped by hostile aircraft, just south of Sugar Hill Camp during the afternoon.

24 Feb


A party of soldiers consisting mostly of men who had long service with the unit proceeded to Brandon Station to form a guard of honour.


His Majesty the King arrived and inspected the guard of honour. He questioned several of the guard on their decorations and length of service.


The unit lined the road to the entrance of the camp. His Majesty walked between the ranks on either side of the road. He was given three cheers from the troops, who again cheered him as he drove off. His Majesty last paid a visit to the unit in Tripoli North Africa during 1943.

Special Order of the Day

His Majesty the King expressed his high appreciation of the fine appearance of the Division. He expressed his special plea-sur-e in seeing so many officers and men who had recently returned from active service. He wished me to convey to all ranks his good wishes for the future tasks of the Division. Signed: G W E J Erskine Major General.

25  Feb 


  to   Normal routine.  
  29 Feb      



March 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col R.M.P. Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 to 3 Mar

Normal routine.

4 Mar

Unit advance party left for Kirkcudbright, Scotland in order to prepare the ranges. Normal routine for the remainder.

5 Mar

Normal routine.

6 Mar

Main party left for the ranges at Kirkcudbright. Major Campbell remained in command of the detachment at Sugar Hill.

7 to 12 Mar

Normal routine for the detachment at Sugar Hill. At Kirkcudbright the tank crews carried out normal troop shoots and battle practices.

13 Mar

The main unit party arrived back from Kirkcudbright.

14 Mar

Major Holliman took over command of the Regiment. Lt Col Carver proceeded on leave.

Message from the Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower General US Army

“The enemy knows that preparations are being made for invasion of the continent. He is straining every nerve and concentrating all his resources to obtain accurate information to base his defensive strategy. Our success in this vital operation depends upon denying him the information. Each individual taking part in the preparation of this operation bears a heavy responsibility. The rules of security is known to us all, a guarded tongue, and safe guarding documents, rest with each one of us. There is no relaxation of these rules until success is achieved.” [Appx I]

15 to 19 Mar

Normal routine.

20 to 21 Mar

“A” and “C” Squadrons proceeded to the ranges at Tichwell at 2065, and had a day each on the ranges. Normal routine for the remainder.

22 Mar

Lt Col Carver returned from leave and resumed command of the Regiment.

“B” Sqn proceeded to the ranges at Tichwell.

23 to 26 Mar

Normal routine.

27 Mar

Sheet 9 East Anglia Area Map. There was a scheme at the Stanford battle area. Part of “A" Squadron proceeded to Boyton 8465 for practice on the ranges for one day.

Lt Col Carver proceeded on course. Major C L Sproull MC assumed command of the unit.

28. Mar

Part of "B" Squadron proceeded to Boyton for practice on the ranges.

29 Mar

Part of "C" proceeded to Boyton for firing practice.

30 Mar

Normal routine.

   31 Mar   Normal routine.  



April 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col R.M.P. Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Apr

Normal routine.

2 Apr

British double summer time comes into force.

3 to 4  Apr

Normal routine.

5 Apr

"A", "B", and "C" Squadrons individual schemes on the training area.

6 Apr

The tanks move out for a scheme in the training area. 8 Hussars were the enemy and a withdrawal was practised.


The tanks and "A" Echelon forming up in a night leaguer formation.


All officers attended a conference in which the Brigade Commander indicated future operations, and criticised the days schemes.

7 Apr


  to   Normal routine.  
   9 Apr      

10 Apr

All personnel passed for gas chambers ordered to test their respirators.

All outgoing mail was franked from this hour.

11 Apr

Normal routine.

12 Apr

The Regiment provided a guard of honour of 360 men for Admiral Parry who visited the Divisional Headquarters.

"A", "B", "C", Squadrons, RHQ, 1 echelon, proceeded out of camp on a scheme. Recce Troop did not take part.

The exercise consisted of an armoured advance from quadrilateral Covert Camp at 2516 to the leaguer area 216253 facing south. The enemy consisting of five scout cars. The unit leaguered at 216253.

The correct designations of the echelons mentioned henceforth in this diary will be “A1”, “A2” and “B”.

13 Apr


The Regiment moved out of leaguer to take part in the Brigade scheme "SpringbKO". They advanced on a centre line 219238 Shinghs, 232211, 298213, Cressingham Wood where they formed a battle line. The Brigade scheme then started, the Regiment acting as the enemy advanced on a centre line 2718 Hiliborough, 281140 Langford, 2290132 at which point the scheme finished. The rest of the Brigade was concentrated at 290158. A battle ensued, 75mm smKOe being used.


The unit returned to camp. It was the first occasion that Recce Troop operated within their new establishment.

14 to 16 Apr

Normal routine.

17 Apr


The Squadrons marched to the "Desert Rats" Divisional theatre to hear a lecture by the CO. The lecture consisted of a revue of the past, present and future. Normal routine for the rest of the day.

18 Apr

Normal routine, An advance party proceeded to the Boyton Ranges.

In the evening RHQ and "A" squadron proceeded to Boyton. The main object of the shoot was to T & A the guns’ sights.


The Brigadier gave a talk to the officers in the Brigade concerning future events.

19 Apr

"B" Squadron proceeded to the ranges. "A" Squadron and RHQ returned.

20 Apr

"C" Squadron proceeded to the ranges. "B" Squadron returned.

21 Apr

"C" Squadron returned. Normal routine.

22 Apr 


  to   Normal routine.  
  26 Apr      

27 Apr

Employed personnel practised shoot on the range with Sten and Bren guns. Normal routine for the remainder.

28 Apr

Normal routine.

29 Apr


The Regiment paraded for an inspection by Major General Erskin, Divisional Commander. He addressed the Regiment indicating future events, giving anybody who had any complaints the opportunity of speaking to him after the parade.

30 Apr

Normal routine.





May 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col R.M.P. Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 ro 2 May

A holiday was observed for all ranks. Transport was arranged to take troops to the local towns.

3 to 4 May

Normal routine.

5 May


Personnel of the unit attended a lecture in the "Desert Rats” Theatre. The subject of the lecture was civil administration in Western Europe during an invasion.

6 May

Normal routine.


All ranks confined to camp from this hour.

7 May

The day was spent preparing the vehicles for moving.

8 May


The tanks moved off for "R5" Camp situated in Borewell Park between Ipswich and Felixstowe.


The wheeled vehicles which were to be "A1" echelon followed with some administrative trucks.


Arrived at new camp.

9 May

Crewed tank vehicles which were going with them started to waterproof their vehicles.

10 May


  to   Normal routine.  
  14 May      

15 May

The vehicles of "A2" and "B" Echelon moved from Sugar Hill Camp, Diddlington, to "R5" Camp which was about one and half miles to the north of Brentwood Essex, arriving at 14.00.

The personnel and vehicles left at Sugar Hill Camp were to follow the others when a bridgehead was established in the future operation.

16 May


A party of vehicles left "R5” Camp for "T" Camp which was at West Ham.


A party ofvehicles left "R5" for "S5".

17 May

The CO met the GOC 7th Armoured Division at Brigade Headquarters “R5". The GOC walked around unit accommodation and vehicle parks, and discussed the general progress of the water proofing with the CO.

Major C A Hollyman left on promotion to Lt Colonel to command 5 RTR.

18/23 May

Normal routine. On the 23.5.44 Major E H Gibbon DSO joined the Regiment and appointed 2i/c.

2 May

Normal routine. 

  27 May   All camps were sealed and troops confined to the camp area.  

28 May

The Brigade Commander gave a talk on ftiture operations in "S5" Camp. The "B" vehicles in "S5" prepared to move.

29 May

Tanks started to move from "R5" to marshalling park Ipswich Felixstowe Road.

09.00; "B" vehicles moved off to the assembly area on the Southend Bypass


The junior officers were briefed.


Senior officers were briefed.

30 May


Groups of vehicles moved off to be loaded at Tilbury Docks.

31 May

During the day all vehicles were loaded at Tilbury on the SS Ignatius Donnelly. The drivers returned to "S5" Camp.

The unit was commanded throughout the month by Lt Col Carver.





A ppendix 3.

Subject :- Operational Vehicles  


1 R Tks.


To :- 22 Armd Bde.   21 May 44.
                                As requested by DAA & QMG, details of Unit and attached vehicles proceeding are as follows :-

1.       Unit Vehs.

Fireflies                                               12

Cromwells IV & V                              43

Cromwells VI                                        6

Stuarts.                                                11

Crusaders A.A.                                     6

Cromwell ARV.                                    3

Scout Car       Humber                          9

Half trackes                                          7

Jeeps                                                  10

Car 3 str.                                              1

15 cwt W/T                                          2           (1 from L.A.D. in lieu of GS.)

15 cwt GS or Pus                               12

15 cwt water                                        5

3 ton cookhouse                                   4

3 ton GS.                                            49           (including 1 of lieu of 3 ton Office)

M/Cs                                                    8


2.       L.A.D.

15 cwt armd                                          1

15 cwt FS,                                            2           (1  in lieu of W/T.)

15 cwt machinery.                                 1

3 ton GS.                                              2           (1 in lieu of 2 ton store-

Tractors breakdown                              2

Trailers 1 ton.                                        2


3.       Sig Tp Attd.

Jeep                                                       1

15 cwt GS.                                             1

3 ton GS.                                               2


4.       Other Attd.

2 L.F.A.  Ambulance                             1

Chaplain. Austin P.U                              1

    (or Jeep in lieu)


5.       On permanent loan to other units

To CC Bty 5 RHA. Carriers TS & C      3

     C Coy 1 RB.            “            “          1

GER.   Lt. Col



      Appendix 4

Wireless Stn.

Tank Comd

Name of Tank

W.D No.



Major RJ. Crisp DSO. MC




Capt. JB. Smethurst




SS. MacGregor R. MM.





Lt. HE. Kirham DCM




Sgt, Tibbles W.




Sgt Garvey A.




L/Sgt Allen L.





Capt. PN. Clapperton




Lt. CH. Gray




Sgt. McKee G-




L/Sgt. Hewitson J-





Lt. JM. Storey MC




Sgt. Davies AW. MM




Cpl. Spencer D.




L/sgt. Brownlie, J.





Lt-. GA. Roper.




Sgt- Whiteland B.



Cpl. Shelsher B.




Sgt. Burden B.






Major RW. Gillespie




Capt. BF. Canham MC




SSM. Brown. EE.





Lt. AM. Walker




Sgt. WHITE. W.




L/Sgt. Tait E.









Lt. EWC. Smart




2/Lt. P. FLETcher




Sgt. Williams F. MM




Sgt. Moat J.





Lt. B, McEnroy




Sgt. Taylor T.




Sgt. Elvy A.




Cpl. Brown F.





Lt. DA. Wickenden




Sgt. McConnachie. J. MM




Sgt. Wildgoose F.




L/sgt. Rirchards W.










Capt. J. Mears MC




SSM. Ashwell W.





Capt. JAA. Shambrook



Lt. HR. Herrington



Sgt, Mcarty C.



Sgt- Shelcott HR.





2/Lt. EJ Prowse




Sgt. Lincoln H. MM




Cpl. Gerrard M.









Lt. G. Boak




Sgt Dauncey L.




Sgt. Wainwright E.









Lt. R Frost




Sgt. Smith HJ.




L/Sgt. Gerrard H.











Wireless Stn.

Tank Comd

Name of Tank

W.D No.





Capt. HS. Young



Lieut. D Elgar



Cpl. Luesley WR.




2/Lt. Hanbury Sparroe



Cpl. Roach P.



Sgt. Loosemore J.



Cpl. Gill L.




Sgt. North A.



L/Cpl. Kent A.




L/Cpl. Richards JA.


Scout Cars.



Sgt, Goodfellow N.



L/Cpl. Huttal F.




Cpl. Forrest J.



Cpl. Newe B





June 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt Col R.M.P. Carver DSO MC

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 to 2 Jun

The tanks now in the marshalling area at Ipswich Felixstowe Road went forward as called for and were embarked on LSTs.

3 Jun

Embarkation was completed. Unit personnel were paid in French Francs, and issued with 48 hours ration packs.

4 Jun

The party at “S5” Camp were embussed to travel to Tilbury Docks. 14.00; The party arrived and were taken out by lighters to SS Ignatius Donnelly, an American Liberty Ship, which was lying in the stream.

5 Jun

This was planned to be "D" Day, but owing to adverse weather conditions the landing operation was postponed for 24 hours.


The LST convoy with tanks of the unit sailed from Felixstowe.

6 Jun

“D Day”; the initial assault proved highly successful.

7 Jun


SS Ignatius Donnelly sailed from the Thames with the last convoy of Liberty Ships.


This convoy was shelled from the French Coast as it passed through the Straight of Dover. No damage was sustained.

1400 to 1600

The LST convoy had now arrived off the French Coast. The tanks of the Regiment were disembarked. This operation was completely successful. The tanks went to Sommervieu 825808 where they leaguered, and carried out de-waterproofing. The unit leaguered at this place for the night.


The Liberty Ship Convoy which had been sailing close to the coast stopped for the night.

8 Jun


Liberty Ships went on sailing almost due South, and arrived off the French coast at Arromanches at 08.00. It was found that disembarkation was 24 hours behind schedule owing to bad weather, and the wheeled vehicles did not disembark until the 9.6.44. The conditions on board the Liberty Ships were not good. Officers and men slept in a hold and the cooking facilities consisted of one boiler. This was in sharp contrast to the LSTs on which unit personnel were well accommodated and fed.

The day passed without incident on board ship. The tanks remained at the same point on land.


From this hour there were several air raids on ships laying off Arromanches. No damage was sustained by ships of our convoy.

9 Jun


Disembarkation of wheeled vehicles from SS Ignatius Donnelly. The vehicles were lifted out of the holds by the ships derricks, and slung into landing craft long side. At the beginning this operation was very slow, but all vehicles were disembarked by the evening. On landing the wheeled vehicles de-proofed and went on the landing area at Sommervieu at 825808.


It was considered possible that the enemy might launch a counter-attack with tanks, and our own tanks were therefore moved forward to the area Rucqeville at 8777, where they took up a battle position. RHQ was at 873775.


The CO held a full conference. 22nd Armoured Brigade was to push forward on the next day.

5 RTR were to move forward to Jerusalem at 815724, and then South West Bernieres Bocage. 4 CLY to move on the axis of the Tilly Road, Buceels at 830701. 1st Tanks in reserve, to move forward to Conde -sur- Seules at 825737.

10 Jun


Reveille. The tanks moved forward to Conde -sur- Seules, and leaguered around RHQ, which was at 836745. The rest of the day was uneventful.

11 Jun


Reveille. The day was uneventful.


CO conference. Method of advance was to be changed.

131 Brigade had now arrived on land, and 1/5 and 1/6 Queens supported by "B" and "C" Squadrons were to advance along the axis as before, "B" Squadron right, "C" Squadron left. It was hoped that this method of advance would prove more successful than the purely armoured advance, which had been very slow moving due to the very thick country.

11 Jun


"B" & "C" Squadrons left Conde to join 1/5 and 1/6 Queens respectively.

12 Jun


Reveille. "A" Squadron in reserve moved forward to the area Folliot 813716, where they remained all morning. RHQ consisting of the Colonel, and Adjutant tanks, the IO’s scout car, moved to 818717 which was a point of advantage, affording a good view of the battle area. Although in an exposed position, these vehicles were not spotted by the enemy all day. Fighting went on all day, but little progress was made.


Enemy tanks were spotted at Verrieres 80694. "B" & "C" Squadrons were moved around to deal with these, and after some fighting, the tanks were driven off.


Squadrons and "A" Echelon moved into leaguer 816718. Orders were received that the Regiment was to pull out next morning and to move round to Briquessard 7459 area, in support of the rest of the Division which had made good progress on this front all day.

13 Jun



    0800 Regiment moved via Subles 7576, La Butte 7469, Ste. Honorine de Ducy 7365, and at 12.00 leaguered at 738637.  

CO’s conference. The immediate task was to protect flanks from Parfouru L'Eclin 7463 to La Belle La Epine 7769. Squadrons and Recce Troop were each allocated sectors which they received during the afternoon.


The regiment leaguered at 733615. CO’s conference. 5 RTR and 4 CLY were in Villers Bocage, and the road Briquessard, Amaye, Villers Bocage had been cut by the enemy. The task of the 1 RTR on the 14 June was to open the road and keep it open for the other Regiments to pull out.

14 Jun



    0430 Squadrons moved out along the axis Briquessard, Villers road. It was opened and position were taken up on either side of the road. The enemy was active in front of our positions all afternoon. This was at 15.00, but in the evening it became clear that a counter-attack was to be launched in some strength.  

This attack came in, but it was adequately dealt with by the unit. Many German Infantry men were killed by machine gun fire from the tanks and at least two Panther Tanks were KO'd.


The attack petered out as it got dark, and at 23.30 the Regiment moved into leaguer along side the main road, no sleep was allowed, but the enemy did not attempt a night attack.

15 Jun

In the early morning, 4th CLY and 5th Tanks moved out along the road to Briquessard and 1st Tanks followed them out, the move was completed without enemy interference.


The unit arrived back at the leaguer area 733615. Vehicles were replenished, and "B" & "C" Squadrons were moved to hold flank between Les Orailles at 764668, and Parfourn L' Eclin. 748635.


Regiment moved to leaguer at 633646.

16 Jun




CO talked to the Regiment reviewing the last three days action.

17 Jun

The flank being shortened, it was held by one Squadron, Squadrons took daily turns of duty. "C" on duty 17 June were not in contact with the enemy, although their forward post was 756652.



18 Jun


"A" Squadron relieved by "C" Squadron.



19 Jun

"B" Squadron relieved "A" Squadron.

20 Jun

"C" Squadron relieved "B" Squadron.

21 Jun

"A" Squadron relieved "C" Squadron.

There was very little activity on our front at this time.

22 Jun

"A" Squadron continued on duty.

23 Jun


Squadron of4 CLY relieved "A" Squadron.


CO talked to the unit on general war situation.



  to   Normal field routine.  
  26 Jun      

27 Jun


Lt. Col Carver DSO told the unit he was leaving to command 4th Armoured Brigade. He left at once since the 4th Armoured Brigade was in action at that time.

Major E H Gibbon DSO promoted Lt/Col to assume command of 1 RTR. Major C L Sproull MC promoted to 2i/c . Major J J Dingwell appointed CO "C" Squadron.

28 Jun

Normal routine.

29 Jun


"C" Squadron carried out an exercise with Corps Infantry using 38 Set.

30 Jun


"B" Squadron carried out exercise with infantry using 38 set..





July 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col E H Gibbon DSO

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Jul



    1200 Unit moved to leaguer area Ellon 798734, as it was now in reserve. Rest of day spent settling down and straightening up the area.  

2 Jul

) Normal routine. 

  3 Jul   ) Much thought was given to problem of infantry co-operation with tanks.   
  4 Jul   ) Officers of the unit discussed the matter with officers of Queens Brigade, and much exercising was done with troops of the Queens.  
  5 Jul   )  

6 Jul.

Normal routine.

    0930 Unit inspected by GOC 7th Armoured Division, General Erskine. Normal work was not interrupted.  

7 Jul

Normal routine.


8 Jul

Normal routine.


9 Jul


Unit stood to as a precautionary mea-sur-e as forward troops were being attacked in some force by enemy tanks, The attack was held however, and at 10.00 unit stood down. Normal routine.

10 to 12 Jul

Normal routine.

13 Jul

Camouflage experts from 30 Corps visited the unit experiment on one of the tanks. The tank was painted a fairly light shade of green, which was generally agreed to be too light. Wire netting around the turret was accepted as good idea.

14 Jul

Normal routine.

15 Jul


"B" Squadron carried out a night leaguering exercise with infantry of the Queens. Squadron leaguered at dark by troops, and infantry given the task of finding and attacking them. It was found the infantry had great difficulty in finding the leaguers, and the leaguer guards could hear the infantry moving very easily.

16 Jul

Day spent in preparation of forthcoming operation. There was to be a re-organisation of 8 and 30 Corps, under which 8 Corps became armoured, with 7th Armoured Division, Guards Armoured Division, and 11 Armoured Division. The plan was for Command Infantry was to attack east of the river Orne, and clear up the south part of Caen, Faubourg de Vancelles. The armoured Corps was to follow them across the river, and attack south along the broad stretch of open country south of Caen. The attack was to be preceded by a large bomber program..


Unit leaguer area shelled during the night. Several casualties resulted.

Sheet 37/16 NE.

17 Jul


Unit moved to concentration area Rucqueville 911779. Day spent in final preparation for operation.


 CO talked to the unit. He outlined the present position and the forthcoming operation.

18 Jul


Very heavy bomber attack went in south of Caen.


Unit moved via Bieville 0573, across the river Orne, via “London Bridge" to St. Honorine La Chardonerette 0971. Thence south through Gibberville 0868.

By 18.00 "A" and "B" Squadrons were as far south as the railway line in square 0964. No real opposition was encountered, although a number of prisoners were taken from hiding in the woods.

From 18.00 onwards there were reports of enemy tanks in the area Four 0962. No fighting developed and the unit leaguered 095665 at 23.00.

19 Jul


"A" and "B" Squadrons moved out to their positions of the previous evening.


"B" Squadron advanced on the village of Four 0962, and there was heavy fighting all afternoon in that area.

Opposition was mainly from dug in anti tank guns, and there was heavy mortaring on the village by the enemy. By night fall 22.00, Four was clear and "B" Squadron remained in the village for the night. The remainder leaguered at 094647 at 23.30. The night was quiet.

20 Jul


"B" Squadron came back immediately north of RHQ which was at 094651. "A" and "C" Squadrons remained in observation north of Four. No fighting developed.


Very heavy rain storms continued all afternoon.


Unit moved north to former leaguer area 095665.

Major C L Sproull 2i/c left unit to attend Staff College course.

21 Jul

Unit remained in leaguer area. Intermittent shelling went on around the area, and was very active owing to heavy cloud.

Major 0 J W Pedraza MC arrived and was appointed 2i/c vice Major Sproull.

Captain B Smethhurst promoted Major and command "A" Squadron vice Major Crisp, wounded.

Sheet 40/14 NE;

A new plan was formulated, by which Command Infantry were to attack by artificial moon light to capture Verrieres 0560 and Rocqancourt 0558. 22nd Armoured Brigade was to follow up and capture the high ground of Lorguichon Wood at 0757.

22 Jul

Day spent in preparation for new operation.


Unit moved to concentration area at 045640

23 Jul

Fairly heavy bombing attack by Luftwaffe. Many anti personnel bombs used some of which fell in the leaguer area and caused casualties.

24 Jul


Reveille. Attack Commands went in according to plan. They secured Verrieres 0560.

Unit moved to point 72 ridge in square 03610461. Very strong opposition stopped the Command advance, no further progress was made.


Two troops of "C" Squadron pushed forward to the west of Verrieres, in which Command troops were meeting stiff opposition. It was found there was a strong enemy anti-tank position immediately north of Rocqancourt and any attempt to advance was met by very accurate armoured piecing fire. Enemy mortaring of Verrieres was very heavy, also the ridge on which the remainder of the tanks were sitting was shelled very heavily by mortars and nebelwerfers all day.


It was decided "C" Squadron’s position at Verrieres was untenable as they were sustaining very heavy casualties. They were therefore withdrawn. During the afternoon the enemy was observed forming up for a counter-attack, but valuable support from Typhoons broke these up. A VCP was attached to RHQ all day and through him very valuable air support by Typhoons was available..


Tanks without "A" Echelon leaguered 050617. The night was passed very quietly, although enemy tanks were in Verrieres during the night, they went away without fighting.

25 Jul


Tanks moved out to positions on the ridge. During the morning the unit was relieved by 5 RTR Squadron by Squadron. The relief was completed by 13.00.

The unit remained in the former leaguer area 045640.

26 Jul

) The unit remained in the same area, their role being support in case of counter-attack by the enemy. Intermittent shelling went on in and around the leaguer area. 

  27 Jul   ) There was activity by the Luftwaffe every night.  
  28 Jul   ) These days were spent in maintenance and recovery of KO'd tanks.  
Sheet 37/16 NW

29 Jul


Representatives of 4th Command Canadian Armoured Brigade, who were to relieve the unit visited RHQ.


Unit relieved by 4th Command CDN Armoured Brigade. The unit moved back through Caen, via Bretville L'Orgeilleuse at 9271, and St Leger 8675, to the area Ellon 8073, leaguer at 800732. 21.00 all vehicles in leaguer.

30 Jul

Day spent preparing for new operation which was to go through 43 Division who had broken through south of Caumont.

31 Jul

Maintenance and preparation for operation.


CO’s conference in which the operation was outlined and discussed. 7th Armoured Division was now back in 30 Corps. 

      The Divisional objectives were either Mont Pincon, or Aunay-sur-Odon.   



August 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col E H Gibbon DSO

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Aug

The unit moved from leaguer area Ellon to map ref 725595; arrived 12.00.

At 15.00 Regiment moved behind 131 Brigade through Caumont 705594, SE through Cahagnes 732566 on to Robin X roads 758533. Leaguered for the night.

Sheet NW Bayeux.5

2 Aug

"C" Squadron moved east to the area of Sauques 775520 where determined opposition was encountered. There was much AP fire and mortaring and about 11.00 "C" Squadron had to withdraw. It was then decided to put in a small set piece attack with artillery and infantry co-operation. This was started at 17.00 on a feature north of Sanques at 780526. This was taken by "C" Squadron. The tanks remained in this position for the remainder of the night while the rest of the Regiment leagued in the area of Robin X roads. 758533.

3 Aug


5 RTR took over from the Regiment. in the area of Sauques and continued to push east against determined opposition. The Regiment. remained in reserve at the Robin X roads, with "B" Squadron in the area 761524 maintaining observation to the Southwest and the day past quietly.

4 Aug


Regiment remained in reserve at Robin X roads.

5 Aug


The enemy was thought to have pulled right out to the east and the Regiment with 22nd Armoured Brigade was to follow in the direction of Aunay-sur-Odon.


The Regiment moved out from Robin X roads to La Poste - Maison Celles - Pelvey - Longvillers - Courvaudon and Bonnemaison to the ridge Butte de la Ruelle. "A" and "B" Squadron took position on this ridge for the remainder of the night. RHQ and "C" Squadron leaguered . 858495. There had been no contact during the day.

6 Aug


When the morning mist lifted "A" and "B" Squadron pushed on, "A" Squadron to the X roads L'Accard 872458 and "B" Squadron to the area of village Campandre Valcongrain . 861461. There was very heavy mortaring on both these positions, also on the road from Vallee westwards.


The road from Vallee westwards was at 868475. No further progress was made from the stated positions for the rest of the day.

RHQ Leaguered with the 1/7 Queens 868475.

7 Aug


The plan for the day was for the 22nd Armoured Brigade with Hussars leading to push on south towards Conde-sur-Noireau. The unit to remain in position as the previous day as a firm basis and was shelled and mortared intermittently for the rest of the day. Encountered heavy opposition and could only progress to the area of Cauville.


Orders were received from 22 Armoured Brigade to pull out at first light the following day for a rest.

8 Aug


Unit moved through Campanire Valcongrain and through Roucalvs to rest area north of Mount Pincon 835465. Unit arrived 10.00. Remainder of the day spent on maintenance.

9 Aug


Normal Field Routine. Maintenane and refitting.

10 Aug


Reveille. Normal Field Routine.

11 Aug


Unit was visited by LtGen Horrocks, Comd 30 Corps, who talked to officers and senior NCOs on the general situation in France. He said that it was highly enocuraging.

12 Aug


Reveille. Normal Field Routine.


Unit was visited by the new Bde Comd, Brig Mackeson who talked to each Sqn in turn on the war situation.

13 Aug


Reveille, normal field routine.

14 Aug


Reveille; normal field routine. Orders were reeived that the unit was to go under command 1 Cdn Coprs, and to move on the folowing day to the area East of Caen.

15 Aug



    1000 Unit moved from Mount Pincon to x roads at L’Accard 871458, Vallee 8747, St.Honorine du Fay 9356, Lare La Ville 0157, Cintheaux 0754, to a leaguer area at 105545 where it arrived 2000 hrs.  

16 Aug


Reveille. Unit stayed all day at leaguer area St Sylvain. Normal field routine.

17 Aug


Reveille. Normal field routine. Lt Col E H Gibbon DSO left the Regiment and Lt/Col P R C Hobart assumed command.

18 Aug




Regiment moved east through Maizieres 1749, Ernes 1949 to 215493, where it arrived at 2100 hrs.


Leaguered fro ight at 215493.

19 Aug




Regt moved from leaguer area through St Pierre sur Dives top a leaguer area at Carel, arriving at 1800 hrs. All vehicles in the area were continuously and effectively srtaffed by RAF planes during the afternoon, despite all attempts to stop them through higher formations.


Bombing attack by GAF. Many anti-personnel bombs dropped in the leaguer area, causing a number of casualties.

20 Aug

The Regiment moved from Carel to Boissey 3275 arriving at 11.00 hrs.

    1400 Regt moved on as 131 (Queens) Bde were pushing steadily on towards Livarot.  
    1530 Arrived at Livarot and received orders to push on east as far as possible before the night.  
    1600 Advanced from Livarot "A" Squadron leading. The Regiment followed 5 RTR to the x roads at 509754 and then went N to Pt 182, 495794. Squns found very little opposition and carried on after dark to reach the objective about midnight.  

21 Aug


Reveille;"C" Squadron pushed on to the area St Michael de la Lieue at 5284, which they reached about 12.00 hrs. Considerable damage was inflicted on the enemy. "B" Squadron were then ordered to take the high ground and secure crossings over the stream. They pushed on to the high ground but could get no further due to much anti-tank fire and stayed on the high ground for the night.


"A" and "C" Squadrons leaguered either side of the road. In square 5183.

22 Aug

"C" Squadron ordered to push on through Lisieux and try to get on to the high ground to the east of the town in square 5488. This operation was not a success as the town was far from clear. "C" Squadron managed to get to the start line running through 537880, but after some casualties they came back to their previous position and the position remained as before.

23 Aug -

The plan now was for the 51st (Highland) Div who were pushing into Lisieux from the north to clear the town which they were to do by 07.00. A and C Squadrons were then to push through the town to take the high ground to the east.


This operation started and was successful. The tanks established themselves around 545880 and 543874 with B Sqn remaining on the ridge at 535842. Lisieux was still not clear all day, however, and there were many MG posts and snipers there.

    2200 There were indications that the enemy was withdrawing and the sqns remained in position all night.  

24 Aug


Reveille. All indications were that the enemy had pulled out of Lisieux.

    01700  RHQ moved forward to 534865.  
    1000 22 Armd Bde were ordered to follow up the enemy as fast as possible. 5 DG were to lead the advance and 1 RTR to follow the Bde in reserve.  

The Regiment moved through Lisieux and east along the main road to x-roads 703863 where it turned north through St Aubin de Scellon 716890, La Favril 759920, Giverville to the area Notre Dame D'Epins where it leaguered for the night.

Map Lisieux/Bernay Sheet 8/F

25 Aug



    1400 "B" Squadron was ordered to the area of North of St Georges du Vievre and around Le Quesney 840000, some quite determined opposition was encountered thought to be from the same SS Troops that were around Lisieux.  

After sustaining some casualties "B" Squadron was ordered to pull out south of the thickly wooded area in which they were operating and maintain observation in the area St Perrier des Ifs at 835988.

Map Sheet 8F/2 2200

"B" Squadron leaguered in St Georges de Vievre at 8096. Remainder of Regiment leaguered in the same area as the previous night. During the night 1 RTR was put under the command of 131 Lorried Infantry Brigade and the plan was to push on over the river Risle to Routot at 9210.

Map Sheet 8e16.

26 Aug



    0830 The unit moved to cross the river Risle at Pont Authou 8895 thence to 928962. At 1300 hrs, Regt was ordered to push through Glos-sur-Risles 8798, Montford-sur-Risles, 8601 and thence to cut roads leading East from Routot. Opposition was encountered by C Squadron in Brestot 8807 and "A" Squadron which moved round to the east was also held up. "A” and "C" Squadron leaguered in battle positions. HQ and "B" Squadron in area 8806.  

27 Aug

Fighting all day in the area Southwest of Routot, opposition was determined and casualties were fairly heavy.


Nightfall, the Squadron leaguers were all north of the main lateral road, and one Troop of "B" Squadron had reached the road running east from Routot at 910105. There was indications that the enemy was pulling out.

Sheet 8e/6.

28 Aug



At first light (05.30) the Squadrons moved out to the positions of the previous night and it became evident that the enemy had pulled out. The Sqns remained in the position all day and patrols reported the area clear as far north as La Foret de Brotonne.

Sheet 8F/ 1.

At 15.00 the Regiment began to pull out for a short rest in the area 783022.


 move completed and maintenance in progress.

Sheet 8F/4

29 Aug


Maintenance continued. Orders received to move in the afternoon at 14.30 to the village of Boslon at 0778; arrived at 20.00 and leaguered for the night.

Sheet 7 1:25,000 Rouen  Paris.

30 Aug


Reveille. Maintenance and normal field routine. Plans were being made for a long move across the Seine and Somme rivers. Orders for the move were issued by the CO at 20.00. The tanks were to carry 40 gallons of tinned petrol on the engine covers. Move to start at 05.30 hrs.

31 Aug


Regiment moved through Louviers 28, Lyon la Foret 40, to west of Gournay 61.





September 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col O.R.C. Hobart OBE. MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
Sheet 4 1/250,00. Le HAVRE  AMIENS.

1 Sep


Reveille. Regiment moved from leaguer area to cross roads at 7347 arriving about midday. Here orders were received to halt to allow 53 Division to pass though, this process went on all afternoon and evening. At 23.00 the Regiment leaguered at cross roads 7347. During the night orders were received to continue the advance at first light the following morning.


2 Sep


Reveille The Regiment moved through Hornoy at 8245, Molliens Vidane at 8958 and across the river Somme at Picquigny 9965 and on through Vignacourt 0472, Leger les Donart to the area of the cross roads at 0483 south of Vernaville where the unit halted for an hour.


Orders were received for the unit to push on at all speed, by-passing enemy resistance to the north roads at Couchy at 2525. This was to be reached by night fall. Resistance was met south of St Pol at 1513 and the unit was ordered to by-pass the town.

1 Battalion Rifle Bde came under command at 15.30. The CO gave his orders and the advance started. The objective was reached at 24.00 and a firm base was made around it with “C" Company 1 Rifle Bde and CC Battery RHA who were under command.

During the advance many small parties of enemy were encountered who were brushed aside or by-passed only to re-appear as soon as the regimental group had passed by. The night passed fairly quietly, but there was some sniping and Spandau fire which the Rifle Bde dealt with in the early morning.

3 Sep

Reveille. The regimental unit was ordered to push on through Lillers and secure crossings over the Aire at Lys Canals. The enemy was still in Lillers but the armour, guns and Rifle Bde got through very quickly and by mid-morning troops were on the line of the Aire Canal. All bridges were found blown, except one, which was blown as soon as our troops were seen. A wooden bridge was blown when a Dingo patrol was approximately 200 yards away. Recce patrols were put along the south bank of the canal.

In the meantime two replenishment lorries returning to "M" Echelon were brewed up by mortar fire in Pernes at 2323 and it was found an enemy pocket had established itself in the town during the night, a troop of B Squadron was sent to deal with this pocket together with some of the Rifle Bde.

3 Sep


There was still parties of enemy with machine guns, bazookas and mortars in the area between Lillers and the canal, and a squadron of tanks with "C" Company Rifle Bde were detailed to clear these up during the afternoon. The remainder of 1 Rifle Bde were some way to the south, cut off from the Regiment by enemy pockets across the Centre Line.


Orders were received to withdraw through Lillers and move to secure canal crossing north of Bethune at 3927. After a number of counter orders the plan was eventually put into operation when 1 Rifle Bde moved through Lillers to take up a position covering the road to the east and then withdraw the whole group through the town and through 1 Rifle Bde, and press on to secure crossings at Hinges at 3931, Locon at 4331, and Estaire 4639.


The withdrawal was successfully completed and the leading tanks had reached Locon and were well on the way to Estaire. Midnight one squadron reached the bridge at Estaire which was blown and the rest of the group was established at Locon and two squadrons deployed to engage enemy moving Northeast out of Bethune. "C" Company 1 Rifle Bde remained holding the bridge at Hinges.

4 Sep


Reveille. The Regimental Group remained in the area until late afternoon. Considerable damage was inflicted on the enemy during the day, especially on transport moving north out of Bethune.


The group was ordered to withdraw to an area south of Bethune since the rest of the Brigade was well on the way to Ghent. The only way to do this was to go across the Hinges bridges and then go south. The withdrawal was started and the guns and two squadrons had already got to Hinges when the counter order came to return to Locon and hold the bridge there at all costs. The rearguard squadron had been counter marched and had just got back in position, when the next counter order was received that the Locon bridge was to be evacuated and the Hinges bridge to be held at all cost.


By this time it was nearly last light. Hinges was held by two squadrons of tanks and 1 Rifle Bde until 04.00 on 5.9.44 when the whole was relieved by infantry of the 53 Division.

5 Sep


The Group concentrated in reserve south of Bethune. By this time communications with 22nd Armoured Brigade were non-existant owing to distance.

The group came under command of 12 Corps who were the only Headquarters near by. The leaguer area was at 391162. the remainder of the day was spent on maintenance.

6 Sep

Heavy rain until afternoon. At 15.00 unit moved to Sainsen Gohelle at 3817 where billets were provided for all troops.


Maintenance and recreation. Orders were received from 12 Corps that no movement was permitted owing to petrol situation, Therefore, the unit should not join the rest of the Brigade which was around Ghent.

8 Sep

Normal routine.


9 Sep

Normal routine.


10 Sep

Normal routine. In the evening orders were received from 7th Armoured Division to move the next morning to join the rest of the Brigade.

Sheet 43 Wetteren 1:50,000

11 Sep


Regiment moved through Lens 5315, Carvin 6l2l, Pedcq at 8941, Audenard 09582, Haltbunder 349677, arriving at 18.00. The Commanding Officer and Adjutant at once made contact with 22 Armoured Brigade Headquarters which was at Lede at 3669.

Sheet 43 Wetteren & Sheet 3 Antwerp 1:100,00

12 Sep

Unit remained in same area. Day spent on maintenance.

13 Sep




Unit moved through Termonde at 4576, Boom at 6482, Rumpst at 6880, to Wavre St Catherine 16.00 arrived, Regiment leaguered in the area 735798.

14 Sep

Reveille 06.00. Weather was bad and it was decided to move into billets at Wavre St Catherine 7379. this took place during the morning. There was a dance for British troops in the village hall in the evening.

15 Sep

Reveille. Normal routine. Orders were received for the Regiment to take over the defence of the Albert Canal the next day.

Sheet 3 Antwerp 1:100,000

16 Sep


Reveille.  The unit moved out through Duffel 7482, Lierre at 7886, Kessel at 8286, RHQ went to 883863. "A" Squadron took over the defence of the Albert Canal, including the bridge at 9932 to track at 895913, with HQ at 866896. "B" Squadron was responsible for the sector from the bridge at 967895 to track at 016872 with their HQ at Wout 9786, the gap was covered by Infantry of the Division. "C" Squadron was in reserve at 892858.

During the afternoon patrols of Recce Troop probed north up the road from Herenthout 9186 to the canal and encountered parties of enemy infantry with machine guns who tried during the evening to make their way south of the canal. These were effectively stopped and beaten up. The Regiment remained in these positions all night.

17 Sep


Ssub units remained in position on the canal. The enemy tried during the morning to get back south of the canal again north of Herenthout, but a troop of tanks were sent to deal with them, which they did effectively. The rest of the day past quietly.

18 Sep


RHQ moved out to Morkhoven and established them selves in billets 965852. During the morning the Squadrons and Recce Troop pulled out and established themselves in billets around RHQ. The Regiment was now in reserve.

19 Sep

Normal routine.

  20 Sep   Normal routine.  

21 Sep


Regiment moved out of Morkhoven to Osterbo at 0782 and billeted in a Convent. Normal routine. HQ was at 069824.

Sheet 4 Maeseyck 1:100,000

22 Sep


Regiment moved from Osterbo to Moll at 1690, arriving at 11.00. The troops were satisfactorily billeted and entertainment arranged for those in this town. RHQ was at 172907.

23 Sep


Normal routine.


Orders were received to move at first light the next morning to the area of Eindhoven.

Sh 5 1:1000,000

24 Sep


Regiment move to area Veldhoven at 3714 and leaguered around RHQ which was at 365135 arriving at 11.00.


Regiment moved through Eindhoven to 418215. It was last light by this time and as the unit leaguered it was raining very heavily.

25 Sep

Unit remained in position all day awaiting orders.

26 Sep


The Regiment moved up the Divisional Centre Line to 436306 South East of St Odenrode, here the vehicles were parked just off the road. "B" Squadron under command of 131 Brigade was sent to probe up the road towards Olland at 3833. They reached the area of 406327 and there encountered a number of enemy infantry armed with machine guns and bazookas. The going was very bad on each side of the road and when a troop went forward the leading tank was promptly bazookaed. The Squadron therefore remained in observation until 18.00 , when they leaguered for the night at 417326. Infantry of 131 Brigade took over the forward positions.

27 Sep


The Regiment moved again up the centre line towards Veghel at 4837 and leaguered at 487376.


"A" Squadron was ordered to advance towards Dinther at 4341 under command of 131 Brigade. This was done with little opposition and the forward troops passed through Dinther to road at junction at 429418 and then south to the canal bridge at 425410.


"A" Squadron then took up position to observe while artillery fire was directed at numerous enemy in the woods south of the canal.


"C" Squadron and HQ moved up the road towards Dinther but it was found that no further offensive operations were required by command 131 Brigade, they moved back again, RHQ going 485379, the Regiment and "C" Squadron remained in their respective positions for the remainder of the day.

28 Sep


The Regiment minus "A" Squadron was ordered to move up the centre line towards Uden at 5342 to Nisterlrode at 4947. The move was started but then countermanded and the unit had to return to its previous position in Veghel. This was an awkward proceedure as the centre line was jammed with vehicles going both ways.


Uunit back at leaguer area at Veghel and remained there for the rest of the day. "A" Squadron remained as before and had a quiet day.

29 Sep


Regiment moved through Dinther and Loosproek at 450460 to 473447 where the CO gave his orders. The Regimental task was to cut the road between Dinther and s'Hertogenbosch.


 "C" Squadron was to contact 5 RTR tanks which had reach 400451 and then to push south to cut the road at 392440. "B" Squadron was to protect the right flank of the Regiment by moving on to the area Corso at 388473.


Squadrons moved out to perform these tasks. "C” Squadron reached the stream and track crossing at 39444 and there found enemy with bazookas, also there was 88mm armoured piercing fire and mortar fire coming from south of the canal. One "C" Squadron tank was brewed and one hit by bazooka, "C" Squadron therefore remained in their position for the remainder of the day. "B" Squadron reached the area Corso successfully and took up a position of observation, shooting up many enemy infantry and directing fire from CC Battery RHA.


RHQ and Recce Troop went up to 416444 where they remained for the rest of the day.


"A" Squadron with a Battalion of 131 Brigade now tried to push west along the Dinther /s'Hertogenbosch road to link up with "C" Squadron. Going was difficult owing to intense enemy artillery fire from the left of the canal, but they succeeded in getting visual contact during the afternoon, their forward troops were at 403430.


Last light. "B" & "C" Squadrons pulled out and leaguered around RHQ at 416444. Infantry of the 1/6 Queens took over the forward positions for the night. "A" Squadron remained in position at Heeswijk at 4241.

Sh 11 SW


30 Sep


At first light Squadrons moved again into their positions of the previous day, and remained all day shooting up enemy infantry and directing artillery fire. A number of casualties were sustained due to enemy mortar fire which was very accurate.


In the afternoon orders were received that we were to pull out with the exception of "A" Squadron at last light.


HQ & Recce Troop moved to 445446 and "B" & "C" Squadrons leaguered close by at last light.


131 Brigade took over the forward positions. "B" Squadron remained as previous night.

At this time Lieutenant Colonel P R C Hobart was in command.





October 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col O.R.C. Hobart OBE. MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Oct


Regiment move from area Ruken 439445 to Hees at 4850. Regiment was leagued around RHQ which was at 483511. 

Sheet 11 SW   1400 Regt was now in counter attack role, and in the afternoon Squadron Commanders recced battle positions to take up in the case of counter attack.  
S'HERTOGENBOSCH   2000 COs conferernce to discuss results of Sqn Recce's  
1:25000 2 Oct 0530 Reveille & Stand to Normal routine  
Sheet 1 NW   1400 RHQ moved to 470567  
OSS 3 Oct 0530 Reveile and Stand To. Normal Routine. Orders received to take over the line from 5 D.G. on the following day.  

4 Oct



Sheet 11 SW



Recce Troop moved out to take over from Recce Troop 5 Dragoon Guards. The remainder of the Regiment moved out in the following order.


0900    -    “B” Squadron   1000    -    "C" Squadron.   1030    -    RHQ   1100    -    "A" Squadron.

The deployment of the Regiment was as follows.

RHQ 453523. "B" Squadron 449523. "C" Squadron 449522, each with troops in battle positions.

"A" Squadron was at 450522 with troops at 492519, 429509, 440505.

Recce Troop operated out in front of the Squadrons, its HQ being at 434511. Recce troop’s task was to harass the enemy. Much of this was done on foot. The enemy held Nuland at 4050 and the general line of the road running south east to 414494. At night Recce Troop pulled out and leaguered around RHQ. Infantry of 1 Rifle Bde joined forward tank positions and "B" Echelon. Purpose to mount infantry positions on the road between RHQ and Geffen at about 441525. CC Battery RHA had DF tasks.

5 Oct


Reveille .Recce Troop moved out to take up its position. The day passed quietly.

    1830 Recce Troop leaguered with RHQ.  

6 Oct


Reveille Recce Troop moved out as for the day before. At 00.30 

    0830 A Honey tank probing down road Hess - s'Hertogenbosch was bazooked at 405495. The enemy brewed up this tank the following night. The rest of the day was spent quietly.  

7 Oct


Routine as for previous day. A quiet day/

    1830 Recce Tp leaguered up as usual.  
  8 Oct 0530 Reveille. Routine as before. N.T.R.  
  9 Oct 0530 Reveille. Recce Tp moved out  

9 Oct


Recce Troop was relieved by Recce Troop 5 Dragoon Guards. The Regiment moved back to same positions as before in Hess, RHQ at 470507.

1:25000 10 Oct 0630

Reveille. Maintenance and normal routine

Sheet 11 SE OSS

11 Oct


Reveille. Normal routine Orders received to relief 5 DG the following day.


12 Oct



Sheet 11 SW


  0700 Recce troop moved out to take over from 5 Dragoon Guards. Remainder of Regiment took up positions as before. The plan of defence was the same, but Squadrons moved their HQ slightly as it was considered a certain amount of information was being passed to the enemy by civilians. The remainder of the day passed quietly.  
  1830 Recce Tp leaguered with RHQ

13 Oct


Reveille. Recce Tp moved out. A quiet day

    0630 Recce Tp leaguered up.  

14 Oct


The enemy attempted an attack on Geffen at 4251 coming in from the north over the railway line. The motor platoon of 1 Rifle Bde dealt with this satisfactorily and the enemy was despatched with casualties. He was found to left behind 12 boxes of dynamite. It seemed likely that the object of his operation was to blow down Geffen church tower which he thought was being used as an OP.

    0730  Reveille. Recce Tp moved out as usual.  

The motor platoon in Geffen captured a prisoner at 419521 who stated that a party of Germans had dug in along a track running south west from that position.


One Company Refle Bde put in an attack on the enemy position which gave up quickly, 17 prisoners were taken including one RSM, two Germans were killed. The remainder of the day passed quietly.

15 Oct


Reveille. Recce Troop moved out as usual. Whilst n patrol in the morning, a Recce Tp Offrr was wounded by enemy small arms fire.

    1830 Recce Tp leaguered.  
  16 Oct 0530 Reveille. Recce Troop moved out.  



Relief by 5 DG proceeded as hitherto. Regiment went back to Hess with RHQ at 470507.


17 Oct


Normal routine.

Sheet 11 SE OSS 18 Oct 0630 Normal routine.  

19 Oct


Plans were now under way for a large scale operation to clear the whole of the German salient south of the river Mass. Conferences were held with Squadron Leaders.

20 Oct


Normal routine.

21 Oct




Sheet 11 SW



Regiment moved to concentration area at Rufken at 4344. RHQ was at 437448 and the Squadrons close by. Squadron positions as follows:- "C" Squadron was to take up battle position to provide right flank protection, "B" Squadron to operate in support of 1/6 Queens Regiment to attack in the direction of Doornhoerk at 3844. "A" Squadron was ordered to push out the area 8346 and there to be prepared give support towards the north towards Loovaart at 3846 or to the south towards Berlicum at 3745. Large scale artillery support was available, harassing fire commenced at 20.00 and went on all night.


22 Oct


Reveille. The operation started. "C" Squadron moved out to a battle position in the area 400459, they met very slight opposition, and were mortared slightly..

  1000  "B" Squadron joined 1/6 Queens and their operation started at 10.30 hrs
       "A" Squadron was not used and remained in leaguer by RHQ.  
    1830 At last light 1/6 Queens with "B" Squadron had reached the area of Doornhoerk 3844 and Squadrons leaguered in their positions for the night.  

23 Oct


Reveille. "B" Squadron continued to operate with the Queens. At 10.00 "A" Squadron was ordered to perform their task. It was found impractical as the going was very soft and tanks bogged down very easy. This manoeuvre was called off. RHQ moved to 398449.


Last light, Squadrons leaguered in positions they had during the day. "B" Squadrons now reached the final objective for this phase the operation and were in the area Berlicum at 3745.

24 Oct

The infantry Division operating on our right had reached during the night the outskirts of Hintham at 3447 and from a geographical point of view it was clear the Division could be of no further use in this sector. Orders were received for the Regiment to concentrate in the area of Rufken at 4344.


The Regiment moved across Dinther Bridge 425409 to leaguer in the area Houtert at 412406 arriving at 19.30.

25 Oct

The Brigade was now directed on Udenhout with the Regiment in reserve. The manoeuvre started at first light but went somewhat slowly.


Orders were received that no move was expected until the next day.


26 Oct

Regimental Group moved to 327367 in the area of Boxtel, while 5 tanks (5 RTR) cleared Helvoirt at 2640.


1:25000 Sh 17 N.E. TILBERG


Regiment moved across the Esch Bridge and through Hessaker at 3827, Molenstraat 3728, to Elvoirt 2740, here it passed through 5 Tanks and pushed west through Laar at 24402 to Houdenhout 2037. The outskirts of Houdenhout were reached without much opposition, but the enemy reacted when the Squadrons started to moved around the town to take up defence positions and some sharp fighting with infantry occurred, in the course of this two Cromwells were bazooked and a German Colonel Commanding 1036 Grenadier Regiment was shot up and severely wounded.

1:2500 Sh S.E. 1800

Last light the situation was fairly in hand, and "C" Company 1 Rifle Bde came up to aid the tanks in the defence of the town. "A" Squadron went to the area 213375. "B" Squadron to 200382. "C" Squadron at 198173.


8 Hussars came up to the town to pass through and go on to Loon op Zand at 1359 at first light next morning. The rest of the night passed without incident.

27 Oct


Reveille and Stand to at reveille. 8th Hussars passed through towards Loon op Zand. The Squadrons pushed out. "A” Squadron to the main Tilburg road at 224358. "B" Squadron to 192392. "C" Squadron to 194362.


RHQ moved to 204378. 8th Hussars found the going slow towards Loon op Zand and determined opposition was encountered and by mid afternoon they had reached the outskirts of the town and infantry of the 1st Highland Division went in in the evening and cleared the place up.


A" Squadron moved to Houtschestraat at 179381 ready for passing through next morning and going on to Oosterhout.


Sheet 11 SW


28 Oct 0530

Reveille. First light Regimental Group lead by "A" Squadron passed through Houtschestraas 179381 along the east west road to 157380, and then north to Loon op Zand and on west along the axis the road to Moier at 115396. "A" and "B" Squadrons were deployed in front of "C" Squadron in reserve. A fair number of infantry were encountered and mopped up without a great deal of trouble. A certain amount of trouble came from SP Guns firing AP but good progress was made. By 15.00 the tanks had reached the cross roads at 105397, and there turned NNW towards Klein and Dongen at 1742. They reached the villages by last light and pushed on just north of them. Four Anti-Tank Guns including two SP Guns and a considerable of enemy vehicles were destroyed during the day, and about 60 prisoners of war taken. A signal of congratulation on the good work done by the Regiment was received from Divisional Command.


RHQ moved onto 184420


The Squadrons leaguered up in the positions they reached. 1/7 Queens came under command. They placed one company forward of each Squadron and were to push on to the river Donge with patrols during the night to investigate whether the bridges were intact and if so to secure. This was not in fact carried out. The night passed quietly.

29 Oct

Recce Troop pushed out patrols and found the bridge at 158420 was intact and the one at 161428 was blown although fit for a scissors bridge. This was laid down as quickly as possible and the Squadrons passed over it. "B" Squadron took the northern road through Horst at 0442, and "A" Squadron went on to the south to Heikant at 0341, "A" Squadron pushed on without much trouble and reached 015414. By this time Recce Troop had been through the towns of Dongen and Ousterhout and found them virtually cleared.


"B" Squadron met trouble on the northern route in the shape of AP fire which KO'd two of their tanks. However, the anti-tank guns were destroyed and the Squadron went north to Haven 1043. All the bridges were blown over the Wilhelmina canal.


By last light the situation was satisfactory and the town (Oosterhout) clear. RHQ was at 112420, and the Squadrons with infantry of 131 Brigade took up positions in defence of the town, "B" Squadron to the north and "C" Squadron to the south. "A" Squadron back at Heistraat at 133419.

Sheet 10 South West Oosterhout

30 Oct

Reveille. Squadrons remained in position, except "B" Squadron pushed on the canal in the area Haven at 1043. Recce Troop had two patrols out, one at 015449 and one to the bridge at 024464. There was a certain amount of shelling on the town of Oosterhout itself causing casualties to civilians. There were enemy snipers on the western bank of the Wilhelmina opposite Haven. They were engaged by our infantry.

31 Oct

Reveille, situation as yesterday.





November 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col O.R.C. Hobart OBE. MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices

1 Nov


Reveille. The Regiment remained in position at Oosterhout at 0042. RHQ was at 006424 and the Squadrons nearby in the town. Two patrols from Recce Troop were sent out. One troop went to 009451 and the other to 023465. "B" Squadron had a troop of tanks deployed along the canal in the area 003433. Enemy snipers were active on the other side of the canal. These positions were maintained during the day. The centre of Oosterhout was shelled at intervals during the day, a few casualties to soldiers, but more amongst the civilians resulted.


At last light the recce patrols were withdrawn and infantry and personnel of "B" Echelon were put out at 998424. The night was quiet.

2 Nov

Recce patrols and tanks move into positions as yesterday. The town was again shelled intermittently.


At last light the recce patrols were withdrawn and the infantry posts manned. The night was quiet.

3 Nov


Reveille. Tanks and patrols went out as usual. Poles on the western side of town were now attacking northwards. They secured two bridgeheads across the east/west canal in the area 9842 9942 and had made some progress northwards by the end of the day. There was much less shelling today.


The tanks and patrols were withdrawn. The infantry posts took over. The infantry posts were put out on this occasion at 999425, 998424, 998428. The first one was manned by 11 Hussars personnel.

4 Nov


Tanks and patrols took up their positions. The Polish attack continued and made good progress, and had reached the outskirts of GERTERTUIDENBERG and MAINE. The immediate result was the cessation of the shelling of OOSTERHOUT.


Tanks and patrols were withdrawn. The infantry posts were not manned in view of the Polish progress.


5 Nov


Reveille . Recce patrols were put out at 009451, 023465. The Poles continued their operation clearing GERTERTUIDENBERG , and cleared the country north to the south bank of the Maas River. There was no more shelling of OOSTERHOUT

Sheet 4 0900

A church service held in the local Protestant Church. This was a special service of remembrance for the soldiers of the Regiment who had fallen in battle. Very well attended.

Holland   1200 Orders were issued by the Bde Comd, 22 Armd Bde, to take over the line of the R Maas, with 1 RTR in reserve, and to stay in OOSTERHOUT. 1 RB took over the sector 105485 to RAAMSDONCK. This move took place during the afternoon and left the Regt without operational responsibility. No further patrols were put out.  
    1830 Patrols withdrawn at last light.  

6 Nov

Normal routine

7 Nov


Normal routine. 

    1830 A Regtl Dance was held in the local dance hall. This was appreciated by all ranks and arrangements were made to hold dances regularly.  
  8 Nov   Reveille. Normal routine.  
  9 Nov   Reveille. Normal routine.  
      Regtl Dance.  
1:100,000 10 Nov 0700 Reveille. Normal routine.  
Sheet 4 11 Nov 0700 Reveille  
Holland   1830 Regtl Dance.  

12 Nov



    0900 Church service in local Protestant church. Orders were received to move the following day to the area of Casterle preparatory to moving to the new Divisional area around Bree at 5084  

13 Nov



    0930 Regt moved from Oosterhout through Tilburg and south of Turnhout. Then on to Casterle where the Regt moved into billets. Communication with 22 Armd Bde was by DR only.  

14 Nov


Reveille. Normal routine. Orders received to move on to new area next day.

15 Nov



    0930 Regiment moved off eastwards to through Moll at Neerpelt on to the new leaguer area which was at Neerhoven at 5780.  
    1700 RHQ at 573807, A Sqn at 580800, b - 570803, C at 508809. The Regiment was still in reserve.  

16 Nov


Reveille. Normal routine.


17 Nov


Reveille. Normal routine.


18 Nov


Reveille. Normal routine. Sqns now started training. Wireless, driving and maintenance, gunnery courses were arranged. Lectures on gas and intelligence subjects etc. were started. Small arms training were carried out on a 30 yard range.


19 Nov


Reveille - Training.

Sh 26 & 36

20 Nov


Reveille. CAMBRAI DAY. Special issues of beer, rum were made to all ranks and the day was declared a Regtl holiday.

BELGIUM   1030 Football match, Officers V Sgts.  

21 Nov


Normal routine.

22 Nov


Reveille; Trg.

    0900 First ‘Python’ party left for Ostend  

23 Nov


Reveille, training.

    1000 Talk by SO 3 (Educ) 7 Armd Div on “British Government.”  

24 Nov


Reveille. During the morning a number of local moves took place. RHQ moved to 574803 and A Sqn came into RHQ’s old area at 573807.

25 Nov



    0930 CO talked to al officers on the subject of the Suppresion of Civilian Riots. He outlined the procedure to be adopted should the Regt ever be called to take action against hostile civilian mobs. During the evening notification was received that the CO, LtCol Hobart, OBE, MC, had been awarded the DSO.  

26 Nov



Sh 26 & 36   0900 Church Service   
BELGIUM 27 Nov 0700

Reveille. Trg.

  28 Nov 0700

Reveille. Trg.

  28 Nov 0700

Reveille. Trg.

  29 Nov 0700

Reveille. Trg.

    1500 Major General HOBART visited RHQ  
  30 Nov 0700

Reveille. Trg.




December 1944

Commanding Officer: Lt. Col O.R.C. Hobart OBE. MC.

Place Date Hour Summary of Events and Information References to Appendices
NEERHOVEN 1 Dec 0700

Reveille. Training incl I instruction

K 572803

2 Dec

0700 Reveille
Map France & Belgium


0930 C.O. conducted sand model exercise for all offrs.
 1/50.000 Sh 26 & 36 1630 Visit of Brigadiers 22 Armd Bde and 131 Bde
  3 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0730 "A" Sqn on AFV Range  
    0930 Re Martin William conducted Divine Service in NEERHOVEN  
  4 Dec 0700 Reveille. Training  
    0900 C.O,, accoumpanied by Recce Tp Ldr and I,O., attended Brig 22 Armd Bdes' orders on Op SHEARS.  
    1330 C,O, conference of sub unit comds for SHEARS.  
  5 Dec 0700 Reveille. Preparation for move.  
    1015 Visit of Lt Gen Horrocks. Sqn Ldrs, Tech Adjtt, Q.M., I.O., and Adjt introduced  
  6 Dec 0630 Reveille  
EINIGHAUSEN    1000 Moved to EINIGHAUSEN 6668 via BERG EDGE 6168 under wireless silence.  
K 660689   1130 RHQ established at 660689/ Sqns also in village. B and C Sqms left their tanks at previous location and were equipped to act dismounted.  
Map France & Belgium   1330 C.O, departed to contact regiments opposite number in Guards Armd Dib and to recce.  
 1/50.000 Sheet 48 7 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    1400 C.O.. gave preliiminary orders for future ops to sub unit comds.  
    1730 Wireless silence relaxed.  
    1800 First operational Sitrep issued  : N.T.R.  
  8 Dec 0700 Reveille  
  9 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    1200 "C" Squadron left Regtl area to go to u/c 1 RB area HOLTON 6573. Dismounted in infantry role  
  10 Dec 0700 Reveille.Normal routine.of maintenance and training  
    1800 Completion and dispatch of official Xmas cards  
  11 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0930 Drill Instruction by Drill Sgt Major from Bde or Gaurds.  
    1600 C Sqn returned from HOLTON to Regtl area and ceased to be u/c 1 RB.  
  12 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0900 Drill Instruction.  
  13 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    1245 B Sqn left Regtl area to go to u/c 1 RB area HOLTON 6573.  
  14 Dec 0700 Reveille Normal routine  
    1400 Co attended conference 22 Armd Bde.  
  15 Dec 0700 Reveille Normal routine  
    1600 B Sqn returned from HOLTON to Regtl area and ceased to be u/c 1 RB.  
  16 Dec 0700 Reveille Normal routine  
    0930 Inaugeration of a daily Regtl News Sheet.  
17 Dec 0700 Reveille
    1000 Rev Martin Wilson conducted Divine Services  
    1050 Enemy aircraft active on a small scale  
    1820 Enemy aircraft active. Dropped flares and a few bombs in general area. No cas.  
  18 Dec 0700 Reveille Normal routine  
  19 Dec 0700 Reveille Normal routine  
    1700 C.O., with I.O., attended ordrrs of Brig 131 Bde of ops ENCORE and SCORPION/  
    2015 C.O. gave verbal orders to sub unit comds.  
EINIGHAUSEN  20 Dec 0700 Reveille. Preparation of move u/c 131 Bde  
K 660689   0930 "A" Sqn moved to area 6968 and came u/c 2 Devons.  
K 706667   1130 Regt. less "A" Sqn, moved to area BROEK SITTARD 7068.  
Map France & Belgium   1215 RHQ established at 706687. B and C Sqns at same willage.  
1/50.000 Sheet 48   1400 Tanks of B and C Sqns arrived  Entire regt mounted again.  
BROEK SITTARD   1800 Six persons in American uniform apprehended and. under orders from Bde., confined to Guard Room pending investigation. (Subsequently evacuated).  
  21 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0715 Stand-to until 0800. N.T.R. Normal Routine.  
  22 Dec 0700 Reveille  
  0715 Stand-to
    0830 C Sqn moved to HILLENSBERG 718668  
    1730 C.O. held conference of sun unit comds to clarify alterations of plan and give details of alternative roles proposed for each sqn and the regt as a whole/  
  23 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0715 Stand-to. N.T.R. Normal Routine.  
K 706667 24 Dec 0700 Reveille  
Map France & Belgium   0715 Stand-to.. Normal Routine.  
1/50.000 Sheet 48 25 Dec 0700 Reveille
BROEK SITTARD   0715 Stand-to.. Xnas Day.
  1300 Xmas Dinner. Restricted celebratyion.                                            This in view of the enemy's proximity (less than 2 miles)
26 Dec 0700 Reveille
  0710 Infm recd from Bde by telephone of raid on 11 H posn at GERBOEK 6575.
  0715 Stand - to. Usual period. Normal Routine, During day "A" paased to u/c 9 D.L.I. who relived 2 DEVONS.

    1730 Stand - to until 1500. N.T.R.  
  27 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0715 Stand-to.. Normal Routine. Regtl order that all vehs would be moved a short distance every day to ensure non - freezing of tracks and wheels to ground.  
  28 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0715 Stand-to.. Normal Routine.  
  29 Dec 0700 Reveille  
    0715 Stand-to.. Normal Routine.  
30 Dec 0700 Reveille
  0715 Stand-to.. Normal Routine.
31 Dec 0700 Reveille
    0715 Stand-to.. Normal Routine.   




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